Thursday, 20 December 2012

Christmas Concert! December 20th

This morning we began our day with our usual AR period before moving on to ELA.  In ELA we continued our Mystery Unit with the students once again becoming detectives.  This time they were tasked with piecing together a new's report about a bank robbery that had been shedded.  They had to take the various parts of the article and try to put them back into the proper order using logical reasoning and inferencing. 
In Grade 8 Math the students celebrated the end of Unit 4 by playing a game of math jeopardy that once again tested their knowledge of our unit on percentages. 

Enjoying some Hot Chocolate!
After lunch the students were assigned thier roles for the Christmas Cafe that took place during the afternoon.  Since our class was not performing for the Christmas Concert we were responsibly for not only making the Mini Minga items that we worked on the past couple days, but also running the Christmas Cafe.  This job saw the students doing everything from making various hot beverages, selling baking goods, creating menu's as well as making signs.  They did an absolutely wonderful job with this and I heard all afternoon how impressed people were with the responsibility and maturity shown by the students today.   So well done to all the students for this afternoon as well as tonight. (I'm writing this post a little early, but I know the students will continue to do a great job at the Concert tonight!)

I would also like to thank Ms. Norris for all her hard work planning the senior portion of the Christmas Concert.  The gym looks amazing and everything has gone quite smoothly today as a result!

Posing with their Hot Chocolates.

Due Dates & Homework:


Joy Blog Post due Friday, December 21st

Overdue Assignments:

1) Killers Tall Tale Handout

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy

3) Advent "Peace" Blog Post


-Get all overdue assignments in before the holidays please!
- Christmas Concert is Tonight, December 20th @ 6:45

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

What We Learned Today...December 19th

Our finished reindeer cupcakes!
We started out the morning with a brief AR period before heading down to the gym for a Christmas Concert rehearsal.  Since we will be holding the various performances in the different classrooms instead of the gym like years past, all the students involved in the concert perform in the gym so everyone could see each classrooms performance.  After recess the Grade 8's continued to work on their reindeer cupcakes that they baked yesterday.  They finished up by icing each cupcake and decorating them to look like Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.  I can happily say that there were minimal casualties again today as only the odd Reindeer were missing eyes or antlers...Brian.

After lunch, Mr. McCulloch's and Mr. Csada's class both worked on their Mini Minga projects so we  didn't switch like usual today.  Instead of Science, the students were given the hour to work on any homework they have or to continue to work on their new Joy blog post.  During the last hour of the day the students had Ms. Norris for Arts. Ed and continued to work on their Social Justice Drawing assignments.

Icing the cupcakes
Almost done!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Joy Blog Post due Friday, December 21st

Overdue Assignments:

1) Killers Tall Tale Handout

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy

3) Advent "Peace" Blog Post


-Get all overdue assignments in before the holidays please!
- Christmas Concert is Thursday, December 20th

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

What We Learned Today...December 18th

Their Baking Christmas Card
We started the morning out with are usual AR period today before on to our Mini Minga activity from yesterday.  Students did an awesome job with this project and ended up making over 100 bags of "Hot Chocolate in a Bag" to be sold at the Christmas in a Bag.  At 10:00 we cleaned up all our supplies and moved on to ELA.  For their assignment today, the students were put into groups of 6 and were given clues to another Murder Mystery.  Using the clues they were given in their groups, they had to work together and use their inferencing skills to try and solve the Mystery first.
After recess the grade 8's got the opportunity to do some more baking for our Mini Minga group.  The students were broken up into 5 groups and each group was responsible for baking one box of cupcakes.  I was impressed with how well each group did, especially some of the students who had never baked before.  While there were some causalities as a result of our baking today (That poor Whisk....Brian) everything ran smooth and the students made a ton of cupcakes.  Tomorrow we will decorate them and get them ready to sell at the Christmas Concert. 

After Lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris and continued to work on their music responses.  In French the students had the hour to work on their French Music Assignment.  These assignments are coming along quite nicely and will look great when they are all completed!  During the last hour of the day the students had Phys. Ed with Ms. Norris and continued to work on their Dances.  Sorry no pictures of their dance today, although I heard there were some pretty good ones!

Showing off their hard work
Excited about baking cupcakes!!!

