Classroom Procedures

Classroom Procedures 2016-2017

Deshaye Catholic School Grade 8 

Mr. Bresciani

Email:   Phone: 306-791-7270


Procedures are a part of our everyday functioning in society and the world.  Establishing positive, clear, and concise classroom procedures for daily tasks and activities is a proactive approach which allows for students to appreciate consistency and be clear of teacher expectations at all times. 
Students at this age level are becoming more responsible and mature.  As teachers, it is our responsibility to introduce and facilitate positive working and learning habits as students strive to become more independent in work habits, organization, and responsibilities.  It is our hope that we can influence this development in a positive and constructive manner.  The following procedures will be modelled and practiced on an ongoing basis to ensure student success each day. 

Entering the Room
1. Enter quietly and politely; remove your hat if you're wearing one; don't interrupt other students; follow the appropriate procedures for each time of day (e.g., morning, after lunch, after a special class).

Leaving the Room
1.    Always ask permission first.

Beginning the Day
1. Coats and bags must be hung at the coat rack area.
2. Put homework and agenda in appropriate file.
3. When the music ends you need to find your seat and work on your bell work silently.
4. Check daily timetable and put appropriate materials on desk to begin.
5. Check board for special directions.

Ending the Day
At the end of the day, you will have ten minutes to:
1.    Complete your agenda and show the teacher.
2.    Clean off your desk and pick up trash within three feet of desk area.
3.    Pack homework and agenda into bag, get jacket on and wait quietly to be dismissed.

Quieting the Class
 “Give Me Five” students have 5 seconds to stop, look, and listen.
(Other teachers may employ other specific techniques which will be practiced with students)

1. When instructed, put all materials away and sit quietly to be called on to line up or be dismissed.
2. Teacher escorts students to gym, library or decided upon destination.
3. Students are quiet in the halls at all times demonstrating respect for other working classrooms.

When You Are Late
1. You are required to go to the office first before coming to class.
2. Any missed instruction will be offered to student at first available recess period.  Students are expected to quietly join in the routine of classroom without prompting.

1. Students are expected to use the washroom during recess and lunch breaks whenever possible.
2. In case of emergency, students may use the washroom with teacher’s permission. In this situation the student will take the bathroom pass from the intercom and place it on their desk while they are out of the classroom. Only one person may leave to use the washroom at one time.

1.    Water bottles are permitted and encouraged when used in a responsible and respectful manner.  Sharing of water bottles is not encouraged for health reasons.

Pencil Sharpening
1.    Students are invited to use their own sharpeners as is necessary.
2.    All students are welcome to use classroom pencil sharpener observing appropriate and respectful times.

Respectful Listening
1. Whenever the teacher or a classmate is speaking, students are expected to be sitting silently, with empty hands, looking at the speaker.
2. Whenever there are announcements, students are expected to stop and listen to the speaker.
3. All ideas are valued, please raise your hand before speaking at all times.

Classroom Movement
1.    Keep all necessary materials in desks.
2.    Any other materials not available in desk can be obtained with teacher’s permission following instruction.
3.    Be respectful of lesson being taught and personal space of others.

1.    Hands are to be washed prior to eating.
2.    Students are to eat in desks or at tables as per discretion of lunchroom supervisor. (students will not eat on the floor)
3.    Students are required to treat each other with respect, maintain appropriate noise level, and interact appropriately with lunchroom supervisors.
4. ALL lunch materials must be put away and room must be clean before students are dismissed.

Work Page Set-up
All assignments, notes, and activities MUST include the following:
1.    Today’s date in top right hand corner and due date if applicable.
2.    Title and page number if applicable.
3.    Name (if assignment is to be handed in).
4.    Daily math assignments must include date, page number and items to be completed.

Evaluation Items
All tests, rubrics, and any other graded assignments will be sent home to obtain a parent signature and returned to school.


1.  Handing in finished work/homework - Make sure your name and date are on your paper; place your work in the "ASSIGNMENT" black file.

2.  In order to keep parents informed of your assignments and what is happening at school, they must sign your agenda daily

3.    Incomplete Work:
·       Late assignments will be deducted marks accordingly.
·       ALL assignments must be completed on or by due date indicated.  Students will use class time to do so, if this is not possible arrangements will be made to complete work at school outside regular instruction time (recess or after school) with teacher assistance or at home.
·       Students are expected to be responsible for their own work; however parents will be notified (this maybe in addition to notes in the agenda) one week after an assignment is past due.
·       Students are responsible for work and assignments missed when absent.  Each person will have a homework buddy who will help to answer questions.  The teacher is always available for further explanation. If you have missed a day, you can check our classroom blog to get more information on homework and lessons
Please refer to the classroom blog as it is updated daily.
·       Homework can also be e-mailed to me at or shared with me on Office 365. Please ensure that assignments are fully completed before emailing.

Free Time
1.    If you finish an assignment, first work on any unfinished assignments that are due.; when you finish those, you may choose to do a classroom job, read a book, write a story, illustrate a picture, make up math problems, work on a research project, peer-tutor someone who needs your help, clean your desk, or organize your binders etc.

Desk Organization
1.    Students are responsible for care of personal items and school supplies utilizing pencil cases. 
2.    Desks are to be kept reasonably neat; all loose paper items should be kept in appropriate subject in binder or taken home. If a student is unable to keep binder organized, they will be expected to spend recess time doing so with teacher assistance.
Addressing Concerns
1.    When/if students have concerns with peers they will have an opportunity to voice these concerns to teacher in writing and a discussion of any concerns will be arranged.
2.    When/if a student feels they are being treated unfairly in any way by peers or teachers they are invited to express these concerns as soon as possible in writing first so that students feel little anxiety or stress. 
*All concerns will be taken seriously and discussed with those involved in order to ensure a safe and respectful environment that respects the integrity of all.
Classroom Jobs
1.    All students are invited to sign up if they so wish to be a classroom helper. 
2.    Helper activities could be completed when work is finished or during some recess or lunch periods. 
3.    Student work comes first; therefore all assignments must be completed to date for students to participate.
4.    Duties may include sharing information with guest teachers, classroom organization, writing down homework on the board, upkeep or preparation etc...
Library Book exchange
1.    Students will enter library in small groups to find a minimum of one chapter book and a second book of choice.
2.    Students will demonstrate and respect appropriate library conduct as indicated in library orientation by Mrs. Folk in order to maintain library privileges.

Fire drill
1.    Stop everything; stand up and head for the door quickly, but without running or pushing
2.    Do not cover your ears; do not make any side trips;
3.    Form a line and maintain order en route to safe designated safe area outside;
4.    Last person out of the room is responsible for turning off lights and closing classroom door.
**All personal electronic devices brought to school are done so at owner’s risk. 
1.    Students may listen to music on their devices during class with the permission of the teacher.  Texting is only allowed during Tech & Talk breaks or Recess.
2.    Due care, respect, and responsibility is expected of students at all times when choosing to use any personal electronic device.
3.    If appropriate use is not demonstrated students may be asked to not bring items back to school or teacher will assume responsibility for device until it can be retrieved by parent.

I’m looking forward to a great year with each and every one of you.  May God bless us and keep our ambitions high as we journey through grade seven/eight together!

Mr. Bresciani