Thursday 3 January 2013

Back To School!....January 3rd

Enjoying Bread and Juice along with Action Figure Jesus!
Well it looks like the Mayans were wrong! We're all still here and any students hoping the Apocalypse would save them from handing in their homework before the holidays were met with an unpleasant surprise today.  Many students found their names on the overdue list and will have some homework to complete this weekend.

We started off our morning and the New Year with a ELA.  In continuing with our Mystery Unit from last year, the students read a rant article in their Literacy Book about the T.V. show, Veronica Mars, and it's strong female lead, a teenage detective.  After answering a few questions about the rant itself and even using their inferencing skills to come to conclusions about the author, the students watched an actual episode of Veronica Mars. Through watching an episode of the critically acclaimed television series, the students were able to experience and understand the character the author was ranting about.
In Phys. Ed, Ms. Norris continued teaching her dance unit from last year.

After lunch we had our Christmas Celebration Liturgy in the gym.  This Liturgy not only celebrated Christmas but also recognized the fourth Pillar of our Faith which is "Celebrate".  A special shout our to Mrs. Grad doing such a great job putting together a wonderful and exciting liturgy!
Once we got back to class we shared some bread and grape juice and had a group discussion sharing stories about our Christmas holidays.
During the last hour of the day, we began our brief unit on Digital Citizenship.  We will be doing 1-2 Digital Citizenship lessons per week to help prepare the students for when our school becomes BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) at the end of the month. A note will be going home shortly outlining what exactly BYOT is and how it will work here at Deshaye!

Here's some more pictures from our Bread and Juice discussion:

Due Dates & Homework:

Arts. Ed - Music Response is due Tomorrow, January 4th

Overdue Assignments:

1) Killers Tall Tale Reading Response (Handout)

2) The Hermits Secret Reading Response (Handout)

3) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy

4) Any of the 3 Advent Blog Posts

5) Social Trade Questions 
If you are also missing the handout to help answer #5,  here is a link to the document online:
(Please skip to page 16 for the Opportunity Cost Handout)


- Grade 7/8 Girls will have Basketball Try-Outs tomorrow during the Lunch Hour.

- Grade 7/8 Boys will have Basketball Try-Outs tomorrow after school.

- Grade 7's will be going Cross Country Skiing on Monday, January 7th and January 29th. 

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