Friday, 28 April 2017

What We Learned Today...April 28th

ELA: This morning the students took some time to self and peer edit their creative writing stories before posting them on their kidblog.

Genius Hour: With the band students away at full band, the remaining students had a bonus period to work on their Genius Hour projects.

Religion: After lunch the students were placed into groups and were tasked with creating a visual and prayer for one of the Stations of the Resurrection.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-9.2 handout is due on Monday

-Christian Service reflection is overdue

Fully Alive:
-Growth and Change questions are due on Monday.

-Star Pictures are due on May 12th

Thursday, 27 April 2017

What We Learned Today...April 27th

Our Fully Alive lesson today

ELA: This morning we started the day out with our usual AR period before getting back to our Harris Burdick creative writing assignments.

Fully Alive: We had a double dose of Fully Alive today and officially began our unit, by reviewing the intro lesson from yesterday before learning about the different changes the human body goes through during puberty. After lunch we had an extra Fully Alive class to finish up the lesson from this morning. Please see full power point above.

Math: With many students moving quite quickly through Unit 9, we spent some time learning the concepts from 9.3 before the students were given the remainder of the period to work on the 9.2 and 9.3 assignments.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-9.1 handout is overdue

-Holy Triduum reflection is overdue
-Christian Service reflection is due Tomorrow

-Photo Recreations are now due on April 28th.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

What We Learned Today...April 26th

Math: This morning we started the day out with Math instead of ELA, and the students were given the entire period to work on their 9.2 assignment.

Genius Hour: Students continued researching their topics or practicing the skills they are learning.

Easter Mass: After lunch we headed over to Christ the King for a wonderful Easter Mass that was planned by Mr. Kerr's and Ms. Van Bendagem's classes.

Fully Alive: We had a few minutes at the end of the day to introduce our new Fully Alive unit.  Tomorrow we will officially begin the Grade 8 Theme titled: Created Sexual, Male and Female. This theme will discuss sexuality, examine puberty, fertility and identify STIs. If you would like additional information, please let me know. I am happy to send a textbook home for you to familiarize yourself with the content your child will be learning.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-8.5 handout is overdue
-9.1 handout is due tomorrow

-Holy Triduum reflection is overdue
-Christian Service reflection is due on Friday.

-Photo Recreations are now due on April 28th.
-Easter Mass is tomorrow, 1:00 at Christ the King

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

What We Learned Today...April 25th

Making some Oobleck!

We kicked off the day with a brief AR period before the students continued their creative writing stories based on the Harris Burdick Mystery.

Doing some more soldering
PAA Day: The students headed to their PAA stations and finished up the activities that they began yesterday.

Religion: After lunch the students were given the half hour period to finish up their Holy Triduum reflection as well as their Christian Service blog post.

Math: We started out the class by completing three questions from the Math Diagnostic before finishing up the 9.1 handout.

Science: During the last hour of the day we officially launched our next unit on Fluids, Forces and Density by creating Oobleck and learning about the Particle Theory of Matter.

Some more pictures from today:

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-8.5 handout is overdue
-Watch 9.2 lesson for tomorrow

-Holy Triduum reflection is due tomorrow
-Christian Service reflection is due on Friday.

-Photo Recreations are now due on April 28th.
-Easter Mass is tomorrow, 1:00 at Christ the King

Monday, 24 April 2017

What We Learned Today...April 24th

Learning to Solder!

ELA: We kicked off our morning by learning about the Harris Burdick Mystery and students were tasked with creating their own story based off of one (or more) of his mysterious pictures.

PAA Day: Students were split up into different groups and had the opportunity to take part in a different PAA (Practical and Applied Arts) activity.

Religion: After lunch the students had the opportunity to finish up their Holy Triduum reflection and continue working on their Christian Service Blog Post.

Math: Instead of having a test for our unit on Integers, we decided to have an open book quiz today instead.  After the quiz, students were given the rest of the period to work on our new 9.1 assignment.

A few more pictures from ELA today:

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-8.5 handout is overdue
-Watch 9.2 lesson for Wednesday

-Holy Triduum reflection is due on Wednesday
-Christian Service reflection is due on Friday.

-Photo Recreations are now due on April 28th.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

What We Learned Today...April 13th

Creating Harry Potter wands!

ELA: This morning we learned about perspective as well as the different types of point of view that are used in writing.  After exploring taking time to explore each POV, students were tasked with rewriting a story or scene from a book from a different characters perspective using First Person Narration.

Genius Hour: Students were given the entire period to work on their Genius Hour Projects.

Religion: After lunch the students worked on a short reflection about our Holy Triduum day yesterday.

Passion Play: At 1:00 we were called down to the gym to watch play on Christ's Passion that was performed by Mr. Redler's and Ms. Weafer's classes.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-8.5 handout is due on April 24th
-Watch 9.1 for Monday, April 24th

Career Ed:
-Vacation Planning Document is overdue

-Photo Recreations are now due on April 28th.
-No school tomorrow or next week.  Have a wonderful Easter vacation.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

What We Learned Today...April 11th

Working hard on their Christian Service Reflections

ELA: This morning we picked up where we left off yesterday and continued to learn about plot conflict.  The students completed another conflict map on the short book about Rumpelstilkskin.

Career Ed: Students were given one final period to finish up their vacation planning documents. If students are not finished, they will need to compete it for homework as it is due on Thursday.

Science: We spend the short period going through the unit exams from yesterday.

