Thursday, 28 February 2013

What We Learned Today....February 28th

The Bresciani Barbarians showing our game faces before Battle of the Classes!
Unfortunately, I was away this morning at Mimio training but the students were in great hands as Mr. Ngui was in for me.  To start the morning the students had their usual AR period from 9:00-9:30. Reading is now more important than ever as we will be starting our Battle of the Classes at the end of today. Essentially for the month of March our class will be competing against Mr. McCulloch's and Mr. Csada's classes for the most AR points per student.  The winning class will receive the grand prize of a pizza party! So lets make sure we all Read, Read, Read because it's a team effort and everyone needs to do their part. 
Instead of ELA today, the students had an hour long Religion class to work on their Lenten Service Packages.  *Remember Parts One, Two and Three (Pray, Fast and Give) are due tomorrow March 1st. 
In Grade 8 Math the students worked on Handout 6.1 which dealt with Multiplying Fractions and Whole Numbers.  *This assignment will be due on Tuesday, March 5th.

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Mr. Pringle because Ms. Norris had to attend to some business in the office.  I believe the spent the half hour participating in numerous Drama games to help them gear up for their upcoming Drama unit. 

At 1:15 the students had Arts. Ed with Dr. Roman (Mr. Csada was away sick today) and began to look at cells and were tasked with drawing one of the cells shown in class. During the last hour of the day we had our Battle of the Classes Assembly! Our class put on quite the show during our introduction and what's even more impressive is the fact that we created it all during the 2:15 recess!  Well Done everyone and let's get ready to crush The Magic Mike's and The Shady Csada's in this years edition of Battle of the Classes!

Due Dates & Homework:

Lenten Booklet Plan is due Friday, March 1st (This is Part 1, 2 and 3)

The entire package (Service hours included) will be due on Friday, March 15th.

Grade 8: (This will be due on Monday, March 4th)
Pg. 202-203
a)1-5, 5, 6, 7
b)1-4,6, 8-12
c) 1-3, 9-15

Handout 6.1 will be due Tuesday, March 5th

Overdue Assignments:

1) Social Journals
2) Acrostic Poems
3) Name Blog Self Reflection

-**Grade 8's remember you need to have Leboldus Registration Forms in by tomorrow, March 1st!
- We will be downhill skiing on Thursday, March 7th at Mission Ridge.
- Friday, March 8th is Teacher Conventions and there will be no school for students.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

What We Learned Today...February 27th

A picture from gym/drama on Monday

This morning we got back into the usual swing of things with a half hour AR period from 9:00-9:30.  During this time students were also called up one by one for a quick meeting with myself to discuss their academic progress so far this year.  Students were also shown their present marks in each class and given a list of incomplete assignments (if they had any) to hand in before Report Cards go out. 
At 9:30 the students were given the hour to work on their French Music Critique Podcasts.  These are coming along quite nicely and most groups are close to finishing their scripts and will be using the macbooks by next class!
In Grade 8 Math the students worked on their textbook assignment on Pg. 202-203 involving Multiplying Whole Numbers and Fractions.   They were also treated to the musical stylings of Mr. Pringle who spent the hour working with the students. 
If you are having a bit of difficulty with your assignment, check out this video that also teaches Multiplying Fractions and Whole Numbers. (It's the same as class but better because of the awesome music!)

After lunch we had French again and the students continued to work on their French Music Critique Podcasts before Mr. McCulloch stopped by to teach Health/Career Ed.  During the last hour of the day the students had Social Studies and learned all about the Buffalo and how important it was to our First Nations people of Canada.  Some highlights of the lesson were our discussion about the Buffalo Jump, Recreating the size of a Buffalo using two students and my very talented drawings on the board. (Well maybe only the first two)

Here are some of the pictures I was unable to upload on Monday:

Due Dates & Homework:

Lenten Booklet Plan is due Friday, March 1st (This is Part 1, 2 and 3)

The entire package (Service hours included) will be due on Friday, March 15th.

