Thursday 14 November 2013

What We Learned Today...November 14th

Working on their fundraiser posters!

We kicked off our day today with the usual AR period from 9:08 to 9:38.  Speaking of AR, the student's will have their well deserved AR Movie party tomorrow morning to celebrate reaching their goal for the second consecutive month.  Well done everyone!  In ELA we compared the heroic traits displayed by Perseus, Jason and Theseus from their respective myths.  Students were also given an assignment at the end of class that tasks them with finding a video on youtube that represents heroism and identifying the heroic traits present.  We will continue to work on this during class tomorrow and students will present on Monday. 

In Grade 8 Math the students were given an outline of what is on their Unit Exam as well as what to study to help from prepare.  I highly recommend that students use the chapter review and practice test from their textbook as well as their quiz to help them study for the exam. During this period we also began to look at Unit 4.1 "Representing Percents".  The students began working on an assignment from their textbook that is posted at the bottom of this post. 

After lunch we had French and officially started our new "Voyager" unit by reviewing weather and seasons.  At 1:23 we moved on to Religion and students volunteered for different jobs for our upcoming "Teacher Make-Over" fundraiser to help the victims in the Philippines. Next week classrooms will be raising money and the top three classes will be able to select the staff member of their choice and dress them up at our Month End Assembly.  During the last hour of the day the students had Social Studies Mr. Csada. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:

Percy vs. Perseus Paragraphs are now overdue

Unit test is now on Monday, November 18th.
Pg. 128
a) 4,5, 6, 8, 9
b) 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12
c) 4, 6, 9, 12, 14, 15

-There is no school on November 22nd (TPD Day)

-Report Cards go out on November 26th

-Parent/Teacher interviews are on November 28 and 29.

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