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Filming their Rants! |

ELA: Now that we have completely finished the written component of the rant assignment, all students were working on the video aspect. Over the hour, they could be found all around the school planning and practicing their rants in front of a camera. We will begin filming the good copies on Monday so students will need to do a little practicing over the weekend if they don't have their entire rant memorized.
Career Education: The students received their username and passwords for The Real Game, and spent the period filling out a wish list of things they would want to have in the future. This included the type of house they wanted to live in, type of vehicle, leisure activities and leisure items. Next week we will compare the students wish lists with the career they were assigned to see if their wish list is practical to the amount of money they make.
Religion: Students were given the half hour period to work on their Lenten Reflection Booklets. This was the final class period allotted for this assignment. It is due on Thursday, April 2nd; students who are not finished will have to spend a little time working on it at home.
Grade 8 Math: Today we started out the class with a brief Socrative quiz on Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers before students began working on their textbook assignment from Pg. 227. *Students remember that the 6.4 handout is due on Monday, March 30th.
Assembly: During the last hour of the day the entire school gathered together in the gym for our Month End Assembly. A special shout out to all Battle of the Books members for their special acknowledgement today as well as our winners for the AR assembly.
Upcoming Due Dates & Homework
Written Copy of Rant are overdue.
Practice memorizing and speaking rants over the weekend
Career Ed:
Resumes are overdue, please share with Mr. Bresciani
Grade 8 Math:
6.4 Handout is due on Monday
Pg. 227-228 - Due on Tuesdaya) 5-7, 9, 11, 12
b) 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19
c) 5, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23
-We are currently taking donations for our Lenten Charity group, Chalice. As a school system, we are sponsoring children in Haiti as well as the Philippines. If you would like to donate please feel free to send any dollar amount with your child to school over the next two weeks.
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