Grade 8: (This will be due on Monday, March 4th)
Pg. 202-203
a)1-5, 5, 6, 7
b)1-4,6, 8-12
c) 1-3, 9-15

Overdue Assignments:

1) Social Journals
2) Acrostic Poems
3) Name Blog Self Reflection

- We will be downhill skiing on Thursday, March 7th at Mission Ridge.
- Friday, March 8th is Teacher Conventions and there will be no school for students.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

What We Learned Today...February 25th

I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing winter break! While the week did fly by, the good news is Easter break is only one month away!  We began our week with a wonderful Lenten Liturgy prepared by Mrs. Postma & Mrs. Bachiu's class. Once we returned back to the classroom, the students had the rest of the period to work on their French Podcast assignments. Due to the fact that we only have access to the system Macbooks for the next two weeks, we will be having a few extra French classes to ensure all students get the chance to work on them.
In Grade 8 Math we began our new unit on Fraction Operations by learning how to multiply a whole number and a proper fraction.

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris and participated in some co-operative games and trust activities.
At 1:15 we once again had French and the students continued to work on their French Podcasts Scripts over the hour. Most students had made some serious progress and will be very close to actually recording their Podcasts next class.
During the last hour of the day Ms. Norris took the students to the Gym for a Phys. Ed/ Drama combo lesson and the students continued to participate in co-operative games and trust activities.

Due Dates & Homework:

Lenten Booklet Plan is due Friday, March 1st

The entire package (Service hours included) will be due on Friday, March 15th.

Overdue Assignments:

1) Social Journals
2) Acrostic Poems
3) Name Blog Self Reflection

We are downhill Skiing all day tomorrow at Mission Ridge so be sure to dress appropriately and pack a lunch.

* I Apologize about having no images for today's post. Blogger is having technical difficulties and will not allow me to post images.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

What We Learned Today...February 14th

As the students came in this morning, the Grade 8's excited to leave for Leboldus at 10:00 for a "work-free day" (as described by some of the unhappy Grade 7's). However, the Grade 8's didn't get away fast enough as we spent the first hour of the day discussing our new Religion Lenten assignment. For this new assignment students will have to create a Lenten Plan that will focus on four key areas: Prayer, Fasting, Giving and Service. Students will be tasked with writing a half page plan or reflection for each area throughout Lent. For the Service aspect of the assignment, the students will need to spend four hours serving others. This can be done by volunteering at shelters or charities, helping parents/guardians/neighbours doing odd shores etc. It was explained that this should be something challenges them to do something that they normally wouldn't do. I will be sending a compete package home when the students get back from their break. However, if the students would like to get a head start on this over the break they most definitely can, they will just need to be sure to document what they did and get a signature from where they served.
* I will attach a full overview of the assignment online tomorrow under the Religion tab!

Now back to our day! After the grade 8's left for Leboldus, the Grade 7's worked on IXL and any other homework they had until recess. *Remember we only have about two weeks left on on IXL so please make sure you make use of this tool as much as you can. Maybe if your feeling school sick over the break you can log on at home and polish off a few questions? ....Well it was worth a try anyways!!

After lunch Mr. McCulloch's math class wrote their Unit 6 math test before all the Grade 7's got together to watch the movie "Hotel Transelvania" in Mr. McCullochs room.

Note: Each student was given a print out of all their marks for each class that I teach. If you notice there is an area where there is no mark given, that means I have not received the assignment and it may be beneficial for the student to utilize some of their break catching up on this so it can be entered on their next report card. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to email me at!

I unfortunately won't be at school tomorrow so this will be the last post before the break! I hope everyone has a fantastic break and I can't wait to come back after the break and hear all the great stories!
I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again, we are truly blessed to have such an amazing class this year! Have a wonderful Break!

Due Dates & Homework:

Lenten Booklet Plan is due Friday, March 1st (Students will have the first week back to work on the assignment)

The entire package (Service hours included) will be due on Friday, March 15th.

Overdue Assignments:

1) Social Journals
2) Acrostic Poems
3) Name Blog Self Reflection


- We will be downhill skiing on Tuesday, February 26th at Mission Ridge.

Oh and I almost forgot, Happy Valentines Day!! (I'd say I got it from her, but no one would believe me!)