Batter Up!
Taking a minute to pose with their batter

"The Whisk Killer"

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8

Grade 7

McCulloch: pg 130 #12-27


Overdue Assignments:

1) Killers Tall Tale Handout

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy

3) Advent "Peace" Blog Post


-Get all overdue assignments in before the holidays please!
- Christmas Concert is Thursday, December 20th

Monday, 17 December 2012

What We Learned Today...December 17th

Today we started out the morning with a brief AR period before heading down to the gym for our Advent Liturgy.  We were once again joined by Decon Joe Lang who lead us in our wonderful liturgy.  Ms. Schaan and the Pre-K's also did a wonderful job today planning the litirgy and leading us in prayer.  Once the liturgy concluded we came back to class and for the remainder of the class we discussed the idea of Joy and how it can be seen in the article "26 Moments That Restored Our Faith in Humanity". 
At 10:30 the students had Phys. Ed with Ms. Norris and they began their new dance unit before we break for Christmas.  I stopped by breifly to take a look at some of the dance skills from our classroom while they were learning The Macarena dance.  I've posted a few pictures of the students at the bottom of this post. 

After lunch we continued to discuss Joy and the Third Week of Advent in Religion.  Students were assigned their new Advent Response question and it will be due on Friday. (Students will get class time to complete the assignment this week).  At 1:15 the students had Health with Mr. McCulloch and began to work on their new Diet presentation.  For this assignment students will research a specific Diet and then make a presentation to the class on it.  During the last hour of the day we worked on our Mini Minga Christmas Project.  This year our class prepared Hot Chocolate in a Bag to be sold at our Christmas Concert this year to raise money for our Mini Minga group.  The students did an absolutely wonderful jobn with this project as can be seen in the pictures below. 
Note: Tomorrow the Grade 8's will be doing some baking for this project.  If you are able to send a muffin tray or mixing bowl with your child it would be greatly appreciated.  We will be baking and decorating cupcakes tomorrow and Wednesday.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8
Homework check on Monday. Make sure you have all textbook assignments completed.

Grade 7

McCulloch: pg 130 #12-27


Overdue Assignments:

1) Killers Tall Tale Handout

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy

3) Advent "Peace" Blog Post


-Girls Basketball Tryouts are on Tuesday, December 18th

- Christmas Concert is Thursday, December 20th

Friday, 14 December 2012

What We Learned Today....December 14th

In honour of Mr. McCullochs volleyball skills!

We started off our day a visit from Ms. Folk this morning, who was here to talk about the Battle of the Books club. Battle of the Books is a club where students are put into teams and are given a list of books to read.  The first team to have all the books on their list read wins.  This club is open to all students and is a great way to get involved in our school! 
Instead of ELA today, we had French to make up for some of the classes that were missed due to Mystery Skype practice.  Students continued to work on their French Music Poster assignment during this time.  In Grade 8 Math, students wrote their Unit 4 Exam, however not all students finished so they will have a chance to complete it on Monday. 

After lunch the students had Arts Ed with Ms. Norris and completed their 4th song critique.  At 1:15 Mr. Csada came and taught Science and continued to teach his unit on Optics and Vision.  During the last hour of the day, we had our annual Staff vs. Students Volleyball game. The students gave it everything they had but unfortunately it wasn't enough to overcome Mr. McCullochs spikes or Mr. Csada's taunting!

Note about Christmas Concert:
Since our class is not directly involved in the Christmas Concert on Thursday, the senior teachers have decided to donate our time and efforts into hosting the event.

The grade 6-8 students will be greeting, baking, decorating, etc. Some students have volunteered to be at the school the night of the concert.

If you would like to donate any baking or crafts to be sold in the gym, donations would be greatly appreciated. The grades will be getting a mark for Practical and Applied Arts for the baking that is done at school.Have a great weekend!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8
Homework check on Monday.  Make sure you have all textbook assignments completed.