Math: Students spent the entire hour finishing up the textbook assignments from yesterday and beginning the 8.5 handouts.

*Please remember to dress nicely and bring a lunch for our Holy Triduum Day tomorrow.  We will be leaving the school at 9:00 and will be returning at 3:30.

Here are some more pictures from today:

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-8.5 handout is due on April 24th
-Unit Exam is on Tuesday, April 25th

Career Ed:
-Vacation Planning Document is due on Thursday

-Holy Triduum Day field trip is on Wednesday, April 12th.
-Photo Recreations are now due on April 28th.
-Remember to bring $2 for Chalice 

Monday, 10 April 2017

What We Learned Today...April 10th

Getting serious in their Lenten Twitter Chat

ELA: We started out our morning by reviewing the Plot Diagram and learning about the different types of conflict that occur in the plots of stories.  To help the students understand plot conflict, we read the book, The Lorax, and the students were tasked with identifying the different types of conflict they found in the story.

Religion: After recess we participated in a very special RCSD Faith Chat on the Lenten season. Students were asked six different questions on Twitter by Miles Meyers, our Catholic Education Coordinator, and our class (along with numerous other Grade 7/8's in our system) spent the period sharing their experiences throughout Lent.

Math: We started the period out with a brief Socrative quiz before students began working on the textbook assignment from Pg. 315.

Science: The students were given the entire hour to write their Cells, Tissues and Organs Unit Exam.

Here are some more pictures from today:

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-8.4 handout is due tomorrow
Career Ed:
-Vacation Planning Document is due on Thursday

-Holy Triduum Day field trip is on Wednesday, April 12th.
-Photo Recreations are now due on April 28th.
-Remember to bring $2 for Chalice 

Friday, 7 April 2017

What We Learned Today...April 7th

Writing their stories!

ELA: This morning we started out our day with an AR period before officially launching our Creative Writing Unit.  As a fun way to begin our unit, the students were tasked with starting a story using a prompt on the board, then switching stories every two minutes with the members of their group.  On Monday, we will be examining the components of stories as well as the different types of conflicts that can be found in a story.

Genius Hour: Students were given the entire period to research their Genius Hour topics.

Stations of the Cross: After lunch we went through a full rehearsal of the Stations of the Cross tableau's that we will be performing on next Wednesday.

Lenten Service Project: At 1:30 we walked over to Sunset Extendicare for our our Lenten Service Project.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-8.2 Handout is overdue
-8.5 video needs to be watched for Monday

Career Ed:
-Reality Check questions are overdue

-Unit Exam is on Monday

-Holy Triduum Day field trip is on Wednesday, April 12th.-Photo Recreations are now due on April 28th.
-Remember to bring $2 for Chalice 

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

What We Learned Today...April 5th

Saying goodbye to Dr. Papandreou!

*Before I get to the overview of our day, I just wanted to write a quick thank you to our class for everything this week. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! You guys are amazing, I never could of imagined all the wonderful surprises you had in store for me this week; I'm so grateful.  Each and every one of you are amazing individuals and truly make my job the best in the world!  I am so blessed to work with such an amazing group of thoughtful and caring students each day and I'm really going to cherish these last three months we have together. You guys rock!

Thank you again,

-Mr. B  

ELA: This morning we were very fortunate to have Dr. Zisis Papandreou, a professor from the University of Regina, visit our classroom to teach us about constellations and Greek myths. Dr. Papandreou's presentation was amazing and we would like to thank him for taking the time to visit us!
If you would like to experience Dr. Papandreou's presentation, please see his fantastic power point below:

Career Ed: As our real game mini-unit comes to a close, the students have been tasked with a culminating project of planning a vacation using the money they stashed in their savings accounts.

Religion: Students were given the period to put the finishing touches on their tableau's for the Stations of the Cross.

Math: We started the period off with a quick review and Socrative quiz before spending the remainder of the period working on the 8.4 textbook assignment.

*Please try to get your Farewell Photo Recreations into Mr. Bresciani by April 13th.  With so many things to do for Grade 8 Farewell, taking care of this early will help to make May and June a lot less stressful.  

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-8.2 Handout is due on Friday
-8.5 video needs to be watched for Monday

Career Ed:
-Reality Check questions are due on Thursday

-Unit Exam is on Monday

-Photo Recreations are due on April 13th
-Remember to bring $2 for Chalice 

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

What We Learned Today...April 4th

Interviewing their suspect

ELA: As a launch to our new unit on Creative Writing, students participated in a Murder Mystery activity which tasked them with solving the fictional murder of Mr. Bresciani.  It was very entertaining to hear the students creative and original theories as to who the murderer was as well as their motive.  Unfortunately, the jury selected the wrong suspect to put behind bars and the guilty party walked away free...

Science: We picked up where we left off last class by learning about the functions of the Human Heart as well as some of the different parts that aid in circulation. 

Career Ed: Students were tasked with writing a brief reflection on their budgeting activity from last week.

Math: With some students scoring a little lower than they would have liked on their Unit Exam, the entire class was given the option to write a re-test today.  Any students who chose not to write the test, spent the period working on the 8.2 handout.

Here are a few more pictures from today:

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-Watch 8.4 video for tomorrow.
-8.2 Handout is due on Tuesday

Career Ed:
-Reality Check questions are due on Friday

-Unit Exam is on Monday

-Photo Recreations are due on April 13th
-Remember to bring $2 for Chalice