Friday, 7 December 2012

What We Learned Today...December 7th

The Second week of advent is almost here!
Today we started out the morning with our usual AR peroid before moving on to ELA.  In ELA, we discussed how our practice Mystery Skype session went yesterday.  Students made a list of things they felt went well and things that we can work on.  They then took the list of things we need to work on for next week and came up with a number of solutions to make our Mystery Skype run even smoother.  Then during the last 15 minutes of class we had another practice Mystery Skype and it went great! The students are going to do a great job next week when we have our Mystery Skype.
In Grade 8 Math the students wrote their Unit 4 Quiz.  Reminder: The Unit review is due on Tuesday, December 11th and we will have our Unit 4 Exam on Friday, December 14th.

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris before Mr. Csada came by to teach Science.  During the last hour of the day, the students got the chance to work on their Peace Advent Response question for the Kidblog.  If you would like to see the blog response question just go to my blog on the kidblog site!

Have a great weekend!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8
Unit Review Assignment is due Tuesday, December 11th

Unit 4 Exam - Friday, December 14th

Grade 7




Killers Tale Tale Handout is overdue!

Overdue Assignments:

1) Religion Poster Assignment

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy

3) Advent "Hope" Blog Post

- Please bring back the DQ lunch forms by Tuesday, December 11th

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