Thursday, 27 June 2013

That's a Wrap...The last day of school!

The Bresciani Bunch on the final day of school.

With mixed emotions I write the last blog post of the 2012-2013 school year.  We have had such a great year and I feel very blessed to have had such a wonderful group of students to work with this year.  Being my very first year as an educator I was unsure what to expect when I got my very own class, and man was I ever lucky! Each and every student in our class was absolutely amazing and really made our class such an awesome place to be each day.  I couldn't have asked for a better way to begin my teaching career! So students thank you so much for making this such a memorable year for me! You such an amazing group of people that will always be one of the highlights of my teaching career.  Parents, I would also like to thank you as well for all your support this year as well as the wonderful job you've done in raising your sons and daughters.  I know my year also wouldn't have been as amazing without you, so thank you!

I'm really going to miss everyone over the summer but would like to wish the Grade 8's all the best in High School and the Grade 7's all the best in Grade 8 next year!

Now on to our last day of school....

This morning we started our day out with a massive indoor snowball fight (or as the students called it, "Paper War").  The students all stock piled some of their scrap paper while we were cleaning up this week and first thing this morning, crumpled them up into balls.  Then we grabbed some mats from the gym and set them up in the classroom as shields before we begin our epic scrap paper war!  While it only lasted a short time it was definitely a lot of fun and the students seemed to enjoy burying their teacher in scrap paper! Once the war was over we started the long task of picking up all the paper and restoring our room back to it's former shape.

Here's some pictures from our war:

At 10:30 we headed out of the school to meet Mr. McCullochs class at the Spray Park.  Students spent the next hour here enjoying the water, playing soccer, basketball and for some students, playing on the baby swing! (*Cough...Ryan...Brett)

After lunch each senior class had a different activity going on (movies and some video games) so students had the choice to hang out in the room of their choice.  In our room we had some pretty epic games of Halo 4 and an even more epic game between Mr. McCulloch, Mr. Csada and myself.  (I think Mr. Csada and Mr. McCulloch are still used to the Atari so the Xbox was probably a little advanced for them!)

To end the day we opened up our time capsule from the beginning of the year and students got a chance to read some of their thoughts from their first day of grade 7 or 8 as well as what some of their interests were at the time.  I know for a lot of the students this time capsule really showed how much they've grown and changed over the past 10 months, which is crazy because it seems like such a short time!

As I said above, I have really treasured my time with these students and couldn't have asked for a better group to teach this year.  I wish everyone nothing but the best and hope everyone has an absolutely wonderful summer!

Thanks for everything!

ps. Check back tomorrow for one mini post. I'll try to upload the Grade 8 Farewell slide show and video!

-Mr. B

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

What We Learned Today...June 26th

I'll try adding this again because it didn't seem to work yesterday!
To start our second last day of school, students split up into groups and were each given various supplies.  Their task: Create a container that can protect an egg from cracking after being dropped from different heights.  While each group was supplied with items ranging from a paper cup to a pipe cleaner, they were not given tape.  In order to receive tape, students had to answer trivia questions about their classmates to see how well they got to know each other this year!  At 10:00 all groups had finished creating their egg containers and we headed out to the blacktop to begin our drop.  After drops from 3 different heights we were left with a tie for first place with two very similar designs.  Both groups used tissue paper to create a parachute that ensured their egg would float down to ground rather than free fall.  Well done Ambers group and Kevins group! 

After lunch all the senior classes headed outside to begin our walk to Massy Pool for swimming.  We spent about 2 hours at the pool with some absolutely gorgeous weather.  I would also like to thank Mr. McCulloch and Mr. Csada for deciding not to wear their speedos today, we all really appreciated it!

Well, we now officially have only one day left! I can't believe how fast this year has flown by.  Check in tomorrow for the final Blog Post of the year.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do all summer with no school to blog about!!


Tomorrow is the last day of school, be sure to take everything home with you!

