Assembly: This morning we started out our day by heading to the gym for a special assembly celebrating all our Cross Country runners this year.
ELA: Once we got back to our classroom the students were given a brief AR period before we began the "Youtube Hero" presentations.
Religion: After lunch the students continued to work on their Patron Saint research assignments. If you would like to view a copy of this assignment, it can be found here as well as under the Religion Tab.
Math: Students were given the entire period to write Unit Three Exam. Students who finished early were able to work on any other homework they had or silently read.
Upcoming Due Dates & Homework
Youtube Hero Assignment is overdue
No video for tomorrow.
Youtube Hero Assignment is overdue
No video for tomorrow.
Understanding Your Emotions questions are due on Wednesday, October 28th
Genius Hour:
Blog Post #1 is overdue
-Stargazing Field Trip is TBA (Stay tuned)