Wednesday, 28 November 2012

What We Learned Today...November 28th

That joyful time of year has finally come around for both students and teachers alike...Wait! It's not Christmas Holidays yet, it's Report Card Day! My Bad!
Today we started off the morning we a great AR period! Tons of students were taking tests and are wrapping up some great books.  Once we transititioned to ELA, the students got out their work from Monday and continued to read the story, "The Killers Tall Tale".  They answered questions that dealt with before, during and after reading the story.  (This assignment will be due on Monday, December 3rd) We also took the last 10 minutes of class to read the short book, "Muhammad Ali, The Peoples Champ" together as a group reading activity. 
In Grade 8 Math, we quickly reviewed how to find the percent of a number before the students got to work on their 4.3 handout.  (Note: This assignment will be due on Monday, December 3rd)

After Lunch we started our Unit on Advent in Religion by examing the theme of the first week of Advent, Hope.  Students have been assigned Blogging Reflection questions and will have time to work on them in class tomorrow.  Parents, if you would like to see your childs blogging responses please visit and have your student log in using their username and password.  (You will not be able to view their posts otherwise because it privacy protected website)  At 1:15, Mr. Csada came to teach the students Science and the students were assigned "Check Your Progress" questions on Pg. 123 (#1-4) and on Pg. 130 (2-3).  Mr. Csada has not posted a due date yet, but I will update with one the minute he does. 
During the last hour of the day the students continued to work on their amazing Social Justice drawing projects in Arts. Ed. 
Note about Report Cards:
 I have attempted to pack them with as much detail as I could. Besides the report card you will also receive a spread-sheet of all of the assignments and tests that I gave to your daughter / son for every class that I taught to them. In addition, you will see a class average and your daughter’s / son’s individual average. I would suggest using this as a comparative tool when examining how well or how much improvement your daughter / son did or needs to show on a go-forward basis rather than looking at the individual class grade alone. It is a useful method to start a discussion about what is working well and / or what improvements need to be under-taken in order to maximize their learning potential in each and every class. I will also be sending home these spread-sheets on a bi-weekly basis for the remainder of the year. If an assignment is blank then they have not handed it in (the students) and you can help ensure that they get their work in a more timely manner. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss each student’s progress and to help ensure that the academic plan that we have for each and every student is the right one for them. Please remember too that if you cannot meet with me on the scheduled dates or if you feel that you need more time I am always willing to make myself available before or after school on any given day.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8
4.3 Handout is Due Monday, December 3rd

Grade 7



Social Studies

Trade Questions due Tomorrow, November 29th.

If you are missing the handout here is a link to the document online:
(Please skip to page 16 for the Opportunity Cost Handout)

Overdue Assignments:

1) Religion Poster Assignment

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy

- Parent Teacher Interviews are this Tomorrow Night and Friday Morning. Parents remember to book in for parent-teacher interviews. If you still need to book in, you will be able to do so until 12:00 tonight.  You can do so at this link:

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

What We Learned Today...Nov 27th

Today we started out the mornign with a half hour of AR time.  I've been pleased with the amount AR tests our class has taken over the past month, but there is still some room for improvement.  By this point in the year each student should have read at least 3 books and have taken an AR test.  If you would like to view your childs progress have your child log in using thier AR ID and password on Home Connect.  
In ELA we learned about the multiple sources that can help us generate idea's for good topics (Sights, Sounds, Experiences, Circumstances, Wishes and Innovative Ideas) Students then were tasked with finding headlines and articles that teenagers would find interesting and informative using the iPads, Laptops and Newspaper.  After they found their headlines they were asked to turn their headlines into topics.  They then typed them into our Google Doc and we were able to watch it update live on the Smart Board. 
In Grade 8 Math, we started section 4.4 and learned how to problem solve when combing percents. 

After Lunch, the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris and continued to work on their Social Justice drawing assignment.  At 1:15 we had French and finished up our genre listening activity from yesterday. The students also learned the names all various instruments in French and worked on a crossword puzzle involving the Genres and Instruments.  For the last hour of the day, the students had Phys. Ed with Ms. Norris and got the opportunity to take everyones favourite physical test....The Beep Test!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8
Pg. 142 - (Due Wednesday, November 28th)
a) 1-3, 5, 7, 8, 10
b) 1-3, 5, 8-13
c) 1-2, 8-16

Grade 7



Social Studies

Trade Questions due Thursday, November 29th.

Overdue Assignments:

1) Religion Poster Assignment

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy


-Report Cards go out tomorrow.