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

What We Learned Today...June 25th

This morning the students were given the first half hour of the day to finish editing their "Door Scenes" from yesterday as well as put any finishing touches on them before the were shown to the entire class.  At 9:30 we had the first part of our mini film festival and we watched each groups interpretation of the "Door Scene".  Unfortunately I couldn't upload all the videos to Youtube so below you will only find a selection of the films made by our class today. 
After we finished watching all the films the students were asked to make another movie with the iPads except this time it could be on the topic of their choosing.  So over the next hour the students filmed their new movies and began editing right before lunch. 


At 1:00 all the groups had finished editing their films and we were ready to finish up our film festival by watching all of the new entries.  As a class we voted on the top film in each category and I would like to congratulate Denmark, Darren and Raouf for taking home first place for the "Door Scene" as well as Kevin, Sophia, Rafaela and Rolan for taking home first place for the second part of the festival. All the groups did an excellent job with these films and I was very impressed with how creative everyone in our class is. I would also like to take a second to thank Miller High School for supplying our class with the iPads for the past two days!

During the last hour of the day the students headed to the gym with Ms. Norris and played another game of capture the flag.

-We are going swimming tomorrow so remember to bring your bathing suit and a towel.
-Last day of school is June 27th

Monday, 24 June 2013

What We Learned Today...June 24th

Intense acting during the "Door Scene"
This morning we began our day off with a school wide Year End Assembly in the gym.  This was our last assembly of the year, and for the Grade 8's, their final assembly in Elementary School! During the assembly awards and thank yous were given and we also said goodbye to everyone leaving Deshaye this year.  The highlights from our assembly were the "A Day in the Life of Ms.Grad" tribute video, the "Thank You For Being a Friend" video created by our class and finally a school wide YMCA led by Ms. Grad, Mr. McCulloch and Mrs. Devernichuk. 

Here's our "Thank You For Being a Friend" video:

Once we got back to the classroom, the students put the finishing touches on their paper air plane launchers.  After recess we headed to the gym to run a quick test run before Ms. Norris came down for Phys. Ed.  For Phys. Ed, the students headed outside and played a few different games and enjoyed the awesome weather!

After Lunch we headed back outside to the blacktop where all the groups set up their paper airplane launchers so we could begin our competition.  I was really impressed with how creative the students were in making their devices.  Congratulations to Charles, Ian, Aris and Josh for winning our competition! A special shout out to Kevin for grabbing second place with his awesome launcher as well!

At 1:15 we came back into the classroom and the students got into groups for the "Door Scene" film festival.  For this activity, students needed to get into groups of 4 or 5 and film the classic scene of someone frantically trying to get into a locked door as something approaches them.  This activity is actually straight out of the  American Film Institutes Educator Handbook. 

During the last hour of the day the students once again headed outside with Ms. Norris for an epic game of Capture the Flag versus Mr. Csada's class.  I'm not sure what the result was, but it sure sounded like a lot of fun!

Here's some more pictures from today:

-Swimming on June 26th
-Last day of school June 27th

Friday, 21 June 2013

What We Learned Today...June 21st

A few of the launcher designs.
This morning we started out our day with our annual Year End Mass at the Christ the King Parish.  I would like to thank all the teachers and students who worked hard to put on such a wonderful Mass, they did an excellent job!

After lunch the students had Phys. Ed and headed outside with Mr. Pringle to play a few games and enjoy the awesome weather! At 1:15 we had the second half of our AR Movie party and finished watching the movie, "I Am Legend" that was started last class.  During the last hour of the day the students got into groups and were tasked with creating a device that could launch a paper air plane.  The students were given the entire hour to design and test their devices and next class we will have a competition to see which groups device can shoot the plane the farthest.

On a side note, today was the last Friday of our School Year! (Not that anyones counting).  There is no homework this weekend.  The only work I would suggest the students do is complete their "Clouds" blog post if they haven't done so already. 

Have a great weekend!

