Wednesday 2 October 2013

What We Learned Today...October 2nd

Taking a picture for the Portrait Twin Assignment.

 * Due to technical difficulties, the blog post for October 1st didn't  publish.  I was able to publish it this morning so if you scroll down it should appear below.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

We started out our day today with the usual AR period from 9:08 - 9:38.  With only two days left, we are now up to 6.5 AR Points Per Student.  This means we only need 3.5 more points to earn the AR Movie Party next week, so keep up the good work! In ELA we spent the first fifteen minutes of class going over the "Gods of Olympus" assignment.  As we went through the assignment we began to talk about the Writing Process and we will continue to look at these important steps next week.  We spent the second half of class working on the Pandora's Box Project.  *Don't forget that this assignment is due on Monday, October 7th.

At 10:53 we had French and we played a game of Jeopardy that dealt with the numbers 1-100, days/months and basic conversation questions to help review for their quiz.  This was the last French class before our quiz so remember to continue studying the Numbers 1-100 for Friday.
*The French quiz will be split up into two sections: 1) Listening to a number in French and writing it down (ex. What number is dix?) 2. Listening to a number in English and writing it in French. (ex. What is the number 40 in French?)

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Postma and they continued to work on their Twin Portrait Assignment.  As you can see from some of the pictures, some students began to take pictures of themselves as their portrait twin, which made for some excellent afternoon entertainment.  At 1:38 we had Religion and the students began to work on an inferencing assignment using the Coat of Arms they created last week.  During the last hour of the day the students had Health with Ms. Zwingli and they began filming their Passive, Assertive and Aggressive Scenario's on the iPads.

Here are some more pictures from today:

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:
Pandora's Box Assignment is due on Monday, October 7th

Numbers Quiz on Friday, October 4th


Faith Formation Blog Post is now overdue. 

Reminders:-Picture Day is on Friday, October 4th.

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