- Parent Teacher Interviews are this Thursday Night and Friday Morning. Parents remember to book in for parent-teacher interviews.  If you still need to book in, you can do so at this link:

Monday, 26 November 2012

What We Learned Today...November 26th

This morning we started the day as well as the week off with a school wide Holodomor liturgy in the gym to recognize Holodomor Awareness Week.  Holodomor recognizes and remembers the Ukrainian famine - genocide of 1932 and 1933.  After the liturgy concluded we came back to class just in time for ELA. During this time the students began reading the story "The Killers Tall Tale" and answered response questions.  Note: the questions are not due yet, I will give another ELA period to complete them.
After recess the students had Phys. Ed with Ms. Norris and continued to work through their physical activity stations.

In French today, the students listened to various French Musical Artists and had to identify what musical genre they were hearing using their notes from the previous lessons.  We are about half way done this lesson and will finish it up tomorrow.
During the last period of the day the students worked on their Social Trade questions from last week until 3:00.  At 3:00 the students learned about Mystery Skypes and were able to watch a video from a Grade 3 class that had already tried one. We will attempt our first Mystery Skype in a few weeks with another 7/8  classroom here in Regina.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8
Pg. 142 - (Due Wednesday, November 28th)
a) 1-3, 5, 7, 8, 10
b) 1-3, 5, 8-13
c) 1-2, 8-16

Grade 7



Social Studies

Trade Questions due Thursday, November 29th.

Overdue Assignments:

1) Religion Poster Assignment

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy


- Parent Teacher Interviews are this Thursday Night and Friday Morning. Parents remember to book in for parent-teacher interviews

Thursday, 22 November 2012

What We Learned Today...November 22nd

Holy Weather Batman! I'm sure every ones heard enough comments about the weather this morning so I'll skip over writing about that and get right to the start of the school day.  This morning we had a very quiet start to our AR time, mainly due to the fact that we only had 12 students in class to begin the day.  As AR time progressed, the rest of the students began to trickle in and by the end of AR we had almost everyone back in time for ELA. 
For ELA we kicked off our Mystery Unit by having each member of the class become a detective tasked with solving the fictitious murder of Abigail Smith. Each student was given a random clue to the case but they were only allowed to look at their own clue.  The students then took turns reading their clues out loud for the rest of the class and each student would have to listen and try to piece together the crime.  Using the information they heard, they would need to make inferences on who the murderer was, the murder weapon and the motive.  I was quite impressed with how well everyone did with this activity and I think we have some future detectives in this class!
In Grade 8 Math we quickly reviewed "Finding the Percent of a Number" and students were assigned questions from Pg. 142 to work on.  (These questions will be due Wednesday, November 28th)

After Lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris and continued to work on their Social Justice grid drawing assignments.  I had a chance to look at some of them today and they are progressing quite nicely! During Science Mr. Csada continued to teach the students about Optics & Vision and the students were assigned a handout to work on for the duration of the class.  In Social Studies we followed up our Trade Negotiations with some questions to wrap up the activity.  (If you need a copy of the questions just click on the Social Studies tab and they are under the November heading)

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8
Pg. 142 - (Due Wednesday, November 28th)
a) 1-3, 5, 7, 8, 10
b) 1-3, 5, 8-13
c) 1-2, 8-16

Grade 7



Overdue Assignments:

1) Religion Poster Assignment

2) ELA Ghost Story Good Copy


-Tomorrow is a TPD so there will be no school for students (Students please try to contain your enthusiasm!)

-Parents remember to book in for parent-teacher interviews

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

What We Learned Today...November 21st

The scene during trade negotiations today!

We kicked off this morning with our usual AR period from 9:00-9:30 before moving on to ELA.  Some students spent the hour for ELA working on their Final Copy of their Ghost Story while the students who had already finished took part in solving a Murder-Mystery.  Our next unit for ELA will be Mysteries, so those students who turned in their work early, got the opportunity to participate in our first Mystery activity.  They were given the scenerio as well as a series of clues and using that information they had to examine all the clues and decide who murdered Mr. Jameson.  If you would like to see a copy of the activity feel free to check it out hereIn Grade 8 Math we began section 4.3 "Finding the percent of a number". 

After lunch we had Religion and to prepare ourselves for Advent, the students took part in a quick 3 minute retreat centred around "Hope".  From 1:15-2:15 the students had Health with Mr. McCulloch's sub, Mr. Chabot.  For the last hour of the day we continued our Social Studies unit on Trade.  The students got back into their fictitious country groups and were tasked with negotiating trades with the other countries keeping in mind the wants and needs for their country.