-Swimming on June 26th
-Last day of school June 27th

Thursday, 20 June 2013

What We Learned Today...June 20th

This morning we began our day with a very special Assembly dedicated to our Grade 8's.  At this assembly various Grade 8 students were recognized for the impressive feat of making the honour role.  The grade 8's were each also recognized with different Fun Awards from their fellow students and teachers. You'll have to ask your child about their award as there were so many awesome awards handed out today! To conclude the assembly we watched the slide show as well as the video from farewell and each Grade 8 student was presented with a Deshaye t-shirt. 

In Grade 8 Math the students finished up writing their Grade 8 Math Diagnostics.  Unfortunately this was our last math class of they year (don't celebrate too much!) as we have our Year End mass tomorrow morning.  I have really enjoyed teaching the Grade 8's from our class and Mr. McCulloch's class and will definitely miss them next year.  From dancing and singing the Titanic theme to scavenger hunts, this group really made our Math class a fun place to be each day.

After lunch we spent some time configuring our final seating arrangement of the year.  With the number of students in our class, it's kind of like playing Tetris trying to get all these desks to fit properly!! At 1:15 the students got into pairs and were each given a balloon. Their task was to blow their balloon up and make it as aerodynamic as possible in an effort to fly across the room in the quickest time.  This hour saw some pretty interesting designs, some worked while others failed, but all in all it was a pretty fun hour.  Congratulations to Ryan and Brett and well as Rafaela and Sophia for getting their balloons across the entire class in under 3 seconds!

During the last hour of the day the students spent the hour signing and writing farewell messages on the shirts the Grade 8's were given today. 

-Swimming on June 26th
-Last day of school June 27th

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

What We Learned Today...June 19th

Watching the String Quartet today.
This morning we switched things up a little bit and instead of AR, the students had a brief Phys. Ed period.  Ms. Norris gave the students back their Skeletal System quiz and went through their Phys. Ed Duotangs together.  At 9:15 our class was called to the gym and were treated to wonderful music played by the String Quartet.  We arrived back in our class shortly after 10:00, which was just in time for Religion.  During this half hour the students contiued to present their Power Points on Religious Mysteries. 

At 10:45 we had Math and the students continued to work on their Grade 8 Math Diagnostic.  The students will have one final period tomorrow to finish their exams tomorrow.

After lunch we had a short Religion period and the students finished up their Religious Mysteries presentations.  Overall the students did an excellent job with their presentations, and for their last big assignment of they year I was very impressed with the effort they put into it.  At 1:15 the students had Science with Mr. Csada and they spent the period finishing up their Flying Monsters Kite assignments.

During the last hour of the day the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris and spent the hour listening to the last of the Radio Plays that were created over the past month. 

Due Dates & Homework:

All Chapter 10 Assignments due Friday, June 20th

Overdue Assignments:
1) Clouds Blog Post
-Grade 8 Assembly Tomorrow, June 20th
-Swimming on June 26th
-Last day of school June 27th

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

What We Learned Today...June 18th

Listening to their Radio Plays in the dark.
*Due to some technical difficulties yesterday I was unable post yesterday so I would like to acknowledge a few students at the beginning of this post. 

I would like to congratulate Aris, Ryan, Raouf and Matt for winning the Mother Teresa Award for Dedication at our assembly yesterday.  Well Done Boys!

We started our day off today with an AR period from 9:00 to 9:30 before moving on to Religion.  During the hour students took turns presenting their Religion Mysteries Power Point Presentations to the class.  I was very impressed with all the groups that presented today and can't wait to see the rest of the presentations in tomorrows class. 

In Grade 8 Math the students began to write the multiple choice section of their Grade 8 Math Diagnostic.  Due to the length of the test, students will be given the entire class tomorrow to write it as well as some time on Thursday to finish it up. 

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris and spent the half-hour listening to their Radio Plays that were created over the past month.  I was able to stick around and hear a few different ones, and I have to say they turned out awesome!  At 1:15 we had our AR movie party to celebrate our class reaching 12.8 AR Points Per Student for the Month of May.  We will continue to watch our AR movie during the last hour of the day on Thursday.
To end the day the students had Arts. Ed again with Ms. Norris and continued to listen to their Radio Plays.

