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Re-Learning the Steps to Gangnam Style |
We had a great start to our week this morning with a nice school wide-assembly in the Gym. During the assembly Ms. Grad talked about the Gospel Readings from Sunday and also the importance of the Apostles Creed. To end the assembly, we even got a chanc to say the Apostles Creed together as a school. Once we got back to the classroom we started our "Daily Five" ELA stations and students switched every 15 minutes from each station. So far the students have really impressed me with testing out this new way to teach and learn ELA!
In Grade 8 Math we continued to learn about calculating the Surface Area of a Cylinder before the students began their assignments on Pg. 186.
Also in Math News, our class recently signed up for a trail on IXL. This website provides the students with extra Math practice and lessons that are paired with our Saskatchewan Math Curriculum. I've made an account for each student (both Grade 7 & Grade 8) and will give them their usernames and passwords tomorrow. If you would like to check out the site tonight just click on the link above and explore IXL.
After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris and continued to work on their Social Justice Grid Drawing Assignments. These assignments are due this Friday, February 1st. In French we quickly reviewed regular ER verbs and some irregular verbs (Faire) as well as some reasons why people go to a concert.

Reminder: Please bring back your Downhill Skiing forms by this Friday, February 1st.
Due Dates & Homework:
Grade 8
Handout 5.3 is overdue
Assignment from today:
Pg. 186
a)1-4, 6, 8
b) 1-3, 5, 6, 8-10
c) 1, 2, 6b, 9, 11-13
Grade 7
Mr. McCullochs math class can continue to work on their tests tomorrow
Pg. 149 Practice also due
Mr. McCullochs math class can continue to work on their tests tomorrow
Pg. 149 Practice also due
Science: Optics and Vision Unit test has been moved to the week of February 4th.
Social: Group Drawings are overdue
Overdue Assignments:
1) French Poster Assignment
2) "What's in a Name?" Blog Post
3) Social Group Drawings
- Hot Lunch forms will be due February 5th.
- Girls Basketball Practice Team has a game on Wednesday, January 30th @ Deshaye at 4:00
- Grade 7's will be going Cross Country Skiing tomorrow, January 29th.
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