Here are some more pictures from the Trade Negotiations:

"Your proposal is laughable!"
Nice doing business with you El Presidente

"Let's hear your best offer..."
"Why Doesn't anyone want to trade with Waterland??"

One of the many trade agreements
Another Successful Trade Negotiation!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8

4.2 Handout is due Tomorrow, November 21st

Grade 7



Final Draft (Good Copy) of the Ghost Story is due Tomorrow, November 22nd

Saint Poster Assignment is overdue

Overdue Assignments:

1) Religion Poster Assignment

2) Health Assignments: Dear Abbey, Body Image, Media Message and Fat Alien


-Thursday is Western Day so be sure to wear your Western Attire, I know I will!

-Friday is a TPD so there will be no school for students (Students please try to contain your enthusiasm!)

-Parents remember to book in for parent-teacher interviews. 

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

What We Learned Today...November 20th

Some great finished Saint Posters!

Today we started out the morning with Religion instead AR and spent the half hour working on the Saint Poster Assignments.  I'm quite impressed with the quality of the posters and glogs the students have been making.  I can't wait to see the finished products tomorrow!  From 9:30 to 10:30 the students were given the hour to either work on the Good Copy of their Ghost Story or to continue working on their Religion assignment. 
In Grade 8 Math we reviewed some examples from Pg. 135 and from the handout before the students were assigned 4.2 to work on.  (Handout 4.2 will be due on Thursday, November 22nd)

After Lunch the students were given one more final work period to complete their Saint Poster Assignments.  (Note this assignment is due tomorrow, November 21st) At 1:15 Mr. Csada came by and continued to teach about Optics and Vision.  He showed the class a cool video demonstrating how light can be bent. For Arts. Ed the students continued to work on their Social Justice drawing assignments with Ms. Norris. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8

4.2 Handout is due Thursday, November 21st

Grade 7



Final Draft (Good Copy) of the Ghost Story is due Thursday, November 22nd

Saint Poster Assignment due Tomorrow, November 21st

"Check Your Understanding" due Tomorrow, November 21st

Overdue Assignments:

1) Grade 8 Math 4.1 Handout

2) Health Assignments: Dear Abbey, Body Image, Media Message and Fat Alien


-Thursday is Western Day so be sure to wear your Western Attire, I know I will!
-Friday is a TPD so there will be no school for students (Students please try to contain your enthusiasm!)
-Parents remember to book in for parent-teacher interviews. 

Monday, 19 November 2012

What We Learned Today...November 19th

An interesting approach to the human knot.

This morning we had a quick school wide assembly before settling in the classroom for some AR time.  Ms. Folk paid us a visit shortly after AR to address her concerns with the amount of overdue books in our classroom.  (Students make sure you are either returning your books on time or renewing them each week!)  She also reminded us that it is important to take an AR test as soon as you can after completing a book because the information is still fresh in your mind! So far this year some students have really excelled with AR, however there are still quite a few students that need to put a little more effort into their reading.  (Parents! If you would like to check in on your childs AR progress you can ask them to log in using their accounts here.)

During ELA, students had completed their second drafts of their Ghost Stories and began the Peer Editing process today.  We will continue this tomorrow and the Good/Final Copy of their stories will be due on Thursday, November 22nd. 
In Grade 8 Math we used the hour as a work period for students to work on their assignment from Page 135.  Some students who finished early got a head start on their 4.2 handout which will officially be assigned tomorrow.

Life...It's a team sport!
After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris and continued to work on their Social Justice Art assignments.  After Art we had an hour of French and finished up our lessons about the French Music Genres.  Students were given a quick pop quiz to apply what they learned from the last 3 classes.  During the last hour of the day the students headed to the gym and had Phys. Ed with Ms. Norris. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8

Assignment -Pg. 135 (Due Tomorrow, November 20th)
a) 1,2,4,6,8,13
b) 1,2,4,6,8,13-18
c) 1,2,6,8,10,13,15,17,21

Grade 7

McCulloch: Worksheet 3.1 Due Tomorrow, November 20th

Weber: Pg. 92 #5-8

Final Draft (Good Copy) of the Ghost Story is due Thursday, November 22nd

Saint Poster Assignment due Wednesday, November 21st

"Check Your Understanding" due Wednesday, November 21st
-Get all NHI assignments in to Mr. McCulloch by Monday!