Due Dates & Homework:Math:
All Chapter 10 Assignments due Friday, June 20th

Religious Mystery Power Points will continue tomorrow
Overdue Assignments:
1) 9.3 Grade 8 Math
2) Clouds Blog Post
-Grade 8 Assembly Thursday, June 20th
-Swimming on June 26th
-Last day of school June 27th
-Last day of

Thursday, 13 June 2013

What We Learned Today...June 13th

Congratulations to all our Grade 8's!
This morning we started out our day with an AR period from 9:00 to 9:30. Ms. Folk has asked me to remind everyone that all library books are due Monday, June 17th.  So please if you have any overdue books please be sure to bring them to school and return them on Monday.  At 9:30 we had Religion and the students continued to work in their groups on their Religious Mysteries Power Point Presentations.  Originally, I set Monday as the day to begin presentations but I have now moved that to Tuesday instead to ensure all groups are ready to present. 

In Grade 8 Math the students continued to work through 10.2 and 10.3 (Solving Two Step Problems with Multiplication and Division. I reminded the students again that we have our Math Diagnostic coming up next week and strongly encourage them to continue to work on 5 questions per night from their study guide.

After lunch they had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris and they finished up their Radio Plays and spent some time listening to each groups finished plays. After Arts. Ed we headed down to the gym for the Senior Dance. 

To end this Blog Post I would just like to Congratulate our Grade 8's on doing such a wonderful job at their Farewell last night. They have been such an amazing group this year and I couldn't be more proud of them.  I would also like to take a quick second to acknowledge two students in our class on winning awards last night.  Congratulations to Jellyn on winning the "Give Your Heart" Award and to Joana for winning the "Realtors Award". 

Due Dates & Homework:
All Chapter 10 Assignments due Friday, June 20th

Religious Mystery Power Points due Tuesday, June 18th
Overdue Assignments:
1) 9.3 Grade 8 Math
2) Clouds Blog Post
-TPD tomorrow so no school!
-Math Diagnostic Tuesday, June 18th

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

What We Learned Today...June 11th

Mr. Meyer's visited us today!
This morning we started the day off with a brief AR period from 9:00 to 9:15.  I completely forgot to mention yesterday that our class was very successful with AR over the month of May.  Not only did they reach their goal of 12 AR Points Per Student, but they went above and beyond and ended up achieving 13 AR Points.  The students have definitely earned their AR Movie Party which we will have sometime next week. 

We were very fortunate this morning because Mr. Meyers visited once again and he gave another wonderful presentation.  This morning he spoke with the students about "Making a Difference" and talked about different people in the world who have truly modelled this.  One person in particular he spoke about was Sir Nicholas Winton.  Sir Nicholas was responsible for saving 600 Jewish children from the Nazis during World War 2 in Czechoslovakia. Mr. Meyers also explained that there is currently a petition for Sir Nicholas to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.  If you would like to learn more about him or sign the petition you can check it out here.

In Grade 8 Math we moved on to Chapter 10, which focuses on Solving Linear Equations.  The primary focus of today's lesson was a review from Grade 7 on how to solve One Step Equations.  (ab=c) Students were given a brief assignment following this lesson and we will continue to work our way through Chapter 10 during tomorrows class. 

After lunch we had Religion and the students spent the half hour working on their religious mysteries powerpoint assignment.  Students will have another two classes to work on this assignment before we present next week.  At 1:15 the students had Science with Mr. Csada and they had the hour to work on a new science assignment on the laptops.  During the last hour of the day the Grade 7's had Arts.Ed with Ms. Norris while the Grade 8's had another farewell practice with Deacon Joe in the Library.

*Don't forget we have our Grade 8 Farewell tomorrow at 6:30 @ Christ the King Parish.

