Friday, 24 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 24th

Hard at work during Genius Hour

ELA: We started out the day with AR before students peer edited their Hercules persuasive essays.  Students were given the entire period to fix anything that needed to be changed and the good copy will be due on Monday.

Genius Hour: With all questions approved, students spent the period researching their questions.

Religion: After lunch we talked about the special field trip we will be taking on Holy Thursday.  Essentially we will be experiencing all the important aspects of the Holy Triduum in one day alongside the Grade 7/8's from St. Dominic.

Math: Students were given the entire hour to finish up their 6.6 handouts and begin working on the Unit Review from their textbook.

Staff vs Student Game: During the last hour of the day we headed down to the gym for the annual staff vs student basketball game.

*There is a special parent meeting on March 28th at 6:30 in the Deshaye Staff Room.  This meeting is for parents to discuss and plan an after-farewell party for the Grade 8 students. Please be sure to mark this date down in your calendars. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-6.6 handout is due on Monday
-Unit 6 Quiz is on Monday
-Unit 6 Exam is on Wednesday

-Hercules persuasive essay good copy is due on Monday

Digital Portfolio: 
-Portfolios and goal setting documents are overdue

-Photo Recreations are due on April 13th
-Remember to bring $2 for Chalice 

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