This morning we began our day with a very special Assembly dedicated to our Grade 8's. At this assembly various Grade 8 students were recognized for the impressive feat of making the honour role. The grade 8's were each also recognized with different Fun Awards from their fellow students and teachers. You'll have to ask your child about their award as there were so many awesome awards handed out today! To conclude the assembly we watched the slide show as well as the video from farewell and each Grade 8 student was presented with a Deshaye t-shirt.
In Grade 8 Math the students finished up writing their Grade 8 Math Diagnostics. Unfortunately this was our last math class of they year (don't celebrate too much!) as we have our Year End mass tomorrow morning. I have really enjoyed teaching the Grade 8's from our class and Mr. McCulloch's class and will definitely miss them next year. From dancing and singing the Titanic theme to scavenger hunts, this group really made our Math class a fun place to be each day.
After lunch we spent some time configuring our final seating arrangement of the year. With the number of students in our class, it's kind of like playing Tetris trying to get all these desks to fit properly!! At 1:15 the students got into pairs and were each given a balloon. Their task was to blow their balloon up and make it as aerodynamic as possible in an effort to fly across the room in the quickest time. This hour saw some pretty interesting designs, some worked while others failed, but all in all it was a pretty fun hour. Congratulations to Ryan and Brett and well as Rafaela and Sophia for getting their balloons across the entire class in under 3 seconds!
During the last hour of the day the students spent the hour signing and writing farewell messages on the shirts the Grade 8's were given today.

-Swimming on June 26th
-Last day of school June 27th
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