Wednesday, 19 December 2012

What We Learned Today...December 19th

Our finished reindeer cupcakes!
We started out the morning with a brief AR period before heading down to the gym for a Christmas Concert rehearsal.  Since we will be holding the various performances in the different classrooms instead of the gym like years past, all the students involved in the concert perform in the gym so everyone could see each classrooms performance.  After recess the Grade 8's continued to work on their reindeer cupcakes that they baked yesterday.  They finished up by icing each cupcake and decorating them to look like Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.  I can happily say that there were minimal casualties again today as only the odd Reindeer were missing eyes or antlers...Brian.

After lunch, Mr. McCulloch's and Mr. Csada's class both worked on their Mini Minga projects so we  didn't switch like usual today.  Instead of Science, the students were given the hour to work on any homework they have or to continue to work on their new Joy blog post.  During the last hour of the day the students had Ms. Norris for Arts. Ed and continued to work on their Social Justice Drawing assignments.

Icing the cupcakes
Almost done!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Joy Blog Post due Friday, December 21st

Overdue Assignments:

1) Killers Tall Tale Handout

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy

3) Advent "Peace" Blog Post


-Get all overdue assignments in before the holidays please!
- Christmas Concert is Thursday, December 20th

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