This morning we began our day with a half-hour AR period before moving on to an extra Math period. (Due to Full band today, I decided to save our "Daily Five" stations until Monday). During Math, all students (Grade 7 & 8) logged on to and worked through some extra Math practice questions. This is an amazing Math resource for students to have as it is fully aligned with the Saskatchewan Curriculum and students are able to access it at home as well. As of right now we only have access to it for the next 25 days (we are only on a trial) so I would really encourage students to make the most of this resource while we have it.
At 10:45 the students had Phys. Ed with Ms. Norris and continued to practice their Gagnam Style dance.
After lunch we had Religion and reflected on the "What's in a Name?" blog post before creating Butterflys from our names. At 1:15 the students had Health with Mr. McCulloch and continued to watch the documentary, "Super Size me".
During the last hour of the day we had Social Studies and debriefed what happened last class during the First Encounter simulation. We then went through a Power Point and learned about Small Pox and the different diseases that "killed" various students from the Plains and Algonquain tribes while the French were left unharmed.
Here are some more pictures from today:

Due Dates & Homework:
Grade 8
Handout 5.4 will be due on Tuesday, February 5th
*Math Quiz is on Tuesday, February 5th
Science: Optics and Vision Unit test has been moved to the week of February 4th.
Overdue Assignments:
1) French Poster Assignment
2) "What's in a Name?" Blog Post
3) Social Group Drawings
- Hot Lunch forms will be due February 5th.
-Downhill Ski forms need to be handed in on Monday at the latest
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