Thursday 22 November 2012

What We Learned Today...November 22nd

Holy Weather Batman! I'm sure every ones heard enough comments about the weather this morning so I'll skip over writing about that and get right to the start of the school day.  This morning we had a very quiet start to our AR time, mainly due to the fact that we only had 12 students in class to begin the day.  As AR time progressed, the rest of the students began to trickle in and by the end of AR we had almost everyone back in time for ELA. 
For ELA we kicked off our Mystery Unit by having each member of the class become a detective tasked with solving the fictitious murder of Abigail Smith. Each student was given a random clue to the case but they were only allowed to look at their own clue.  The students then took turns reading their clues out loud for the rest of the class and each student would have to listen and try to piece together the crime.  Using the information they heard, they would need to make inferences on who the murderer was, the murder weapon and the motive.  I was quite impressed with how well everyone did with this activity and I think we have some future detectives in this class!
In Grade 8 Math we quickly reviewed "Finding the Percent of a Number" and students were assigned questions from Pg. 142 to work on.  (These questions will be due Wednesday, November 28th)

After Lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris and continued to work on their Social Justice grid drawing assignments.  I had a chance to look at some of them today and they are progressing quite nicely! During Science Mr. Csada continued to teach the students about Optics & Vision and the students were assigned a handout to work on for the duration of the class.  In Social Studies we followed up our Trade Negotiations with some questions to wrap up the activity.  (If you need a copy of the questions just click on the Social Studies tab and they are under the November heading)

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8
Pg. 142 - (Due Wednesday, November 28th)
a) 1-3, 5, 7, 8, 10
b) 1-3, 5, 8-13
c) 1-2, 8-16

Grade 7



Overdue Assignments:

1) Religion Poster Assignment

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy


-Tomorrow is a TPD so there will be no school for students (Students please try to contain your enthusiasm!)

-Parents remember to book in for parent-teacher interviews

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