Due Dates & Homework:

9.3 is due on Thursday

Phys. Ed
Quiz tomorrow
Overdue Assignments:
1) Grade 8: 9.1 handout
2) North Korea Booklet
3) Solar Oven Paragraph
4) Colonization Duotangs
-Grade 8 Farewell June 12
-TPD on June 14th

Monday, 10 June 2013

What We Learned Today...June 10th

The Grade 8's practicing farewell songs with Deacon Joe.
This morning we started our week off right by having a quick school wide assembly in the Gym. After we finished O'Canada and announcements two very special guests came forward to recognize two individuals this morning.  The first was our very own Mrs. Sutherland who was recognized this morning by Mr. Brian Lach for winning the Distinguished Employee Award.  Congratulations Mrs. Sutherland! The second individual that was recognized was one of our Grade 7 students who was recognized by Ms. Joanne Beltramini for reaching an impressive Milestone, 1000 AR Points.  Congratulations to this students as well!

After we got back from the assembly, we switched things up and had an hour long Religion class instead of ELA.  In this period students got into their groups from last week and began researching their Religion Mysteries.  For this assignment students were given four questions to help aid them in their research and will be tasked with creating a brief Power Point presentation about their Mystery. 

In Grade 8 Math we continued to learn about Linear Relationships and Equations. Students were given assignment 9.3 to work on during the period.  The students were also given a complete study guide for their upcoming Math Diagnostic using questions from their text book.  I have recommended that the students try to review at least 5 questions per night to help them fully prepare for the exam next week.

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed and they spent the half hour working on their Phys. Ed duotangs. *Ms. Norris has informed me that there will be a quiz Wednesday morning during AR.
At 1:15 we had French and the students were tasked with creating a feasible menu that includes 3 courses and drinks.  We will be using these menu's next class as we prepare for our restaurant simulation next week. Students also took turns meeting with me during this hour to participate in a brief speaking assessment. 

During the last hour of the day the grade 7's had Phys. Ed while the grade 8's spent the hour with Deacon Joe Lang in the Library practicing songs for Farewell.

Due Dates & Homework:
Phys. Ed
Quiz on Wednesday
Overdue Assignments:
1) Grade 8: 9.1 handout
2) North Korea Booklet
3) Solar Oven Paragraph
4) Colonization Duotangs
-Grade 8 Farewell June 12
-TPD on June 14th

Friday, 7 June 2013

What We Learned Today...June 7th

Having some fun at the end of the day!

We started out our day a little differently today, rather than having AR first thing this morning, we started working on our RAD tests instead.  Students were given until recess to complete their RAD test.  As they finished up their tests they were given the rest of the period as AR time or to complete any other homework they had.  At 10:45 they had Phys. Ed with Ms. Norris and finished up presenting their stuntnastics routines.

After lunch the students had Religion and we spent the half hour looking at their final assignment of the year in this subject...Religious Mysteries.  Students were placed into groups and each group was assigned a different Religious Mystery to research.  In a few classes groups will take turns presenting what they learned about their mystery to the rest of the class.  In Health Mr. McCulloch continued their fully alive unit.
During the last hour of the day the students were given the hour to complete their RAD tests as well as any other homework they had.  At 3:00 everyone had completed their RAD test so we decided to go outside for the last half hour of class and enjoy the beautiful weather!

Have a great weekend!

*Students please remember to check Edmodo and email me your videos for farewell.  I would like to have all these in by tomorrow morning.

Due Dates & Homework:
Grade 8
9.2 is due Monday
Overdue Assignments:
1) Grade 8: 9.1 handout
2) North Korea Booklet
3) Solar Oven Paragraph
4) Colonization Duotangs
-Grade 8 Farewell June 12
-TPD on June 14th

Thursday, 6 June 2013

What We Learned Today...June 6th

Some of the Grade 8's posing at the Marina.
This morning we began our day with an AR period from 9:00 to 9:30.  During this time students witnessed their points total for the month reach 11.3 AR Points Per Student.  This means that our class will need to earn 0.7 AR Points by 3:30 tomorrow in order to reach their goal and have a AR party. 

At 9:30 the students were incredibly excited to begin their final RAD tests for the year...Not! However, after all the grumbling and groaning the students began their tests and were given the rest of the hour to write them.  Students will have some more time to finish these tests up as some students didn't receive a full hour to write them this morning.

