Thursday, 30 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 30th

Playing Bingo with the Sunset residents today!

Rosary Making: We had a very special start to our day as we were joined by some wonderful parents who helped our class create our very own rosaries.

Career Ed: Students continued working on the "After Work" module on the Real Game as well as any other homework they had.

Math: After lunch the students were given a brief period to finish up their Unit Exams from yesterday.

Service Project: At 1:30 we headed over to Sunset Extendicare for our Lenten Service Project.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-Watch 8.2 video for Friday
-Hercules persuasive essay is overdue

Career Ed:
-After Work questions are overdue

-Photo Recreations are due on April 13th
-Remember to bring $2 for Chalice 

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 29th

Working hard on their Stations of the Cross tableau.

ELA: With our Greek Mythology unit wrapping up this week, we decided to end on a fun note by watching the Disney version of Hercules.  Students were tasked with writing a well written paragraph  that identified  3-4 differences between the movie and the myths of Hercules.

Religion: After lunch the students got into their Stations of the Cross groups and continued to prepare their tableau's.

Math: Students were given the entire hour to write their Unit 6 Exam.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-Watch 7.1 video for Friday

-Hercules persuasive essay is overdue

Career Ed:
-After Work questions are overdue

-Photo Recreations are due on April 13th
-Remember to bring $2 for Chalice 

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 28th

Optimist Speeches: This morning we headed to the gym to watch fellow 7/8 students deliver fantastic speeches about optimism.

Career Ed: Students had a real reality check in the Real Game today as they had to work on a monthly budget for their fictional lives.  They learned about income taxes and other deductions that affect their monthly income, as well as other living expenses that might occur in real life.

Math: Students were given the entire period to work on the Unit Review and Practice Test from their textbook.

*There is a special parent meeting tonight at 6:30 in the Deshaye Staff Room.  This meeting is for parents to discuss and plan an after-farewell party for the Grade 8 students. Please be sure to mark this date down in your calendars. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-6.6 Handout is overdue
-Unit 6 Exam is tomorrow

-Hercules persuasive essay is overdue

Career Ed:
-After Work questions are due on Wednesday.

-Photo Recreations are due on April 13th
-Remember to bring $2 for Chalice 

Monday, 27 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 27th

Arts Ed: This morning we switched things up a bit this morning and Ms. Postma joined us for a bonus Arts. Ed period.

Career Ed: We picked up where we left off last week as students worked on a brief reflection about budgeting time in their fictional lives.

Religion: After lunch we broke into two groups and the students began creating their Stations of the Cross tableau's for our Holy Triduum day.

Math: Students started out the period by writing their Unit 6 quiz before working on the unit review in their textbooks.

Science: In our shortened period we reviewed the organ systems from last class and learned about how the human heart functions.

*There is a special parent meeting on March 28th at 6:30 in the Deshaye Staff Room.  This meeting is for parents to discuss and plan an after-farewell party for the Grade 8 students. Please be sure to mark this date down in your calendars. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-6.6 Handout is overdue
-Unit 6 Exam is on Wednesday

-Hercules persuasive essay is overdue

Career Ed:
-After Work questions are due on Wednesday.

-Photo Recreations are due on April 13th
-Remember to bring $2 for Chalice 

Friday, 24 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 24th

Hard at work during Genius Hour

ELA: We started out the day with AR before students peer edited their Hercules persuasive essays.  Students were given the entire period to fix anything that needed to be changed and the good copy will be due on Monday.

Genius Hour: With all questions approved, students spent the period researching their questions.

Religion: After lunch we talked about the special field trip we will be taking on Holy Thursday.  Essentially we will be experiencing all the important aspects of the Holy Triduum in one day alongside the Grade 7/8's from St. Dominic.

Math: Students were given the entire hour to finish up their 6.6 handouts and begin working on the Unit Review from their textbook.

Staff vs Student Game: During the last hour of the day we headed down to the gym for the annual staff vs student basketball game.

*There is a special parent meeting on March 28th at 6:30 in the Deshaye Staff Room.  This meeting is for parents to discuss and plan an after-farewell party for the Grade 8 students. Please be sure to mark this date down in your calendars. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-6.6 handout is due on Monday
-Unit 6 Quiz is on Monday
-Unit 6 Exam is on Wednesday

-Hercules persuasive essay good copy is due on Monday

Digital Portfolio: 
-Portfolios and goal setting documents are overdue

-Photo Recreations are due on April 13th
-Remember to bring $2 for Chalice 

Thursday, 23 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 23rd

Having a blast playing Crib!