Grade 7


Science:34/35 & Eye Discussion

Overdue Assignments:

1) Killers Tall Tale Handout

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy

3) Advent "Peace" Blog Post


-Girls Basketball Tryouts are on Tuesday, December 18th
- Christmas Concert is Thursday, December 20th

Thursday, 13 December 2012

What We Learned Today...December 13th

Today we had a shortened AR period because Mr. Meyers stopped by at 9:15 to give a guest lecture on Advent.  As always, Mr. Meyers was an absolute pleasure to have in our classroom and I know the students were happy to have him back again! He taught the students so much in such a short time.  Some of the topics he covered were: the advent calendar, the true meaning of the "12 days of Christmas", the tradition of boxing day and who Saint Nicholas actually was.  I know I speak for everyone when I say we can't wait until he comes back after Christmas!
In Grade 8 Math, the students were given the opportunity to re-write their quiz from last week.  Once they finished their re-write, they had an opportunity to study for their Unit 4 Exam tomorrow.  *Remember to fill out your study sheet and bring to class tomorrow!

After Lunch we had French and the students continued to work on their French Music Poster assignment.  Even though they are only beginning, I am really impressed with how creative the students are getting with this assignment.  At 1:15 Mr. McCulloch came by and taught Health and continued to teach about Calories and Dieting.  During the last hour of the day, the students learned about Digital Citizenship and being responsible members of the online community.

Here are some pictures from Mr. Meyers' visit today:

Math Grade 8

Unit 4 Exam - Tomorrow, December 14th

Grade 7




The Peace blog post is now overdue.

Overdue Assignments:

1) Killers Tall Tale Handout

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy

3) Advent "Hope" Blog Post


- DQ lunch is tomorrow, December 14th

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

What We Learned Today...December 12th

Diagram of the Money Pit
After our AR period this morning we moved straight into ELA and continued to learn about The Money Pit and the Mystery of Oak Island.  We watched the documentary "Encounters with the Unexplained: The Mystery of Oak Island" and the students were tasked with writing a response about who they believe created the pit and what lies at the bottom.  We will continue to look at this Mystery on Friday and we may even look at the novel "The Money Pit Mystery" by Eric Walters. 
In Grade 8 Math we continued to review Chapter 4 and the students were assigned the practice test to help prepare them for their exam on Friday. 

After Lunch we had French and the students were assigned their mid unit assignment.  Students will need to create a poster or album cover on their favourite artist and include numerous facts about the Artist in French.  You can check out the assignment here.
 At 1:15 Mr. Csada came in and taught Science until 2:15.  Then at 2:30 Ms. Norris came to teach Arts. Ed and the students continued to work on their Social Justice Drawing assignment. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8
Quiz Re-test is on Tomorrow, December 13th

Unit 4 Exam - Friday, December 14th

Grade 7




The Peace blog post was initially due today but I have given the students an extension until tomorrow.

Overdue Assignments:

1) Killers Tall Tale Handout

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy

3) Advent "Hope" Blog Post


- DQ lunch is this Friday, December 14th

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

What We Learned Today...December 11th

Our Location from our 2nd Mystery Skype!

Today was every teachers dream, an entire day of indoor recesses....Not! Unfortunately because the the weather was so cold (-31) students had to stay inside to avoid the extreme cold beyond the school doors.  However, I was quite impressed with how well our class behaved during each of the recesses!  Even though they were stuck inside and unable to burn off some energy, the students found something to keep themselves busy and acted in a very responsible manner.  Well Done!

We started our morning out with our usual AR period before moving on to ELA.  In ELA we read the story of The Money Pit Mystery on Oak Island.  We began to investigate the pit itself and all of it's booby traps as well as to who may have designed and built it.  It's definitely an intriguing mystery because it's been discovered for well over 200 years, yet no one has been able to solve it or even get to the bottom of the pit.  We will continue to investigate this mystery tomorrow and maybe come up with some of our own conclusions about the mystery. 
In Grade 8 Math we went over the quizzes from last Friday and practiced some of the areas that the students had difficulty with.  I will offer a rewrite quiz on Thursday and will average the marks of the two quizzes together.  The rewrite is open to anyone who would like to try for a better mark.  (Be sure to have filled out your study sheet for the rewrite quiz as well as the Unit Exam on Friday.)

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris and continued to work on their Social Justice, Grid Drawing Assignment.  In French the students learned various adjectives in French and applied them by writing sentences describing their two favourite groups/artists. 