In Grade 8 Math the students were given the first half hour of class to complete their assignment from 9.2 before we began 9.3 which fouces on Linear Relationships and Equations.  We will continue to learn 9.3 during our next math class.  *Don't forget that 9.2 is due on Monday. 

After lunch the Grade 8's boared a bus and headed to Wascana Lake to canoe for the afternoon.  While the Grade 8's were away the Grade 7's got together with Mr. Csada and had the afternoon to work on any other assignments they had including their Flying Monsters Kite. 

Due Dates & Homework:
Grade 8
9.2 is due Monday
Overdue Assignments:
1) Grade 8: 9.1 handout
2) North Korea Booklet
3) Solar Oven Paragraph
4) Colonization Duotangs
-U of R Field Trip June 5th (All morning)
-Grade 8 Canoeing is on June 6th (12:45 - 3:00)
-Grade 8 Farewell June 12 

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

What We Learned Today...June 5th

Inntertube Water Polo @ the U of R!
We had quite the exciting morning as today was our field trip to the University of Regina.  After boarding the buses we got to the U of R shortly after 9:15 and our class headed straight to the pool.  Instead of just swimming, the students got the opportunity to try out a relatively new sport called "Innertube Water Polo".  This sport is played following all rules of Water Polo except with one small adjustment...players are placed in large Innertbes and forced to paddle around instead of swimming. It was definitely a sight to see this morning watching our class try to stay upright in those tubes without flipping themselves upside down!

Once the students finished in the pool they headed to the gym and played some basketball with Mr. Csada until 10:00  when they headed to their next station.  The final station the students participated in today was with Mr. McCulloch where students learned how to play Ultimate Frisbee.  We ended up having a little bit of extra time before the bus came today so students had the option to either head outside to the grass field with Mr. McCulloch or stay in the gym and play basketball and dodge ball.  All in all it was quite the fun filled morning and the students were excellent ambassadors for our school. 

In the afternoon we switched things up a little and had Social Studies right after lunch.  Students were given an hour to write their Colonization Unit Test.  They also had the opportunity to write a bonus question that I really enjoyed reading, you'll have to ask your children about their answers!  From 1:45 - 2:15 we had French and praticed the vocabular by playing a game of French Food Bingo until recess.

During the last hour of the day we had ELA and students were given the hour to work through their practice RAD test.  We will be writing the official RAD test during ELA tomorrow so be sure to get a good sleep tonight and a good breakfast tomorrow!

Due Dates & Homework:
Grade 8
9.1 is due tomorrow
Colonization Simulation Duotang- Due Thursday, June 6th

Overdue Assignments:
1) 8.2, 8.4, 8.5
2) North Korea Booklet
3) Solar Oven Paragraph
-U of R Field Trip June 5th (All morning)
-Grade 8 Canoeing is on June 6th (12:45 - 3:00)
-Grade 8 Farewell June 12

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

What We Learned Today...June 4th

One more trailer from yesterday.  By Joana, Netheline, Bianca, Kaye, Darren and Denmark.

This morning the students read their books from 9:00 - 9:30 during AR.  Update: We now have 10.8 AR Points Per Student and with only 3 days to go our goal is definitely within reach!  At 9:30 we had ELA and during the first couple minutes of class students got an opportunity to watch each others Movie Trailer Assignment from yesterday.  As I said yesterday, the students absolutely blew me away with how amazing of a job they did with this assignment.  Their trailers truly look like trailers you would see if you were to hit up the movie theatre.  *If you would like to re-watch any of the assignments be sure to check out yesterdays Blog Post.   During the second half of class we began looking our practice RAD test and focused on the area of "Text Features". We will continue to work on our practice RAD's tomorrow afternoon and hopefully begin the real RAD next week. 

In Grade 8 Math the students continued to work on their 9.1 assignment from yesterday on "Graphs and Linear Relations".  Most students had finished this assignment by the half-way point of class so we ended up moving on to 9.2, which is just a continuation of 9.1 with a focus on finding Patterns.  We will continue working with 9.2 on Thursday.