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

What We Learned Today...February 13th

We started off our morning with our usual AR period from 9:00 - 9:30 before moving on to ELA.  In ELA we continued to look at the literary works of Edgar Allan Poe by reading the poem, "The Raven".  Before we actually got to reading the poem we first looked at three literary devices that are often found in poems: Alliteration, Assonance and Internal Rhyming.  Then as we read through the poem, students were tasked with finding and highlighting examples of each device.  After our first read through there was a little confusion as to what was actually happening in the poem so we watched The Simpsons version as well, which did an excellent job re-creating the poem. 
In Grade 8 Math students finished up their Unit 5 Tests from yesterday.  Once the students completed their Math Test they were given a handout reviewing Fractions because our next unit will focus on Multiplying and Dividing Fractions. 

After lunch we headed to Christ the King Parish for our Ash Wednesday Mass. I'd like to thank Mr. McCulloch and Ms. Sutherland for doing such a great job putting together such a wonderful Mass!

Due Dates & Homework:

Grade 8
All textbook assignments are due tomorrow!

Grade 7:
Mr. McCulloch:
Unit Test Tomorrow


Overdue Assignments:

1) Social Journals
2) Acrostic Poems
3) Blog Self Reflection


- Grade 7's in Mr. McCullochs math class have their unit test tomorrow.

- Grade 8's have their Spend-a-Day at Leboldus tomorrow.  You do not need to bring a lunch tomorrow but should have your gym runners with you. 

Monday, 11 February 2013

What We Learned Today...February 11th

Working on monster bookmarks with their little buddies!
We began our week off with a great school wide assembly in the gym this morning before heading back to the classroom.  However our stay was very breif because at 9:30 we went straight to Ms. Wiley's class to work with our little buddies.  Once we arrived, the Grade7/8's found their little buddies and began working with them on creating Monster Bookmarks for their books.  I was quite impressed with how great of a job the little buddies and their big buddies did with this activity; the Monsters looked awesome! 
In Grade 8 Math the students were given an overview of their test for tomorrow and had the entire hour to review and study for this test.  Students are allowed to bring in a study sheet for this test and I strongly encourage each student to take the time to make one. 

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. B (Ms. Norris is away in Hawaii so Ms. B will be here all week for her) and began their Drama Unit. In French we finished up the emotion/mood worksheet before moving on to our Unit End assignment.  For this assignment students will get into groups of 3 and will be responsible for creating a music critique podcast using garageband.
During the last hour of the day the students had Ms. B again for Phys. Ed and played chain tag and garbage ball.

Here's some more pictures from today:

Due Dates & Homework:

Grade 8
All textbook assignments are due tomorrow!

Unit test in on Tomorrow, February 12th

Grade 7:
Pg. 214 #5-14 is due on Monday

Tell Tale Heart Acrostic Poems are due on Monday

Overdue Assignments:

1) French Poster Assignment
2) "What's in a Name?" Blog Post
3) Social Journals


- Grade 8 Math Test is on Tomorrow, February 12th

Friday, 8 February 2013

What We Learned Today...February 8th

Poor Roauf!

The Suspects
This morning we jumped right into ELA rather than AR because I really wanted the band students to be able to participate before they had to leave.  To coincide with our mystery unit, the students participated in an interactive Murder Mystery that saw five of their classmates as the main suspects in the murder of Mr. Bresciani.  For this activity the remaining students were split up into 5 groups and became the detectives for the investigation and had the opportunity to interview each suspect about the murder.   After all groups had finished their investigations they had to present to the class their conclusion on who the murderer was.  Then as a class we voted on who to send to jail for the murder of Mr. Bresciani.  Unfortunately for Roauf, he was sent to jail as an innocent man while Amber, the real murderer, got away clean! (Amber murdered Mr. Bresciani because she wanted to erase her Justin Bieber blog post from Mr. Bresciani's computer)
At 10:45 the students had Phys. Ed with Ms. Norris and worked on some basketball skills and played 21. 