At 2:30 the moment we've been preparing for finally came, it was time to participate in our first ever Mystery Skype! We were fortunate to have Ms. Norris and Ms. Forrest, who is our Digital Fluency Consultant stop by to check out our Mystery Skype as well. 
After recess we quickly got the Library ready and by 2:40 we had began our Mystery Skype with Mr. Barnes 7/8 class.  To begin the first round, our greeters, Lundy, Rafaela and Raouf greeted Mr. Barnes class and gave them a few clues about our location.  Mr. Barnes class did the same and then we made our first guess.  (Since Josh won the game of Rock, Paper, Scissors over Skype, we got the first selection) After a lot of back and forth questions we finally guessed that they were from Peru and we nailed it!  Since we still had plenty of time left both classes picked another Country and we had another quick game. This time around we decided we were going to be Denmark! In round 2 Mr. Barnes class started out hot and asked 3 straight yes questions before we had a chance to ask our first.  However, the students worked well together and figured out that Mr. Barnes class was Madagascar this time.
Overall I'm very impressed with how well the students did today! They worked so well together in their groups and had excellent communication between groups.  Ms. Forrest and Mrs. Folk also commented on how impressed they were with the students. 
So Well Done Grade 7/8's!!

A full post about our Mystery Skype will be posted in the coming days.

Check out our Twitter updates from our Mystery Skype tweeted by Althea and Kaye.

Here are some pictures from today:
Rock, Paper, Scissors for first guess
Our Mappers hard at work...

Ms. Forrest and Ms. Norris checking out our Mystery Skype
In the middle of a blog post.

Listening to Mr. Barnes class's response

Mystery Solved! They were Peru.
Our Back channelers striking a pose

Question Keepers

Clue Keepers hot on the trail
Logical Reasoners at work!

A Logical Reasoner thinks she's got it!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8
Quiz Re-test is on Thursday, December 13th

Unit 4 Exam - Friday, December 14th

Grade 7



Overdue Assignments:

1) Killers Tall Tale Handout

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy

3) Advent "Hope" Blog Post


- DQ lunch is this Friday, December 14th

Monday, 10 December 2012

What We Learned Today...December 10th

Our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree thanks to Lundy!

We started out the morning with our usual Accelerated Reader period until 9:30.  In ELA the students put their inference skills to work once again and read the story "The Hermits Secret".  They were tasked with answering inferencing-centered questions before, during and after reading the story.  Tomorrow we will be investigating one of my personal favourite mysteries, "The Mystery of Oak Island" or better known as "The Money Pit"!.  Make sure you're here tomorrow when we research and using our inferencing skills to try and solve this mystery!!
Since today was Day 1, the students didn't have their usual Math class, but instead had Phys. Ed with Ms. Norris.

After Lunch we went to the gym to celebreate the second week of Advent and it's meaning, Peace.  Ms. Wiley's class did a wonderful job putting together another great liturgy, so a special thank you to them for all their hard work! 
Once we arrived back after the Liturgy, the students had Health with Mr. McCulloch and worked on their assignment, "How Diets Work".  (This assignment is due Thursday).  During the final hour of the school day, we had one last Mystery Skype practice session in the Library.  As I said last week, I can't wait until tomorrow.  I am confident the students will do a wonderful job and will represent our classroom in the best way possible!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8
Unit Review Assignment is due Tomorrow, December 11th

Unit 4 Exam - Friday, December 14th

Grade 7

McCulloch: Chapter 3 Quiz Tomorrow, December 11th


Overdue Assignments:

1) Killers Tall Tale Handout

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy

3) Advent "Hope" Blog Post


- Please bring back the DQ lunch forms by Tuesday, December 11th

Friday, 7 December 2012

What We Learned Today...December 7th

The Second week of advent is almost here!
Today we started out the morning with our usual AR peroid before moving on to ELA.  In ELA, we discussed how our practice Mystery Skype session went yesterday.  Students made a list of things they felt went well and things that we can work on.  They then took the list of things we need to work on for next week and came up with a number of solutions to make our Mystery Skype run even smoother.  Then during the last 15 minutes of class we had another practice Mystery Skype and it went great! The students are going to do a great job next week when we have our Mystery Skype.
In Grade 8 Math the students wrote their Unit 4 Quiz.  Reminder: The Unit review is due on Tuesday, December 11th and we will have our Unit 4 Exam on Friday, December 14th.

