Tuesday, 5 September 2017

What We Learned Today...The First Day of School!

Today we came together for the first time as a Grade 8 classroom and man, did we ever have a busy day! We spent the first part of the morning learning all the basic procedures for Mr. Bresciani's room as well as the school. In addition to procedures, we also spent some time organizing binders and seeing which group could create the tallest tower with their shoes. After recess we participated in some team building activities to get to know each other a little better.

After lunch we headed down to the gym for a quick assembly before coming back to class and working a writing assignment that helped me get to know everyone better. Once we finished up ELA, we held an "I Can't" funeral outside, because the words "I Can't" no longer exist in Mr. Bresciani's class. During the last hour of the day. During the last hour of the day they students took some time to work on a time capsule activity that highlighted everyone's thoughts from the first day of Grade 8.

Overall, we had such a amazing day and I can't say enough how excited I am for this upcoming school year! We have such a fantastic group of students in our classroom and I cant wait for all the fun we're going to have this year! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again tomorrow. Have a wonderful night.

-Mr. B

PS.... The first five people to email me, letting me know they read this blog post will receive 20 bonus Harry Potter points tomorrow after our Sorting Ceremony! m.j.bresciani@rcsd.ca

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