Friday 10 January 2014

What We Learned Today...January 10th

Working on French!
This morning we kicked off our day with a half hour period of silent reading from 9:08 to 9:38.  In ELA we compared the decisions that each group made during the Shipwrecked Role-Play activity and discussed how some of the choices groups made have actually taken place in real life.  We also took some time to watch a Simpsons episode where the main characters are stranded on a desert island.  We used this episode as a tool to compare the decisions that the characters made in the show to those that were made by the students in our class.  In Grade 8 Math the students continued to work on their assignment from Pg. 173 as well as the 5.2 handout.

After lunch the students had Phys. Ed with Mr. Fuchs and they had a free period to play a game of their choice.  At 1:23 we had French and continued to work our way through the "Voyager" unit by looking at the question, "As-tu fait un voyage"as well as the responses.  Students were then given a brief scavenger hunt assignment to help them practice the question and responses.  During the last hour of the day we had Religion and the students were given the hour to work on their New Years Resolution paragraphs. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Arts. Ed
Find your Social Issue song for Monday

Grade 8
5.1 is due on Monday, January 13th
Pg. 173
a)1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10
b) 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 13
c) 1, 3, 7, 9-13


-The second girls basketball try-out is on Tuesday, January 14th after school.

Grade 7s: Bring your outdoor winter clothes on January 29th as we are at White Butte all day Cross Country Skiing.

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