Today seemed to go by incredibly fast, which makes sense because the year also seems to be flying by. (Can you believe we are almost 10% done the school year already?) During ELA today we continued to learn about Craig Keilburger and how he "stepped up" through creating the Free the Children movement at the age of 12. We watched an
interview with Craig and Mark Keilburger and responded to the prompts on the handout. If you have lost a handout or would like to type your answers up on the computer, you can get a copy
In Math the Grade 8's moved on to Unit 3 and began to learn about Squares and Square roots, while the Grade 7's continued to review Coordinates and Design.

After Lunch students had the full half hour to finish up their introductory French conversations and rehearse for next class. (Remember these converations are due next class, Wednesday, September 26th). During the last hour we had a very special assembly to kick off AR for the year. The students were treated to some special guests as well as some of the most magnificient, Academy Award winning acting in years. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will see you on Tuesday because there is NO SCHOOL on Monday!. Enjoy the long weekend.
Overdue Assignments:
1) 911 Altruism Assignment
Grade 8: Remember to get your Unit Tests signed.
Grade 7: Pg. 25. # 13-23
-Bring back your DQ Lunch order forms by Tuesday, September 26th
-All QSP orders are due on September 28th
-There is no school on Monday because the Teachers are at a retreat.
-Remember to bring $2 for Toonies for Terry on Thursday September 27th. We will also have our Terry Fox walk in the afternoon
Do we know where the kids play football Tuesday and if it is just the one game next week or are there more?