Monday, 24 April 2017

What We Learned Today...April 24th

Learning to Solder!

ELA: We kicked off our morning by learning about the Harris Burdick Mystery and students were tasked with creating their own story based off of one (or more) of his mysterious pictures.

PAA Day: Students were split up into different groups and had the opportunity to take part in a different PAA (Practical and Applied Arts) activity.

Religion: After lunch the students had the opportunity to finish up their Holy Triduum reflection and continue working on their Christian Service Blog Post.

Math: Instead of having a test for our unit on Integers, we decided to have an open book quiz today instead.  After the quiz, students were given the rest of the period to work on our new 9.1 assignment.

A few more pictures from ELA today:

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-8.5 handout is overdue
-Watch 9.2 lesson for Wednesday

-Holy Triduum reflection is due on Wednesday
-Christian Service reflection is due on Friday.

-Photo Recreations are now due on April 28th.

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