ELA: This morning we skipped our beloved AR period so the students had an hour and a half to work on the good copies of their Hercules persuasive essays.

Career Ed: Students logged into their real game accounts and were tasked with budgeting the time they spend each week in their fictitious life.

Service Project: After lunch we headed to Sunset Extendicare and had a blast bowling, reading and playing Crib with the residents.

*There is a special parent meeting on March 28th at 6:30 in the Deshaye Staff Room.  This meeting is for parents to discuss and plan an after-farewell party for the Grade 8 students. Please be sure to mark this date down in your calendars. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-6.6 handout is due on Monday
-Unit 6 Quiz is on Monday
-Unit 6 Exam is on Wednesday

-Hercules persuasive essay is due on Friday

Genius Hour:
-Vlog Post #1 is overdue

Digital Portfolio: 
-Portfolios and goal setting are due today.  Feel free to go through them with your child tonight!

-Photo Recreations are due on April 13th
-Remember to bring $2 for Chalice 

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 22nd

Our full classroom today!

ELA: With so many students away at the Optimist Festival today, the students were given the entire period to work on their Hercules persuasive essays.

Career Ed/Work Period: We continued our real game unit as students completed a reflection from the wish list activity that they completed last week. Students were also given the opportunity to work on any other homework they had during this period.

Skiing fun yesterday!
Digital Portfolios: After lunch the students were given the half hour period after lunch to work on their digital portfolios and goal setting documents.

Math: Students took some time to finish up their assignment from Pg. 234 before beginning the 6.6 handout.

*There is a special parent meeting on March 28th at 6:30 in the Deshaye Staff Room.  This meeting is for parents to discuss and plan an after-farewell party for the Grade 8 students. Please be sure to mark this date down in your calendars. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-6.6 handout is due on Monday
-Unit 6 Quiz is on Monday
-Unit 6 Exam is on Wednesday

-Hercules persuasive essay is due on Friday

Genius Hour:
-Vlog Post #1 is overdue

Digital Portfolio: 
-Portfolios and goal setting are due on Thursday.

-Photo Recreations are due on April 13th
-Remember to bring $2 for Chalice 

Monday, 20 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 20th

Testing out the nervous system!

ELA: We started out the week by going through some of the assignments that were corrected on the weekend.  Students then spent the rest of the hour working on their Hercules persuasive essays.

Digital Portfolios: Students were given the entire period to work on their digital portfolios and goal setting documents.

Math: Once we arrived back from our Lenten liturgy, the students took a brief Socrative quiz on 6.6 then began working on the textbook assignment from Pg. 234.

Science: During the last hour of the day we learned about five of the organ systems in our body through interactive stations around our classroom.

*There is a special parent meeting on March 28th at 6:30 in the Deshaye Staff Room.  This meeting is for parents to discuss and plan an after-farewell party for the Grade 8 students. Please be sure to mark this date down in your calendars. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-6.5 handout is due Tuesday
Genius Hour:
-Vlog Post #1 needs to be completed by tonight

Digital Portfolio: 
-Portfolios and goal setting are on Thursday.

-Skiing tomorrow at Mission Ridge.  9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
-Photo Recreations are due on April 13th
-Remember to bring $2 for Chalice 

Sunday, 19 March 2017

First Genius Hour Vlog

Hi everyone!  With all the excitement around our pep rally on Wednesday, I completely forgot to give you the the link and outline for your first Genius Hour vlog.  This post will not be due by the end of today because we didn't go through it ahead of time.  We will go through it in class tomorrow and you will have the week to complete it.

If you would still like to do it today, I've posted the link below.  Anyone who finishes it today will receive 10 extra points for their Hogwarts Houses as a bonus.

Link to Flip Grid:

Password is arg.

Happy Sunday,

Mr. B

Thursday, 16 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 15th

ELA: We started out the day with our usual AR period before students continued working on their Hercules persuasive essays.

Genius Hour: Now that all essential questions have been approved, students were given the entire period to begin researching their questions.

Portfolios: After lunch the students continued working on their digital portfolio reflections.

Math: Students spent the hour finishing up the textbook assignment from Pg. 227 and working on the 6.5 handout.