After lunch the students headed to the Library to take their mid-year STAR test (Reading Level Testing) on the computers.  In Health Mr. McCulloch  began the Career Guidance unit and the students got the chance to plan the Spin Game. 
During the last hour of the day the students once again got into their Social Colonization Simulation groups and continued to work on their community tasks from yesterday's class. 
Here's some more pictures from our Murder Mystery investigation today:

Due Dates & Homework:

Grade 8
Handout 5.4 is overdue

Unit test in on Tuesday, February 12th

Grade 7:
Pg. 214 #5-14 is due on Monday

Tell Tale Heart Acrostic Poems are due on Monday

Overdue Assignments:

1) French Poster Assignment
2) "What's in a Name?" Blog Post
3) Social Group Drawings


- Grade 8 Math Test is on Tuesday, February 12th

Thursday, 7 February 2013

What We Learned Today...February 7th

Showing the gifts that the Algonquian and Plains recieved from the French.
This morning we had our usual AR period from 9:00 - 9:30 before moving on to our extra Math period.  For this period students each logged on to thier IXL accounts using the school computers as well as their own technology and spent the hour working through extra math practice questions.  As of right now our class has spent a combined 23 hours and 22 minutes on IXL and have completed 5,142 questions.  Well Done!
In Grade 8 Math the students were given the hour to complete their assignments and study for our test on Tuesday.  Note: The Chapter Review and Pracitce Test will be due on Tuesday, February 12th. 

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris and continued to work on their Social Justice Drawing Assignments.  She has informed me that there are a few students who are falling a little behind on their assignments and may need to take these home to catch up on. 
At 1:15 the students had Science with Mr. Csada and they completed Part Two of their Vision and Optics Science Unit. (phew!).
During the last hour of the day we had Social Studies and students got back into their Colonization Simulation groups and finished up their remaining tasks from yesterday.  Some groups also began to map out their bases and strategically decide where to put things like fences and houses within their base. 

Due Dates & Homework:

Grade 8
Handout 5.4 is overdue

Unit test in on Tuesday, February 12th

Grade 7:
Pg. 214 #5-14 is due on Monday

Overdue Assignments:

1) French Poster Assignment
2) "What's in a Name?" Blog Post
3) Social Group Drawings


- Grade 8 Math Test is on Tuesday, February 12th

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

What We Learned Today...February 6th

The French observing the Algonquain's mourning ceremony

This morning we started out the day with our usual AR period from 9:00 - 9:30.  Students are doing very well in AR and most students are already over 20 points which is great!  We are well on our way to our school-wide goal of 17,000 points.  In ELA we continued to learn about Edgar Allan Poe by doing a cyber scavenger hunt about his life.  Up next in our Mystery unit is one of his most recognised literary works, The Raven, which we will look at on Friday. 
In Grade 8 Math we went through their quizzes from Monday together before moving on to the Chapter Review and the Practice Test.  Remember we still have IXL for another 20 days so please continue to use it as extra practice! So far our class has spent over 20 hours practicing math on the website! Keep up the good work! 

After lunch we had French and continued to learn about the various themes in music before moving on to the different moods/emotions in music.  At 1:15 Mr. McCulloch came in to teach the students Health and they reviewed the movie Super Size Me.
During the last hour of the day the students had Social Studies and we got back into our Colonization Simulation Groups.  Today the Algonquian and Plains tribes were mourning the loss of their deceased members from Friday while the French observed their unique mourning ceremony.  Also during this time the newly formed British group arrived on the shores of North America and began to learn about themselves and their surroundings. 
Here are some more pictures from our Social class today:

The British's reaction to the Plains Ceremony
The Plains begin their ceremony.

The British need to do push-ups for supplies.

Due Dates & Homework:
Handout 5.4 is overdue

Unit test in on Tuesday, February 12th

Science: Optics and Vision Unit Test Part 2 is tomorrow

Overdue Assignments:

1) French Poster Assignment
2) "What's in a Name?" Blog Post
3) Social Group Drawings


- Ski Forms need to be in asap.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

What We Learned Today...February 6th

Grade 8's had their visit from Leboldus staff and students today!

We started our morning off with AR from 9:00 - 9:30 before moving on to ELA.  In ELA the Grade 7's continued to work on their "Tell Tale Heart" acrostic poems and if they finished early were able to work on any other homework. During this time as well, the Grade 8's went to the Library for an introducation to High School meeting with some staff and students from Leboldus. 
In Grade 8 Math the students continued to work on their Chapter Review (Pg. 188) and the Practice Test (Pg. 190) from their text books. 

