Thursday, 13 October 2016

What We Learned Today...October 13th

ELA: This morning we started our day out with the usual AR period before we dove back into our Harry Potter novel.  Today we read all of Chapter 5 together, which took the majority of the period as it is quite a lengthy chapter.  Next class the students will be starting a mini project on the key events that occurred in "Diagon Alley".

Genius Hour: Now that we've been researching our projects for just under a month, students were tasked with writing a blog post to update the class on what they have learned so far.  The questions they were asked to respond to include:

1. What is your project and why did you choose it?

2. What have you learned so far?

3. What has gone well? What has been challenging? How can you overcome these challenges?

4. How have you learned about your topic? (What sources have you used to get your information)

Thanksgiving Mass: After lunch we started our trek to Christ the King for our Thanksgiving Mass.  A special thanks to Mrs. Goulet-Brown and Mrs. Kalynchuk's classes for doing such a wonderful job planning and participating in our mass today.

Pep Rally: During the last hour of the day we headed down to gym for a special pep rally to send our Boys Football Team off to the championship in style. Good Luck Boys!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-3.1 is overdue

-Pg. 91 - Is due on Friday.

a) 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12
b) 6,-8, 10, 12-17
c) 7, 8, 10, 14, 17, 18-21


-Harry Potter Blog Post #1 is due tomorrow

Genius Hour:

-Make sure you are keeping up with your research.


-Positive Lifestyles Conference is on October 19th at The Queensbury Centre.  Since it will be an extended day, students won't arrive back to Deshaye until 5:00.  Parents, please ensure you are here to pick up your child at that time.

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