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris before Mr. Csada came by to teach Science.  During the last hour of the day, the students got the chance to work on their Peace Advent Response question for the Kidblog.  If you would like to see the blog response question just go to my blog on the kidblog site!

Have a great weekend!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8
Unit Review Assignment is due Tuesday, December 11th

Unit 4 Exam - Friday, December 14th

Grade 7




Killers Tale Tale Handout is overdue!

Overdue Assignments:

1) Religion Poster Assignment

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy

3) Advent "Hope" Blog Post

- Please bring back the DQ lunch forms by Tuesday, December 11th

Thursday, 6 December 2012

What We Learned Today...December 6th

A screen shot from our practice Mystery Skype Session!

We started out our day with a half hour of AR time before we moved on to something the students we bugging me about all yesterday...our new seating plan!  After we finished AR, we adjusted the feng shui in our class by completing changing our seating plan around.  (A picture will be in tomorrows post)  We then spent the rest of the period working on creating "Thick" questions for our Mystery Skype next week. 
For Grade 8 Math, the students spent the hour working on their Unit Review and studying for our Unit Four Quiz tomorrow.  Remember to check out the Khan Academy website if you are having some trouble with percents.  These videos are very detailed and there is a video to go along with each of the areas in our unit.

After lunch we had Religion and we began to explore the theme of the second week of Advent, Peace.  The students watched several videos that explored the meaning of Peace or what life is like when peace is absent.  They were assigned a new Reflection Question on Peace on our Kidblog that will be due next Wednesday.  At 1:15 the students had Health and continued to work on their diet worksheet from last class.  During Social Studies, we ran a test run for our Mystery Skype session in the Library.  The students quickly got the library ready and got into their Mystery Skype group roles.  We then ran a test run by hooking up an iPad to the projector in the Library and connected it to my phone while I was in the next room.  The students did a great job and everything went smoothly, I am confident that they are going to do a great job next week when we do the real thing!

Math Grade 8
4.4 Handout is Due Tomorrow, December 7th

Unit 4 Quiz- Tomorrow, December 7th

Unit 4 Exam - Friday, December 14th

Grade 7




Killers Tale Tale Handout is overdue!


The two science handouts from yesterday's classs are due tomorrow, December 7th

Overdue Assignments:

1) Religion Poster Assignment

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy

3)Trade Questions
If you are missing the handout here is a link to the document online:
(Please skip to page 16 for the Opportunity Cost Handout)

- Please bring back the signed Report Card Envelopes

- Tomorrow is Backwards Day, make sure to dress up!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

What We Learned Today...December 5th

Super excited to have Arts. Ed!!

Today we started out the morning with our usual AR period until 9:30.  In ELA we spent the hour learning about the differences between Deductive Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning and Inferencing.  Students then put this information to practice by taking part in the Murder Mystery Game.  For this game the students listened to clues given in a video and then were then tasked with solving the mystery using one of the reasoning methods discussed in class.  They needed to identify who did it and why as well as list what reasoning method they used.
In Grade 8 Math, the students began to work on their Unit 4 Review as practice before our quiz on Friday.

After Lunch we had Social instead of French and continued to prepare for our Mystery Skype session next Tuesday.  At 1:15 Mr. Csada came in for Science and continued to teach about Optics and Vison.  He gave the students two assignments to work on and both are due on Friday. 
After recess the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris and continued to work on their Social Justice Drawing assignment. 

Grade 8
4.4 Handout is Due Friday, December 7th

Unit 4 Quiz- Friday, December 7th

Unit 4 Exam - Friday, December 14th

Grade 7

McCulloch: 3.4 due Tomorrow, December 5th



Killers Tale Tale Handout is overdue!


The two science handouts from today's classs are due this Friday, December 7th

Overdue Assignments:

1) Religion Poster Assignment

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy

3)Trade Questions
If you are missing the handout here is a link to the document online:
(Please skip to page 16 for the Opportunity Cost Handout)

- Please bring back the signed Report Card Envelopes

- This Friday, December 7th is Backwards Day!