After lunch we had French and we began to look at the various themes in music.  Students were played various songs and were tasked with identifying the theme of the song in French using the prompt "C'est une chansons de________".  In Science the students wrote the first part of their Vision and Optics unit test.  *The second part of this test will be on Thursday!
During the last hour of the day the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris and continued to work on their Social Justice Drawing assignments. 

Due Dates & Homework:

Handout 5.4 is overdue
Unit test in on Tuesday, February 12th

Grade 7 - 6.4 Divisability is due tomorrow

Science: Optics and Vision Unit Test Part 2 is on Thursday

Overdue Assignments:

1) French Poster Assignment
2) "What's in a Name?" Blog Post
3) Social Group Drawings


- Girls A Team has a Basketball Game tomorrow @ Laval after school.

- Ski Forms need to be in asap.

Monday, 4 February 2013

What We Learned Today...February 4th

Dr. Couros speaking to the senior students today!
This morning we had a quick assembly in the gym before heading back to the class for a half hour of AR time.  After AR we continued our "Daily Five" stations in ELA and spent some extra time creating Acrostic Poems about Edgar Allan Poe's, The Tell-Tale Heart.  Students used the Acrostic Poem Tool from the Read, Write and Think website to help them create their poems. 
In Grade 8 Math students worked through their Unit 5 Math quiz.  If students finished early they worked on their Unit Review from their textbook or studied for their Test on IXL. 

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris and continued to work on their Social Justice Drawing Assignments.  From 1:15 - 2:15 we had French and continued to work on some basic French questions and responses associated with music.  We are quite near the end of our music unit and will begin to work on the Unit End Project very soon. For this project the students will create a Music Critique Podcast using Gagageband on the Macbooks.  (We have been fortunate enough to have access to the system Macbooks for the next month)  While I haven't assigned this project yet, you can take a look at the assignment here, or on the French page of this blog. 
During the last hour of the day the students went to the gym for a very special Digital Citizenship presentation from Dr. Alec Couros.  Dr. Couros is a professor of educational technology and media at the University of Regina and is one of the most knowledgeable people in his field.  He is also a former professor of mine and one of my biggest influences in educating through technology.  We were very fortunate to have him visit us today as he is a very busy man traveling from country to country educating others in Technology Education.  If you are on twitter you can follow him at @courosa!

Due Dates & Homework:

Grade 8
Handout 5.4 is due tomorrow, Feb 5th

Science: Optics and Vision Unit test is tomorrow, Feb 5th.

Overdue Assignments:

1) French Poster Assignment
2) "What's in a Name?" Blog Post
3) Social Group Drawings

- Hot Lunch forms will be due tomorrow

-Downhill Ski forms need to be handed in asap!

Friday, 1 February 2013

What We Learned Today...February 1st

This morning we began our day with a half-hour AR period before moving on to an extra Math period.  (Due to Full band today, I decided to save our "Daily Five" stations until Monday).  During Math, all students (Grade 7 & 8) logged on to and worked through some extra Math practice questions.  This is an amazing Math resource for students to have as it is fully aligned with the Saskatchewan Curriculum and students are able to access it at home as well.  As of right now we only have access to it for the next 25 days (we are only on a trial) so I would really encourage students to make the most of this resource while we have it.
At 10:45 the students had Phys. Ed with Ms. Norris and continued to practice their Gagnam Style dance.

After lunch we had Religion and reflected on the "What's in a Name?" blog post before creating Butterflys from our names.  At 1:15 the students had  Health with Mr. McCulloch and continued to watch the documentary, "Super Size me".
During the last hour of the day we had Social Studies and debriefed what happened last class during the First Encounter simulation.  We then went through a Power Point and learned about Small Pox and the different diseases that "killed" various students from the Plains and Algonquain tribes while the French were left unharmed. 

Here are some more pictures from today:

Due Dates & Homework:

Grade 8
Handout 5.4 will be due on Tuesday, February 5th

*Math Quiz is on Tuesday, February 5th

Science: Optics and Vision Unit test has been moved to the week of February 4th.

Overdue Assignments:

1) French Poster Assignment
2) "What's in a Name?" Blog Post
3) Social Group Drawings

- Hot Lunch forms will be due February 5th.

-Downhill Ski forms need to be handed in on Monday at the latest