Monday 1 December 2014

What We Learned Today...December 1st

ELA: After we arrived back from the assembly this morning, the students were given the first half of the class to silently read their AR books before working on their Harry Potter Chapter 15 and 16 questions for the second half of class.

Health: Now that we've finished up with our Goal Setting for term two, we got back to our Body Image Unit and the students were given their Unit End Assignment.  For this assignment, students will be tasked with researching one of the concepts we learned about in our unit and creating a poster, glog or presentation on it.

Religion: Today we continued the Human Rights Activist Presentations from last week and we learned about Martin Luther King as well as Frederick Douglass.

Grade 8 Math: Students were given the entire hour to finish up their 4.3 assignments and work on some extra Math on IXL.

Science: During the last hour of the day we reviewed the "Law of Reflection" and how it applied to our Mirror Challenge last week.  We then moved on to the term "Refraction" and how it affects the way we see things and how it applies to the speed of light.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

4.3 due Tomorrow
Watch 4.4 video for tomorrow (Still uploading)

Harry Potter Chapter 15+16 Questions are due tomorrow


-DQ lunch orders went home today.  Be sure to return them by Friday if you would like to participate.

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