Tuesday, 17 January 2017

What We Learned Today...January 17th

Gathered around our campfire!

ELA: This morning we kicked off our day with an AR period before gathering together in the middle of our classroom to learn about how different constellations received their names from Greek Myths. We also read the Myth of Prometheus which explained the creation of humans as well as fire which we read while sitting around a "campfire".

Genius Hour: After watching an amazing presentation on "Singing Like a K-Pop Star", the students were given the rest of the period to work on their reflection blog posts.

Religion: Students worked on their Epiphany Postcards.  They will be given one final period to finish them up tomorrow before they are due on Thursday.

Math: We briefly reviewed the 5.3 lesson from last night before working on the textbook assignment from Pg. 179.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-Gods of Olympus Questions are due on Thursday

-5.2 Handout is overdue
-Pg. 179 is due on Thursday
a) 1-3, 5, 8
b) 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
c) 1-3, 5, 10-16

-Epiphany Postcard is due on Thursday.

Genius Hour:
-Reflection Blog Post is due on Monday, January 23rd

-Boys Basketball practice has been moved to Thursday 3:35 - 4:45

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