Pep Rally: At 3:00 the whole school headed to the gym to pump up our boys basketball team, who play in the championship game at Archbishop M.C. O'Neill High School tonight at 5:45.

*There is a special parent meeting on March 28th at 6:30 in the Deshaye Staff Room.  This meeting is for parents to discuss and plan an after-farewell party for the Grade 8 students. Please be sure to mark this date down in your calendars. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-Unknown Cell Lab is overdue

-6.5 handout is due on Tuesday.
-Watch 6.6 video for Monday

Genius Hour:
-Vlog Post #1 needs to be completed by Sunday night (For Hogwarts House Points)

-No School tomorrow or Friday.
-Photo Recreations are due on April 13th
-Remember to bring $2 for Chalice 

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 14th

ELA: This morning the students finished up the brainstorming stage for the Hercules persuasive essays, and officially began working on their rough drafts.

Digital Portfolios: Students were given the period before and after lunch to work on their Digital Portfolios.

Science: During the last hour of the day we learned about specialized cells as well as four of the different types of tissues in our bodies.

*There is a special parent meeting on March 28th at 6:30 in the Deshaye Staff Room.  This meeting is for parents to discuss and plan an after-farewell party for the Grade 8 students. Please be sure to mark this date down in your calendars. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-Unknown Cell Lab is due tomorrow

-6.4 Handout is due on Wednesday

Genius Hour:
-Essential Questions are overdue

-Ski Forms are due tomorrow.
-Photo Recreations are due on April 13th
-Remember to bring $2 for Chalice 

Monday, 13 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 13th

ELA: This morning we took some time to review the expectations of a good persuasive essay, before students began the brainstorming stage for their next persuasive essay.  The topic for this essay is "Which of the 12 labors do you believe was the hardest for Hercules?".

Career Ed: We officially launched our "Real Game Online" unit last week and students spent the period completing a "wish list" for their fictional lives.

Digital Portfolio's: After lunch we took some time to go through our assignments from Term Two, and students were tasked with finding four pieces of "WOW Work" as well as two pieces of "Under Construction" for their digital portfolio's.

Math: Students were tasked with taking a brief Socrative quiz before beginning their textbook assignment from Pg. 227.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-Unknown Cell Lab is due on Wednesday

-6.4 Handout is due on Wednesday

Genius Hour:
-Essential Questions are overdue

-Ski Forms are due on March 15th.
-Photo Recreations are due on April 13th
-Remember to bring $2 for Chalice 

Friday, 10 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 10th

ELA: This morning we started out the day with our usual AR period before reading the persuasive essay titled "Summer: 15 Days or 2 1/2 Months?"  After reading, the students were tasked with deconstructing the essay in order to find the key parts of a persuasive essay.

Science: We spent the period reviewing the parts of the cell as well as a few key terms the students forgot.

Lenten Service Project: After lunch we headed over to the Extendicare Sunset and the students were paired up with on the residents for the afternoon.  Throughout this amazing experience students had the opportunity to get to know their resident by interviewing them about their past as well as participate in a fun Zumba class with them.  The students were absolutely amazing this afternoon and I can't wait until we head back on the 23rd!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-Unknown Cell Lab is due on Wednesday

-6.4 Handout is due on Wednesday
-Watch 6.5 for Monday

Genius Hour:
-Essential Questions are due tomorrow

-Ski Forms are due on March 15th.
-Photo Recreations are due on April 13th
-Remember to bring $2 for Chalice 

Thursday, 9 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 9th

ELA: This morning we started out the day with a brief AR period before we took some time to critically read the two essay samples from yesterday.  Students were then tasked with scoring each of the essay samples using our persuasive writing rubric.

Career Ed: With our resumes complete, students learned about cover letters this morning and began exploring different jobs in Regina that they could write a fictional letter for.

Religion: After lunch all the Grade 8 students gathered together so Mr. Rieger and I could talk about our exciting Lenten Service Project.  Beginning tomorrow, we will be spending 4-5 afternoons during the course of the Lenten Season at the Extendicare Sunset Retirement Home.

Math: Students were given the entire period to work on the 6.4 assignment.