Overdue Assignments:

1) Grade 8 Math 4.1 Handout

2) Health Assignments: Dear Abbey, Body Image, Media Message and Fat Alien

Friday, 16 November 2012

What We Learned Today...November 16th

Be sure to read some more this weekend and get some AR points next week!
We started out the morning with a half hour of AR time once again.  I must say I'm quite impressed with some of the students in this class. We already have 3 students in our class that are over 100 AR points! That is absolutely amazing, well done to those students! 
During ELA we continued to work on writing the second draft of the Ghost Stories from last week.  Note: All second drafts must be completed by Monday, November 19th as we will be editing and then writing the Good Copy next week.  At 10:45 the students had Phys. Ed with Mr. Fense today because Ms. Norris was away for the day. 

In Religion the students had the half hour to continue to work on their Saint Poster Assignment.  (This assignment will be due on Wednesday, November 21st)  After Religion the students had Health with Mr. McCulloch. Students please make sure you hand in all outstanding assignments to Mr. McCulloch by Monday as there are far too many NHI assignments. 
For the last hour of the day students got back into their groups from the last Social class and wrote up Trade Proposals for the other fictitious countries.  Next class the students will get the chance to actually negotiate trades with each country. 

This was a great week and not because it was a short week!  We got a lot accomplished and it is just a pleasure to come to the school each day knowing I have such a great group of students to work with!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8
Handout 4.1 is due Monday, November 19th

Assignment -Pg. 135 (Due Tuesday, November 20th)
a) 1,2,4,6,8,13
b) 1,2,4,6,8,13-18
c) 1,2,6,8,10,13,15,17,21

Grade 7

McCulloch: Pg 87 #9-12

Weber: Pg. 92  #5-8

2nd Draft of the Ghost Story is due Monday, November 19th

Saint Poster Assignment due Wednesday, November 21st

"Check Your Understanding" due Wednesday, November 21st
-Get all NHI assignments in to Mr. McCulloch by Monday!

Overdue Assignments:

1) French Unit One Review

2) Health Assignments: Dear Abbey, Body Image, Media Message and Fat Alien

Thursday, 15 November 2012

What We Learned Today...November 15th

Our new Standing desk for the classroom!

This morning we got back to normal and the students enjoyed having a full uninterrupted half hour of AR Reading.  In ELA students had the entire hour to work on revising their first draft of their stories and begin working on their second draft.  In Grade 8 Math we finished up exploring how to convert a fraction to a decimal and percent.  Students received their first assignment for this section which can be found below.

After Lunch the students had Arts Ed with Ms. Norris and continued to work on their Social Justice Art assignment.  Mr. Csada stopped by at 1:15 and the students continued to learn some more interesting things about Optics and Vision.  During the last hour the students continued to work on their Saint Poster assignments for Religion. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8
Handout 4.1 is due Monday, November 19th

Assignment -Pg. 135 (Due Tuesday, November 20th)
a) 1,2,4,6,8,13
b) 1,2,4,6,8,13-18
c) 1,2,6,8,10,13,15,17,21

Grade 7


Weber: Pg. 89 #8-12

"Running on Empty" assignment due Tomorrow

Overdue Assignments:

1) 1st Draft of Ghost Story

2) Unit 1 French Review

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

What We Learned Today...November 14th

Intense Trade Negotiations!
This morning instead of our usual AR period, we switched things up and had a quick French class for the first half hour of the morning.  We continued to examine the various Musical Genres en francais by listening to various artists and examining the particular instruments and style demonstrated in each song.  From 9:30 - 10:30 we continued to practice editing paragraphs with a focus on correcting comma and period grammatical errors. At 10:00 the students took a break from editing and participated in an interpretation exercise that relied on using the students writing and drawing skills.

In Grade 8 Math we began to explore how to convert Percentages to Decimals and Fractions as well as Decimals to Percentages and Fractions.  If you are having any trouble with this material or would just like a refresher, I've added a video below which also explains how to convert among the three terms.

If you would like to view anymore instructional Math videos check out the Khan Academy website.  (It's loaded with great instructional videos that can help you out while doing your homework!)

After lunch the students continued to work on their Saint Poster Assignment.  For this assignments students had the option to create an informational poster or create a glog online.  (A glog is essentially a digital poster that allows you to import pictures, video, sound, and much more) If you would like to see some examples of "glogs" "glog" be sure to check out the glogster homepage.
From 1:15-2:15 the students had Health with Mr. McCulloch and the students were assigned a new assignment that is due Friday.  (More details to follow on tomorrow's post)
During Social Studies the students got back into their country groups from last class and reviewed what goods/services their countries had to export.  Once they completed their lists, they sent ambassadors to each country to investigate what goods/services each was exporting.  After the students finished investigating, they had to discuss within their groups which countries they would want to create a trading plan with based on the needs of their countries.