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

What We Learned Today...December 4th

Hard at work during the Beep Test!

Wow! I'm still not used to writing December in these blog posts! I honestly can't believe that were already in December, it seems like just yesterday the students were walking through the doors to begin the school year.  I guess it's true what they say, "Time flies when your having fun" and that saying couldn't be more true for our school year so far.  This morning the students began with their usual AR period before moving on to ELA at 9:30.  In ELA we continued to work on inferences based on prior knowledge, questioning and clues.  The students had to complete a four-part inference chart based on the picture book, The Stranger by Chris Van Allsburg. 
In Grade 8 Math, the students worked on their assignment from last class on Pg. 148.  Some students who finished early, got a head start on the 4.4 handout that will be due on Friday, December 7th.
Note: We will have our quiz on Friday and then our Unit 4 Test next Friday, December 14th.

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris and continued to work on their Social Justice Drawing assignment.  In French the students worked on their Instruments Handout and Genre Crossword from last class. Once they finished up with those assignments, we began to learn about various French Adjectives.  The students were asked to find the English translation for a list of French Adjectives, and then apply them to their favourite Band/Artist. 
During the last hour of the day the students had Phys. Ed with Ms. Norris and got the opportunity to take part in the Beep Test.  Ms. Norris and I were quite impressed with how well our class did at this activity.  No one gave up and everyone put 100% effort into it. Well Done!

Here's some more pictures from Phys. Ed today:

They love the Beep Test!
A little tired!

Satisfied with her Beep Test Result!
The 1st place finish for group 2!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8
4.4 Handout is Due Friday, December 7th

Unit 4 Quiz- Friday, December 7th

Unit 4 Exam - Friday, December 14th

Grade 7

McCulloch: 3.4 due Tomorrow, December 4th



Killers Tale Tale Handout is overdue!

Overdue Assignments:

1) Religion Poster Assignment

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy

3)Trade Questions
If you are missing the handout here is a link to the document online:
(Please skip to page 16 for the Opportunity Cost Handout)

- Please bring back the signed Report Card Envelopes
- This Friday, December 7th is Backwards Day!

Monday, 3 December 2012

What We Learned Today...December 3rd

Our newly decorated Religion Table for Advent
Since we had an advent liturgy at 11:00, we didn't have our usual Monday morning assembly today.  Instead we had the full half hour silent reading and taking AR tests.  Ms. Norris stopped by to invite some students who need to catch up on some reading to join her in the library at recesses to read.  After AR, the students read an excerpt from the novel Cat's Eye by Margaret Atwood entitled "The Buried Marbles Mystery".  They then practiced their inferencing skills by getting into groups and identifying inferences they could make after reading.  Instead of Phys. Ed today, we had our wonderful Advent Liturgy in the Gym.  We were fortunate to have Deacon Joe Lang join and lead us in our Liturgy.  A special thank you to Ms. Weafer and Miss Lissel for putting together such an amazing liturgy!

During Religion the students were farmed out to different classrooms to use computers so they could work on their Hope Blog Response assignment.  Note: These response posts will be due on Thursday, December 6th.  In Health the students learned about how dieting works by going to and answering some questions from their handouts.  For the last hour of the day in Social we began practicing for our Mystery Skype next week.  The students practiced asking detailed closed questions (Yes or No answers) by trying to figure out what location I was thinking about.  Eventually, the students also picked a location and we went head to head trying to see who could figure out the others location first.  Unfortunately for myself, the students really caught on to the activity and beat me both times.  Well Done guys!
If you would like to see an example of a Mystery Skype, check out Mrs. Yollis's blog post from her classroom.  In addition, here is a video she made documenting her Grade 5's Mystery Skype experience:

The Mystery Skype Call from langwitches on Vimeo.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8
4.3 Handout is Due Tuesday, December 4th

Grade 7

McCulloch: 3.4 due Tomorrow, December 4th


Killers Tale Tale Handout Due Tomorrow, December 4th

Overdue Assignments:

1) Religion Poster Assignment

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy

3)Trade Questions
If you are missing the handout here is a link to the document online:
(Please skip to page 16 for the Opportunity Cost Handout)

- Please bring back the signed Report Card Envelopes