Tuesday 9 April 2013

What We Learned Today...April 9th

Don't forget to wear your pink tomorrow!

We started out our morning with our first post-Battle of the Classes AR period.  I informed the students that if as class we can maintain an average of 12 AR Points Per Student this month, I will reward them with a movie afternoon at the end of the month.  This means that once again students will each have to do their part to help our class reach this goal!

In ELA we continued to read the story Rumpelstiltskin, and students were tasked with identifying the Conflict, Cause and the Resolution they saw within the story.  After we completed this task, students began to view the video "Environmental Science for Students".  This video focuses on some of the environmental issues facing our world today.  It also highlights the ideas of Sustainability as well as Renewable and Non-Renewable resources.  While watching the video students were tasked with taking notes that would help them better understand it when we discuss the video as a class. 
In Grade 8 Math the students continued to work on Pg. 134-135 and also started to work on Handout 6.6 .  *Reminder we have our Math Unit 6 Test this Friday, April 12th. 

After Lunch we had Religion and to tie in with Easter, we began discussing the concepts of "Loss" and "Death" and will begin looking at "Hope" and "Resurrection" in tomorrow's class.  At 1:15 the students had Science with Mr. Csada.  *Reminder: There will be a science quiz next week!
During the last hour of the day we had French and spent the first part of class looking at different prounouns as well as basic questions regarding food.  We got quite a lot done today and the students will most likely be ready to start their mid-unit assignment in our next class.

*Students, if you haven't already written the Social Quiz on Edmodo, please make sure you complete it tonight.

Due Dates & Homework:
Pg. 234-235 - Due on Thursday, April 11th
a) 4, 5, 6, 11
b) 4-6, 9-13
c) 4-6, 9-17
Handout 6.5 is also due on Thursday
Vacation Assignment due Wednesday

Overdue Assignments:
1) Lenten Booklet Plan & Service****
2) Cinquain Poems
3) Science Cell Drawings (The first one)

-Tomorrow is Pink Day so remember to wear your Pink tomorrow!
-Thursday is our Battle of the Classes Pizza Party!
-Grade 8 Unit 6 Test on Friday, April 12th.
-Friday is Beach day so be sure to wear your summer gear and maybe we can give winter the boot altogether!

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