Tuesday 9 June 2015

What We Learned Today...June 9th


Genius Hour Expo: This morning we continued where we left off yesterday by listening to some amazing presentations on the different ways people in our class became geniuses this term.  We learned about Sink Holes, Anime, Juggling, Landscape Photography, Zentangles, Fishing in Canada, Area 51 and Origami!

*Check out our Twitter page to see pictures and videos from the Genius Hour presentations today!

Homework Period: After lunch as well as during the last hour of the day, students were given time to work on any homework they had due to the amount of students we were missing to Track and Field today.

Grade 8 Math: Students finished up their Year End Math Diagnostic Exams before we began to look the second lesson in Unit 11 on Probability.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:
Presentations will continue tomorrow

Grade 8 Math: 
All Unit 10 assignments are overdue
All Unit 11 assignments are due on Friday.

Fully Alive:
All questions from previous lessons are now overdue

-Music club will continue to meet everyday after school this week until 5:00 p.m.

-City Track Meet continues tomorrow

-No School on June 12th (TPD)

-Grade 8 Farewell June 17th

-Ispco Park Field Trip on June 18th

-Last day of School is on June 25th

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