Science: During the last hour of the day, the students got back into their groups from last class and completed the unknown cell lab.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Career Ed:
-Resumes are overdue

-6.4 Handout is due on Friday

Genius Hour:
-Essential Questions are due tomorrow

-Boys basketball quarter-final game is on Friday at Holy Rosary
-Ski Forms are due on March 15th.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 7th

ELA: Unfortunately there was a mix up this morning and Mr. Meyers was unable to join us for his Lenten Presentation.  As a result, the students began working on their practice intro paragraphs for the fictional essay on whether or not Mr. B would make a good YouTuber.

Homework Period: With our band students away at Full Band, the remaining students were given the period to work on their Resumes, or any other homework they had.

Extra ELA: Students were given the half hour period after lunch to continue writing their paragraph from this morning.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Career Ed:
-Resumes are now due tomorrow

-6.3 Handout is due on Wednesday
-Watch 6.4 video for Wednesday

-Fasting paragraph is overdue

-Mr. B paragraph is due tomorrow.

-Boys basketball quarter-final game is on Friday - Location TBA
-Ski Forms are due on March 15th.

Monday, 6 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 6th

Lenten Liturgy: This morning we started out our day with a special liturgy in the gym to celebrate the beginning of our Lenten season.

ELA: Once we got back from the assembly, we reviewed the components of a persuasive essay as students will be writing essays later this week.

Career Education: Students were given the entire period to finish up their resume templates.  If students are not finished, they will need to complete them for homework as they are due on Wednesday.

Religion: After lunch the students continued working on their Lenten fasting paragraphs.

Math: Students had the entire hour to finish up the 6.3 handouts from last week as well as work on any other homework they had once they finished.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Career Ed:
-Resumes are due on Tuesday

-6.3 Handout is due on Wednesday
-Watch 6.4 video for Wednesday

-Fasting paragraph is due tomorrow

-Boys basketball game is tomorrow at Deshaye vs St. Matthew
-Ski Forms are due on March 15th.

Friday, 3 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 3rd

Investigating their cell during Science

ELA: This morning we picked up where we left off yesterday by learning about the Twelve Labors of Hercules.  The students were also tasked with comparing the myths of the four heroes we studied this week (Perseus, Theseus, Jason and Hercules) and using a Venn diagram to find similarities and differences.

Science: Now that we're finally caught up in Science, the students spent the double period participating in the Unknown Cell Lab.

Math: Students started the period by taking a brief Socrative quiz before beginning the 6.3 assignment from Pg. 208 in their textbook.

Month End Assembly: After recess we headed down to the gym for the month end assembly, where we watched a fantastic SWPBS video created by Mr. Kerr's class and also celebrated our new point club members.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Career Ed:
-Resumes are due on Tuesday

-6.2 Handout is due on Monday
-6.3 Handout is due on Wednesday

-Fasting paragraph is due on Tuesday

-Boys basketball game next week is on Tuesday at St. Matthew

Thursday, 2 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 2nd

ELA: We kicked off our morning by reading a picture book that depicted the Myth of Jason and the Argonauts before brainstorming everything we already know about the Myth of Hercules. Unfortunately our lesson on Hercules was cut short by recess, so we will pick up where we left off tomorrow.

Career Ed: Students continued to work on the functional resumes that they began last class.

Religion: After lunch we took some time to reflect on the "Fasting" theme of lent, and the students were tasked with writing a paragraph on something they could fast from during this season.

Math: Students were given the entire period to finish up the 6.1 handout and begin working on the textbook assignment from Pg. 208.

Science: We ended the day by learning about the differences between multicellular and unicellular organisms and also watching a classic Bill Nye the Science Guy episode on cells.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Career Ed:
-Effective Resume paragraph is overdue

-6.1 Handout is due tomorrow
-6.2 Handout is due on Monday

-Boys basketball game next week is TBA

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

What We Learned Today...March 1st

ELA: This morning we started out our day with our usual AR period before learning more about Theseus and his journey into the labyrinth.  We also took some time to watch the cheesy cartoons that also depict his story.

Genius Hour: We officially kicked off our second Genius Hour as students were given the period to begin searching for the driving questions that will serve as the basis of their projects.

Digital Citizenship: Students were given the entire period to continue filming the digital citizenship vlogs for Ms. Stewart-Mitchell.

Ash Wednesday Liturgy: At 1:00 we headed down to the gym for a wonderful Ash Wednesday liturgy that was prepared by Ms. Olsen's classroom.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Career Ed:
-Effective Resume paragraph is overdue

-6.1 Handout is due on Thursday, March 2nd

-Boys basketball game on Thursday vs St. Mary