Some more pictures from the Trade lesson today:

El Presidente's of Autoland
Trying to get the scoop on Waterland!

Trying to find Rainland on a map...Good Luck!
Checking out the goods from Sunland

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8

Grade 7


Weber: Pg. 92 #4, 5

New Health Assignment due Friday

Overdue Assignments:

1) 1st Draft of Ghost Story

2) Unit 1 French Review

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

What We Learned Today...November 14th

One students new art assignment

I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend and is fully recovered from the unfortunate Roughrider loss on Sunday!  Today we started out our morning with a quick school wide assembly in the gym before coming back to class for AR reading time.  During ELA we learned how to edit paragraphs using the proper Proofreading Marks.  The students were each given a couple paragraphs that were filled with errors and were tasked with finding and correcting the errors using the marks they learned about. 
In Grade 8 Math the students were given the hour to work on handout 4.1 and catch up on any other Math homework they needed to hand in. 

After lunch we continued to learn about the various Music Genres in French through listening to various artists and examining the particular instruments and style demonstrated in each song.  At 1:15 Mr. Csada stopped by and continued to teach about Optics and Vision for the hour.  Ms. Norris capped off the day with Arts. Ed and the students began a new Social Justice themed art assignment.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8 - 4.1 Due Thursday, November 15th

Grade 7

McCulloch: Get Ready 3 is overdue



Eating Disorder Sheet is due Wednesday, November 14th

Overdue Assignments:

1) What in the World-Franklin Expedition (was due November 8th)

2) Unit 1 French Review

Friday, 9 November 2012

What We Learned Today...November 9th

Taking time to pose in Phys. Ed
Today we started out the morning with a shortened AR period before moving to French.  In French we examined how important a role music plays in our everyday lives. Students brainstormed a list of places and events where we typically hear music. (The car, school, sport events, waiting rooms etc.) Then we began to learn about the different Genres of music in French by listening to various artists and examing the particular instruments and style demonstrated in each song. 
In Grade 8 Math we continued to work on Representing Percents and students continued to work on Pg. 128.  (This assignment is due on Tuesday) and some students actually began working on the 4.1 Math handout. 

After Lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Breitkreuz (Ms. Norris was away in meetings) and continued to work on their shading assignments.  Instead of ELA today, students were given the hour to continue to work on their Saint Poster assignment for Religion.  (I have not yet given a due date for this assignment because I would like to give the students more class time to work on it) For the last hour of the day the students had Ms. Breitkreuz once again but this time for Phys.Ed.  They spent the hour participating in Physical Activity stations and then a big game of Benchball to end the day. 

More Pictures from today:
An interesting Benchball pose...
Grade 8's vs Grade 7's: There can only be one..winner
The start of the battle
Some Hula Hooping!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8 - Due on Tuesday, November 13th
Pg. 128:
a) 1-4, 6, 8, 9, 12
b) 1-4, 6, 9, 10-15
c) 1-3, 9, 13-16

Grade 7

McCulloch: Get Ready 3 is due on Tuesday, November 13th



Eating Disorder Sheet is due Wednesday, November 14th

Overdue Assignments:

1) What in the World-Franklin Expedition (was due November 8th)

2) Unit 1 French Review

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

What We Learned Today...November 7th

This morning we had our usual half hour of AR time until 9:30.  I've been quite impressed with most of the students in our class with AR this year.  Many are well on their way to achieving our class goal as well as our school goal.  During ELA we learned about the importance of drafting from none other than Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games.  In the video Suzanne explained that it is important to take your time when writing and it often takes numerous drafts before a good copy is finally completed.  It took Suzanne 10 months to complete her first draft of The Hunger Games and she ended up writing 5 drafts of the book before she was ready to publish.  With this new knowledge fresh in their minds, the students went back to their own stories and began revising their first draft of their ghost story.
In Grade 8 Math, we quickly reviewed how to represent percents before moving on to the first assignment of chapter 4.  (The assignment can be found below)

After lunch the students continued to work on their shading assignment in Arts. Ed before Science with Mr. Csada.  Unfortunately it was quite nasty out at 2:15 so we had every teachers indoor recess! (NOT)  During Social we began a new unit focusing on Trade.  Students were split up into different groups and were assigned a fictitious country that they would now become members of.  For the duration of the hour, each group had to study the information for their country and decide what items that had to export and trade with the other 4 countries. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8
Pg. 128:
a) 1-4, 6, 8, 9, 12
b) 1-4, 6, 9, 10-15
c) 1-3, 9, 13-16

Grade 7

McCulloch: Pg. 76-77, #1-15 and practice test


"What in the World" map assignment is due tomorrow

Overdue Assignments:

1) Grade 8 Math book homework check

2) Unit 1 French Review

3) Social Studies Tax Handout

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

What We Learned Today...November 6th

Our new seating plan courtesy of the students.