After lunch we had Religion and students were given the half hour to complete their "Clouds" Blog Post assignment.  At 1:15 Mr. Csada came by for Science and gave the students the entire hour to work on their Flying Monster Kite assignments. To complete their day the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris during the last hour of the day and began looking at Musical Scores in Feature Films. 

**Reminder: The three grade 7/8 classes will be going to the University of Regina on tomorrow June 5th for a wellness morning. The students will need to bring their Phys. Ed clothes, gym shoes, a bathing suit and a towel for this trip as they will also be going in the pool.It might also be a good idea to bring some change for the lockers so students can store their clothes away while they are in the pool.
*Girls remember to bring an extra shirt tomorrow if you have a two piece swim suit.

Due Dates & Homework:
Grade 8
8.2, 8.4 and 8.5 are overdue
Social Unit Test-Thursday, June 6th
Colonization Simulation Duotang- Due Thursday, June 6th

Overdue Assignments:
1) French Picture Dictionary
2) North Korea Booklet
3) Solar Oven Paragraph
-U of R Field Trip June 5th (All morning)
-Grade 8 Canoeing is on June 6th (12:45 - 3:00)
-Grade 8 Farewell June 12

Monday, 3 June 2013

What We Learned Today...June 3rd

Filming their movie trailers in ELA

This morning we started out our day with a school wide assembly in the gym and we had a quick presentation about the Bible Summer Camp being held at Christ The King church this August.  After the assembly we headed back to the classroom for ELA.  Students quickly got into their Movie Trailer groups and began filming on the iPads shortly after we got back.  The students really amazed me with how well they were able to adapt to filming on the iPads because for most students this was their first time using the "Trailer" function on iMovie.  Students spent the entire hour filming their projects in and around the school. 

In Grade 8 Math students were given back there Unit 8 Exams and we took some time at the beginning of the class to go through them together.  Once we finished up with the tests we began looking at our new unit involving Graphing and Linear Relations.  Students learned what a "Linear Relation" is as well as how to interpret data from a graph. 

After lunch the students headed to the Library to complete their final STAR test of the year with Ms. Folk.  At 1:15 we had an extra ELA period and students spent the hour finishing up the filming and editing of their Movie Trailer Assignments.  The students did an absolutely wonderful job with this assignment and really impressed me with how easily and quickly they completed the assignment. Well done everyone! I've posted all the trailers that were completed today at the end of this blog post so be sure to check them out!

During the last hour of the day the students had Phys. Ed with Ms. Norris and they spent the period working on the skeletal system assignments in their duotangs before heading outside to play a few games.

*Reminder: The three grade 7/8 classes will be going to the University of Regina on Wednesday June 5th for a wellness morning. The students will need to bring their Phys. Ed clothes, gym shoes, a bathing suit and a towel for this trip as they will also be going in the pool. It might also be a good idea to bring some change for the lockers so students can store their clothes away while they are in the pool.

Due Dates & Homework:
Grade 8
8.2, 8.4 and 8.5 are overdue
Social Unit Test-Thursday, June 6th
Colonization Simulation Duotang- Due Thursday, June 6th

Overdue Assignments:
1) French Picture Dictionary
2) North Korea Booklet
3) Solar Oven Paragraph
-U of R Field Trip June 5th (All morning)
-Grade 8 Canoeing is on June 6th (12:45 - 3:00)
-Grade 8 Farewell June 12
And now for the Trailers:
 (They make take a minute or two to load.  If they are not loading click on the title to open it in youtube instead)

Malicious by Lundy, Amber, Sophia and Raouf

The Clutch by Jules, Eli, Cody and Kaleigh

Downfall by Jellyn, Kevin, Khadeeja, Rolan and Dexie
iKill by Brett, Ryan, Brian, Dawson, Matt and David

Kidnapped by Rafaela, Althea, Josh, Aristotle and Ian