Monday 24 June 2013

What We Learned Today...June 24th

Intense acting during the "Door Scene"
This morning we began our day off with a school wide Year End Assembly in the gym.  This was our last assembly of the year, and for the Grade 8's, their final assembly in Elementary School! During the assembly awards and thank yous were given and we also said goodbye to everyone leaving Deshaye this year.  The highlights from our assembly were the "A Day in the Life of Ms.Grad" tribute video, the "Thank You For Being a Friend" video created by our class and finally a school wide YMCA led by Ms. Grad, Mr. McCulloch and Mrs. Devernichuk. 

Here's our "Thank You For Being a Friend" video:

Once we got back to the classroom, the students put the finishing touches on their paper air plane launchers.  After recess we headed to the gym to run a quick test run before Ms. Norris came down for Phys. Ed.  For Phys. Ed, the students headed outside and played a few different games and enjoyed the awesome weather!

After Lunch we headed back outside to the blacktop where all the groups set up their paper airplane launchers so we could begin our competition.  I was really impressed with how creative the students were in making their devices.  Congratulations to Charles, Ian, Aris and Josh for winning our competition! A special shout out to Kevin for grabbing second place with his awesome launcher as well!

At 1:15 we came back into the classroom and the students got into groups for the "Door Scene" film festival.  For this activity, students needed to get into groups of 4 or 5 and film the classic scene of someone frantically trying to get into a locked door as something approaches them.  This activity is actually straight out of the  American Film Institutes Educator Handbook. 

During the last hour of the day the students once again headed outside with Ms. Norris for an epic game of Capture the Flag versus Mr. Csada's class.  I'm not sure what the result was, but it sure sounded like a lot of fun!

Here's some more pictures from today:

-Swimming on June 26th
-Last day of school June 27th

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