Our Location from our 2nd Mystery Skype! |
Today was every teachers dream, an entire day of indoor recesses....Not! Unfortunately because the the weather was so cold (-31) students had to stay inside to avoid the extreme cold beyond the school doors. However, I was quite impressed with how well our class behaved during each of the recesses! Even though they were stuck inside and unable to burn off some energy, the students found something to keep themselves busy and acted in a very responsible manner. Well Done!
We started our morning out with our usual AR period before moving on to ELA. In ELA we read the story of The Money Pit Mystery on Oak Island. We began to investigate the pit itself and all of it's booby traps as well as to who may have designed and built it. It's definitely an intriguing mystery because it's been discovered for well over 200 years, yet no one has been able to solve it or even get to the bottom of the pit. We will continue to investigate this mystery tomorrow and maybe come up with some of our own conclusions about the mystery.
In Grade 8 Math we went over the quizzes from last Friday and practiced some of the areas that the students had difficulty with. I will offer a rewrite quiz on Thursday and will average the marks of the two quizzes together. The rewrite is open to anyone who would like to try for a better mark. (Be sure to have filled out your study sheet for the rewrite quiz as well as the Unit Exam on Friday.)
After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris and continued to work on their Social Justice, Grid Drawing Assignment. In French the students learned various adjectives in French and applied them by writing sentences describing their two favourite groups/artists.
At 2:30 the moment we've been preparing for finally came, it was time to participate in our first ever Mystery Skype! We were fortunate to have Ms. Norris and Ms. Forrest, who is our Digital Fluency Consultant stop by to check out our Mystery Skype as well.
After recess we quickly got the Library ready and by 2:40 we had began our Mystery Skype with Mr. Barnes 7/8 class. To begin the first round, our greeters, Lundy, Rafaela and Raouf greeted Mr. Barnes class and gave them a few clues about our location. Mr. Barnes class did the same and then we made our first guess. (Since Josh won the game of Rock, Paper, Scissors over Skype, we got the first selection) After a lot of back and forth questions we finally guessed that they were from Peru and we nailed it! Since we still had plenty of time left both classes picked another Country and we had another quick game. This time around we decided we were going to be Denmark! In round 2 Mr. Barnes class started out hot and asked 3 straight yes questions before we had a chance to ask our first. However, the students worked well together and figured out that Mr. Barnes class was Madagascar this time.
Overall I'm very impressed with how well the students did today! They worked so well together in their groups and had excellent communication between groups. Ms. Forrest and Mrs. Folk also commented on how impressed they were with the students.
So Well Done Grade 7/8's!!
A full post about our Mystery Skype will be posted in the coming days.
Check out our Twitter updates from our Mystery Skype tweeted by Althea and Kaye.
Here are some pictures from today:
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Rock, Paper, Scissors for first guess |
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Our Mappers hard at work... |
Ms. Forrest and Ms. Norris checking out our Mystery Skype |
In the middle of a blog post. |
Listening to Mr. Barnes class's response |
Mystery Solved! They were Peru. |
Our Back channelers striking a pose |
Question Keepers |
Clue Keepers hot on the trail |
Logical Reasoners at work! |
A Logical Reasoner thinks she's got it! |
Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:
Grade 8
Quiz Re-test is on Thursday, December 13th
Unit 4 Exam - Friday, December 14th
Grade 7
Overdue Assignments:
1) Killers Tall Tale Handout
2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy
3) Advent "Hope" Blog Post
- DQ lunch is this Friday, December 14th
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