Wednesday 10 April 2013

What We Learned Today...April 10th

The Plains Tribe performing a dance for the British.
We started off our day with our usual AR period from 9:00 -9:30.  Currently our class is at 2 AR Points Per Students and with a goal of 12 AR Points we are well on our way.  At 9:30 we had ELA and students finished viewing the video, "Environmental Science for Students" followed by a class discussion about what the students took out it.  We had quite a lengthy discussion about Sustainability and Deforestation as well as possible benefits of living in an Urban community versus living in Rural one. 

After lunch we had Religion and continued to discuss "Loss" and "Death" and what we as Catholics believe happens after death.  Students then broke into groups and each read a different Post-Resurrection Story from the bible highlighting the different encounters people had with Jesus after his Ressurection.  After Religion the students had Career Guidance with Mr. McCulloch and students worked on a Gender Stereotype in the Workplace assignment as well handed in their Vacation assignments. 

A gift the British recieved today.
During the last hour of the day the students got back into their Colonization Simulation groups and had the first post-war meeting with their new group members.  We are starting to near the end of the unit as we are already into the early 1800's and will be into the 1900's by next week. 

*Students, if you haven't already written the Social Quiz on Edmodo, please make sure you complete it tonight.

Due Dates & Homework:
Grade 8
Pg. 234-235 - Due Tomorrow, April 11th
a) 4, 5, 6, 11
b) 4-6, 9-13
c) 4-6, 9-17
Handout 6.5 is also due on Thursday
Grade 7:

McCulloch - 9.1 Explore Integer Addition

Weber - Chapter 7 Exam tomorrow.

Overdue Assignments:
1) Lenten Booklet Plan & Service****
2) Cinquain Poems
3) Science Cell Drawings (The first one)

-Tomorrow is our Battle of the Classes Pizza Party!
-Grade 8 Unit 6 Test on Friday, April 12th.
-Friday is Beach day so be sure to wear your summer gear and maybe we can give winter the boot altogether!

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