Tuesday 1 March 2016

What We Learned Today...March 1st

ELA: This morning we took some time to go through the blogging rubric that I use when I mark student blog posts.  Once we finished, students were given some time to use this rubric to assess themselves on their second dystopian blog post so they could see where they were at and what areas they needed to improve on.

Career Ed: Students were given fifteen minutes at the beginning of the period to finish up their employability skills assignment from last last week.  At 11:25 we switched gears and began looking at the Essential Skills Brochure assignment, which will serve as the culminating task for the skills portion of our unit.

Religion: After lunch students were given one final period to work on their Faith Speaker reflection.

Math: Students were given the entire period to write their unit six quiz.  If they finished early they began working on the unit review and practice test from their textbook.

*Students, please remember to start working on your photo re-creation assignments for your Grade 8 Farewell.  I've already received a few, and the faster I get them in, the more time we have to work on the other things to make sure you have the best farewell possible.  Just in case you lost the note that went home, here is a digital copy.  

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-Section Three Blog Post is overdue.

-Section Four Blog Post is due on Monday, March 7th


-Unit 6 Exam is on Thursday, March 3rd


-Faith Speaker Reflection is due on Friday, March 4th

-Lenten Service Package is due on March 11th

-Christian Service Hours are due on March 24th

Career Ed:

-Employability Skills Reflection due on Thursday, March 3rd

Genius Hour:

-Essential Questions need to be ready 


-Grade 8 farewell parent meeting tonight @ 7:00 (Staffroom)

-Downhill skiing is on March 4th. 

-No School on March 10th and 11th

-Report Cards go home on March 18th.

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