Friday, 29 April 2016

What We Learned Today...April 29th

ELA: We started out our day today with our pratice RAD's from last class and we spent the hour reviewing the "Connections" and "Inferencing" sections.

Homework Period: With half of our class away at full band, the remaining students were given the entire period to work on their Career Ed or Religion projects.

Religion: After lunch the students got into their groups and began creating their world religion presentations.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-Watch 10.2 video for Monday

-10.1 handout is due on Monday

Career Ed:

-Business Plan is due on May 9th

-Dragons Den pitch is on May 17th


-World Religion Assignment is due on May 9th

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on May 31st


-Email Mr. B your Farewell Star Picture.

-Track Mini Meet is on May 11th (Only select students attend)


Thursday, 28 April 2016

What We Learned Today...April 28th

Working on their "Bubble Test" lab,

ELA: This morning we continued reviewing for next weeks RAD tests by working together on the main idea section of the practice RAD.

Career Ed: Students were given the entire period to work on their business plans with their group members.  These plans need to be completed by May 9th so students will have an entire week to work on their 2 - 4 minute pitch.

Religion: After lunch students continued working on their world religion presentations.  By this point in assignment, most groups should be finished the research portion and should be starting to put their presentation together.

Math: Students were given the entire hour to finish up their 10.1 handouts and if they finished early, get a head start on 10.2.

Science: We officially launched our new unit on "Fluids, Forces and Density" by learning about viscosity through a "Bubble Test" lab.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-10.1 handout is due on Monday

Career Ed:

-Business Plan is due on May 9th

-Dragons Den pitch is on May 17th


-World Religion Assignment is due on May 9th

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on May 31st


-Remember to bring back your Grade 8 Farewell Broken Rack forms as well as $10 ASAP.

-Email Mr. B your Farewell Star Picture.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

What We Learned Today...April 26th

Track Meet: We boarded the buses first thing this morning and headed over to the Canada Games Athletic Complex for our school track meet.  Students had the opportunity to try out each of the different events in fun atmosphere with their peers.  As special thanks to all the coaches and teachers who put their own time into planning today's event.

Religion: After lunch the students got into their groups and continued researching their assigned world religion.

Math: We officially kicked off our new unit on Solving Linear Relations by working on the 10.1 handout.

Science: During the last hour of the day the students were given the entire hour to write their Mixtures and Solutions Unit Exams.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-Unit Exam is tomorrow

Career Ed:

-Dragons Den pitch is on May 17th


-World Religion Assignment is due on May 9th


-Remember to bring back your Grade 8 Farewell Broken Rack forms as well as $10 ASAP.

-Email Mr. B your Farewell Star Picture.

Monday, 25 April 2016

What We Learned Today...April 25th

Researching their world religion.

ELA: This morning we started out our mini RAD review unit by looking at Text Features and relating them to a practice RAD we read about the Battle of Passchendale.

Career Ed: Students got into their Dragons Den groups and continued working on their business plan.

Religion: After lunch the students got into their groups and continued to research the World Religion they were assigned.

Math: With our unit exam coming up this week, students were given the entire period to review and study the key concepts we learned in Unit 9.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-Watch 10.1 video for tomorrow

-Unit Exam is on April 27th


-Unit Exam is on Tuesday, April 26th

Career Ed:

-Dragons Den pitch is on May 17th


-World Religion Assignment is due on May 9th


-Remember to bring back your Grade 8 Farewell Broken Rack forms as well as $10 ASAP.

-Deshaye School Track Meet is tomorrow morning.  Remember to dress appropriately. 

Thursday, 21 April 2016

What We Learned Today...April 21st

Religion: This morning we started out our day with Religion and students spent the class researching for the world religion they were assigned yesterday.

Genius Hour: With the full band students away, the remaining students had the period to work on their Genius Hour blog post assignments.

Career Ed: After lunch we took some time to go through the new Dragon's Den assignment that the students will be working on for the next month.  For this assignments students will work in groups to create a plan for a hypothetical business that they will pitch to a panel of local entrepreneurs in May.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-Dystopian Persuasive Essay is due tomorrow


-9.3 handout is due on Monday

-Unit Exam is on April 27th


-Unit Exam is on Tuesday, April 26th


-Remember to bring back your Grade 8 Farewell Broken Rack forms as well as $10 ASAP.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

What We Learned Today...April 19th

The Bresciani Bunch with Adam Reeson!

