Good Resources

Social Media & Technology in the Classroom:

Social Media Resource List: A former Professor of mine, Alec Couros, made a list of tons of different social media tools for the classroom on Google Docs.  So rather than list them all here on my blog, I'll just link straight to the document.  (This is one of the best lists of technology related resources for the classroom that you will find online)  

Stewies Smart Websites & Resources: A compilation of numerous cool websites that my colleague Jennifer Stewart-Mitchell compiled on her blog that I turned into a Google Doc.  


Voyages Grammar Games:  Great way for students to practice individual sections of Grammar in the context of numerous fun games.  


Zimflex: A great site for practicing French.  There are tons of FUN French games that help to practice and learn various French terminology.  (This is the site with the Deal or No Deal game and Fling the Teacher!)
Verb Conjugator: If you are having trouble remember how to conjugate a regular or irregular verb, you can type in the verb on this site and it will conjugate it for you!
Bonjour. com: If you want to review some of the basics in French as well as hear the proper pronunciation, this site is for you! It has 8 pages of French Basics and allows you to see the proper spelling as well as listen to how it sounds.

Khan Academy: One of the most popular FREE math tutorial sites. With a library of over 3,400 videos on everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice, They will help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace.

IXL: This site offers extra practice in all Math Concepts for students that is aligned with each provinces curricular outcomes. Only catch is that there is a cost to use IXL. I believe $199 per class, but it is definitely worth every penny.

Manga High: High quality new math games including Intermediate, Middle and High School math games. It allows students to challenge other schools and have "Math Battles" with one another. There is no cost to use this resource.


Three Minute Retreats: This is a great site that provides quick and relaxing retreats for a classroom and take no longer than three minutes to do and all you have to do is hit play! Great way to start the week in Religion class.

Social Studies:

Public Legal Education Association (PLEA): This site houses a few great Social Studies units that range from Fair Trade to Treaties and the Law. Definitely worth checking out.

PLEA Trade Unit: I know I put PLEA above, but this is an excellent Unit from the site that examines four areas: Why Countries Trade, Trade and Politics, Trade and Food, and Trade and the Environment. This is an awesome Unit because it aligns with the four outcomes in the Saskatchewan Curriculum for grade 8 Social Studies

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