Monday 18 November 2013

What We Learned Today...November 18th

Our food web in Science today!

We kicked off our week by heading to the gym first thing this morning for the beginning of the week assembly.  During the assembly a few of our classmates spoke to the entire school about our "Teacher Makeover Fundraiser" this week and did a great jump pumping the rest of the school up.  Once we got back to the classroom the students had a brief AR period before starting ELA at 10:00.  In ELA students began to work on their "I Need a Hero Assignment" that tasked them with finding a video on Youtube that represents heroism.  Students then needed to document the different traits that the Hero possessed and explain in a paragraph why they believe this person deserves the title "Hero".  We will work on these assignments tomorrow morning and students will begin presenting their video to the rest of the class in the afternoon. 

In Grade 8 Math the students wrote their Unit 3 Exam.  I have finished marking all the exams and I am very impressed with how well our class did on this exam.  The class average was in the 80's which is absolutely amazing.  Well done everyone!

After lunch the students had Phys. Ed and did some circuit training before playing a few games.  In Science we continued to learn about Food Chains and Food Webs and the students actually created their own food web in the middle of our classroom.  During the last hour of the day the students had Health and they went over their exams from last week before beginning their Humility Assignment.

* Remember to bring donations to school this week if you would like to support the Philippines and give one of our staff members a make over at the next assembly!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:

Saint Research Assignment due Wednesday, November 20th

Pg. 128
a) 4,5, 6, 8, 9
b) 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12
c) 4, 6, 9, 12, 14, 15

-There is no school on November 22nd (TPD Day)

-Report Cards go out on November 26th

-Parent/Teacher interviews are on November 28 and 29.

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