ELA: This morning we skipped AR and got right into the dystopian persuasive essays.  Students were given the entire period to finish editing and type up the good copies of their essays.

Career Ed: We were very fortunate to have local entrepreneur, Adam Reeson join us today to give an awesome presentation on Entrepreneurship as well as some helpful tips to keep in mind when creating your own business.  Thanks for an awesome morning Adam!

Religion: After lunch the students were introduced to our next big assignment which focuses on World Religions.  Over the course of the period we went though the expectations of the assignment and a brief overview of each Religion.

Math: We briefly reviewed Linear Relationships before the students began working on the 9.3 handout.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-Dystopian Persuasive Essay is due tomorrow


-9.2 Handout is due tomorrow

-Unit Exam is on April 27th


-Unit Exam is on Tuesday, April 26th

Career Ed:

-Adam Reeson Entrepreneurship Reflection is due tomorrow


-Remember to bring back signed track notes if you haven't already.

Monday, 18 April 2016

What We Learned Today...April 18th

Presenting their Resurrection image.

ELA:  Students finished editing the rough drafts of their dystopian persuasive essays and began working on their final copies.  *Note: I have bumped the due date back one day for this assignment to Wednesday, April 20th

Religion: Over the period the ten groups took turns presenting their Station of the Resurrection images and prayers to the class.

Math: Students were given the entire period to work on their 9.2 Handout which focused on finding the patterns in a table of values.

Science: During the last hour of the day we learned about the different types of solutions (Concentrated, Dilute, Saturated, Unsaturated and Super-Saturated) and students were given an outline of their upcoming Unit Exam.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-Dystopian Persuasive Essay is now due on Wednesday


-9.2 Handout is due on Wednesday, April 20th

-Unit Exam is on April 27th


-Unit Exam is on Tuesday, April 26th


-*Students, please remember email me your photo re-creation assignments for your Grade 8 Farewell if you haven't already.  These photos are now overdue.

-Remember to bring back signed track notes for Monday.

Friday, 15 April 2016

What We Learned Today...April 15th

Presenting to the class!
ELA: This morning we started out our day with our usual AR period before working on the rough drafts of the dystopian persuasive essays.

Career Ed: Now that everyone completed their entrepreneurship assignments, the students took turns presenting on what they learned from their assigned articles.

Religion: After lunch the students were given one final period to work on their Stations of the Resurrection image and prayer.

Math: Students were given the entire period to finish up the 9.1 handout from last class.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-Dystopian Persuasive Essay is due on Tuesday, April 19th.


-9.1 Handout is due on Monday, April 18th

-Watch 9.2 for Monday, April 18th


-Fish Dissection Lab Report is due on April 18th


-Resurrection station prayer and image are due on April 18th


-*Students, please remember email me your photo re-creation assignments for your Grade 8 Farewell if you haven't already.  These photos are now overdue.

-Remember to bring back signed track notes for Monday.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

What We Learned Today...April 14th

ELA: This morning students were given the entire period to continue working on their Dystopian Persuasive Essays.

Career Ed: Unfortunately with so many students away at Band and EAL yesterday we weren't able to  finish the entrepreneurship article assignment.  As a result, students were given the period today to complete these assignments, and if they finished early, work on their persuasive essays.

Religion: After lunch the students got into their groups and continued working on the Stations of the Resurrection assignment.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-Dystopian Persuasive Essay is due on Tuesday, April 19th.


-9.1 Handout is due on Monday, April 18th

-Watch 9.2 for Monday, April 18th


-Fish Dissection Lab Report is due on April 18th


-Resurrection station prayer and image are due on April 18th


-*Students, please remember email me your photo re-creation assignments for your Grade 8 Farewell. These are due tomorrow.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

What We Learned Today...April 13th

ELA: This morning students continued working on their Dystopian Persuasive Essays.

Career Ed: Students were placed into pairs and were tasked with reading a short article about a young entrepreneur as well as filling out a short reflection.

Religion: After lunch the students got into their groups and spent the period working on the Stations of the Resurrection prayer and image.

Math: We spent the first half of class going through the Unit 8 Exams from last week before officially kicking off our ninth unit on Linear Relations.

Science: During the last hour of the day the students were given the entire hour to work on their Fish Dissection Lab Report.  *This was the final class period for this assignment and it will now be homework if it s not finished.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-Dystopian Persuasive Essay is due on Tuesday, April 19th.


