Taking the air temperature during Science class! |
This morning we started out our day with an AR period from 9:08 to 9:38. After AR we moved on to ELA and students were given the entire hour to work on the 6 response questions from the wonderful video we watched during yesterdays class. I have to say I was very impressed with how hard and how effective our class worked during this hour. There was a lot of quality work produced today and I can't wait to read them next week when they are turned in. * These questions will be due on Wednesday, September 18th.
In Grade 8 Math we moved onto the last concept of our unit, Proportional Reasoning. Today's period was spent learning different ways to solve both number and word problems involving proportional reasoning. We will continue to work on this concept during our class next week. *Remember 2.2 is due on Monday and our Unit Test will be on Tuesday, September 24th.
After lunch the students had Phys. Ed with Mr. Fuchs and did some more circuit training in the gym before heading outside to work on different football skills. At 1:23 we had Science and headed straight outside to complete a lab about Abiotic Factors. For this lab, students worked in groups and selected three locations outside where they could observe Abiotic Factors. Some of these factors were: Air Temperature, Soil Moisture, Soil Type, Light Meter Reading, Wind Velocity and Wind Direction. Using different tools (Magnifying glassse, Thermometers and Wind Socks) they had to measure and record their findings for each Abiotic Factor. On Monday we will come together as a class and compare the results from each of the locations.
During the last hour of the day the students had Social Studies with Mr. Csada and they began to look at Democracy in Canada.
Here's some more pictures from our Science class today:

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:
Math:Grade 8:
Handout 2.2 is due on Monday, September 16th
*Unit Test is on Tuesday, September 24th
-Expectations assignment is due on Monday, September 16th
-Boys Football game at Deshaye on Monday, September 16th
-Grade 8 Canoeing is on September 18th and September 25th.
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