Today we started our the morning with a half hour of AR silent reading time before moving on to ELA.  During ELA we spent the hour working on the first drafts of our Ghost Stories.  (Note: The first drafts will be due tomorrow, Wednesday November 7th)
In Math we began Unit Four "Understanding Percents" and learned how to represent percents using grids.

After Lunch we designed a new seating plan for our class before Mr. McCulloch came in to teach health.  For the last hour of the day we finished up our  "What in the World" assignments in Social Studies. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8

All Math Assignments from Unit 3 are overdue.

Grade 7



Overdue Assignments:

1) Grade 8 Math Handout 3.5

2) Unit 1 French Review

3) Social Studies Tax Handout

Monday, 5 November 2012

What We Learned Today...November 5th

Hard at work in Arts. Ed

Today we started out the morning with a nice school wide assembly in the gym.  Once we got back to class we spent about 15 minutes on AR time before moving on.  During ELA we spent the duration of the hour working on the first draft of the students ghost stories.  Most students were well into their first draft and some were already finished and began the Revising step in the Writing Process.  (Note: the first draft of the ghost story is due Wednesday).  In Math we finally had our Unit 3 Exam, which wraps up our unit on the Pythagorean Theorem. 

After lunch we had French for a until 1:15 and began  working on our first assignment for our Music Unit.  For this assignment students have to read statements in French about music and decide how important each statement is to them.  After French the students had French with Mr. McCulloch and then Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris.

Taking time to strike a pose while shading
Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8

All Math Assignments are due Monday November 5th

Grade 7



Overdue Assignments:

1) Grade 8 Math Handout 3.5

2) Unit 1 French Review

3) Social Studies Tax Handout

A future masterpiece!

Friday, 2 November 2012

What We Learned Today...November 2nd

Today we started out the morning with a beautiful All Saints/Rememberance Day Liturgy in the gym.  Special thanks to Mrs. Kalynchuk for putting together the liturgy! After we got back from the liturgy we had a shortened ELA class focusing on Pre-Writing.  We discussed the 5 elements of a story and how they are important to consider when pre-writing.  Note: All pre-writing is due on Monday, November 5th. During Grade 8 Math we spent the hour reviewing Unit 3 because our Unit Test was bumped to Monday. 

After Lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Norris and continued working on their 3D hands.  For French we continued to learn about music and how it has evolved over time.  This was one of the interesting videos we viewed that demonstrates a quick evolution of song:

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8

Unit 3 Math Test -Monday, November 5th

All Math Assignments are due Monday November 5th

Grade 7

McCulloch: Pg. 71-72 #4-22


Overdue Assignments:

1) Grade 8 Math Handout 3.5

2) Talent Blog Post

3) Science Centre Blog Post

Thursday, 1 November 2012

What We Learned Today...November 1st

Today we had our usual AR period this morning and then moved on to ELA at 9:30.  In ELA we continued working on our Creative Writing Ghost Stories.  For the most part students have finished the pre-writing step and have moved on to writing the very first draft of their story.  I've already read of few students pre-writing and can't wait to read everyones finished product because this class is filled with creative minds and I know they are going to be amazing stories. 

After lunch we had Religion and students worked on their "Saints Poster" assignment.  Isn't it funny how this assignment ties right in with All Saints Day today. Coincidence? I think not!  If you would like to view the assignment you can either click on the link above or visit the Religion page at the top.  In French students were given back their tests and I must say I was blown away with how well everyone did on their tests.  After going through the test as a class, we moved on and started our new unit, "Music".

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework:


Grade 8

Unit 3 Math Test -Monday, November 5th

3.5 is dues tomorrow, Monday November 5th

Grade 7

McCulloch: Pg. 71-72 #4-22


Overdue Assignments:

1) Grade 8 Math Handout 3.4

2) Talent Blog Post

3) Science Centre Blog Post