-9.1 Handout is due on Monday, April 18th

-Watch 9.2 for Monday, April 18th


-Fish Dissection Lab Report is due on April 18th


-Resurrection station prayer and image are due on April 18th


-*Students, please remember email me your photo re-creation assignments for your Grade 8 Farewell. These are due on Friday.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

What We Learned Today...April 12th

Taking a break from their Power Point Assignment.

ELA: We started out our morning with the usual AR period before the students continued brainstorming and researching facts for their Dystopian Persuasive Essays.

Genius Hour: Students spent the entire period working on their blog posts that update their progress so far in this project.

Buddies: After lunch we were joined by Ms. Postma/Bachiu's Grade 6 students who needed some guidance on their power point presentations.  The Grade 8's were fantastic role models over the hour and I know the Grade 6's appreciated all their help today.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-Dystopian Persuasive Essay is due on Tuesday, April 19th.


-Fish Dissection Lab Report is due on April 18th


-Resurrection station prayer and image are due on April 18th


-*Students, please remember email me your photo re-creation assignments for your Grade 8 Farewell. These are due this Friday,

Monday, 11 April 2016

What We Learned Today...April 11th

Taking a second to pose at the Theatre!
ELA:  Now that we've finished up our essay structure review, students began to write their own persuasive essays based on the following prompt: "Some critics believe that Dystopian books rely too much on violence and as a result are warping the minds of young adults. They believe that these books should be taken out of schools. Do you agree? Do you disagree?

The Testing Crew
Dystopian Movie:  After recess we boarded the bus and headed straight to the Galaxy Cinemas to watch Allegiant. During this time we also got the opportunity to meet with the other students and teachers who have been participating in the same Dystopian Unit as us.  It was so cool to finally meet the these people face to face, as before today they were only a name on a computer screen.

As always, I was impressed with how well the students at Deshaye represented themselves and their school today. Well done everyone!

The whole Deshaye crew!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-Summer Holiday Persuasive Map is due Tomorrow.


-Watch the 9.1 Video for Tomorrow


-Fish Dissection Lab Report is due on April 18th


-Exit Slip is due tomorrow


-*Students, please remember email me your photo re-creation assignments for your Grade 8 Farewell. These are due this Friday,

Friday, 8 April 2016

What We Learned Today...April 8th

Our new seating arrangement!

ELA: This morning we continued our mini persuasive essay unit by reading the essay, "Summer: 15 Days or 2 1/2 Months?".  Students were tasked with reading the essay and then deconstructing the key components on their persuasion map.

Career Guidance: We officially kicked off our unit on Entrepreneurship by discussing what exactly an Entrepreneur is and where we could find some local examples here in Regina.  Students were also given a hypothetical situation where they were given $100 to start up their own business and had to explain to the class what their business would be.

Religion: After lunch the students got into their groups from yesterday and began working on their Stations of the Resurrection assignments.

Math: Students were given the entire period to write their Unit 8 Math Exam.

*Students, please remember email me your photo re-creation assignments for your Grade 8 Farewell. These are due on Friday, April 16th and I have only received a few so far.  Please, Please, Please start getting them into me soon.  Just in case you lost the note that went home, here is a digital copy.  

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-Watch the 9.1 Video for Monday's class.


-Fish Dissection Lab Report is due on April 18th


-We will be going to the Southland Mall cinemas on April 11th to view the movie Allegiant with Mr. Rieger's class.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

What We Learned Today...April 7th

ELA: After our usual AR period, students were given the remainder of the class to complete their practice introduction paragraph explaining whether or not I would make a good body guard for Justin Bieber.

Work Period: With many of our students away at full band, the remainder of the students were given the entire class to work on their dissection lab report or any other homework they had.

Religion: Before the Easter break we participated in an interpretation of the Stations of the Cross which depicted Jesus' Passion.  Now that Jesus has resurrected from the dead, the students have been tasked with creating images for the "Stations of the Resurrection" that depict his journey from the dead to his ascension into Heaven

*Students, please remember email me your photo re-creation assignments for your Grade 8 Farewell. These are due on Friday, April 16th and I have only received a few so far.  Please, Please, Please start getting them into me soon.  Just in case you lost the note that went home, here is a digital copy.  

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-Unit 8 Exam is tomorrow


-Four Gospel assignment is due tomorrow


-Fish Dissection Lab Report is due on April 18th


-We will be going to the Southland Mall cinemas on April 11th to view the movie Allegiant with Mr. Rieger's class.