Tuesday, 29 November 2016

What We Learned Today...November 29th

ELA: We started out the day by setting up our Classroom Onenote Notebooks on the laptops.  Once we had everything ready, we read Chapter 14 of our novels together.

Genius Hour: Students were given the entire period to work on their final presenations.

Religion: After lunch we officially lauched our Students For Good unit.  Over the next few weeks we will be creating an advertising campaign to help make the world a better place by motivating others to do good deeds and spread "goodness" around our school.

Math: We briefly reviewed how to convert between decimals, fractions and percents, before students began working on the 4.2 handout.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:
-Projects are due on December 12th

-The girls volleyball game has been rescheduled for tomorrow.

-Science Centre Field Trip is tomorrow!

-Christmas Cafe for Senior Students is on Wednesday, December 7th

Monday, 28 November 2016

What We Learned Today...November 28th

Survey: Student's started out the day by completing the University survey on Alcohol and Tobacco.

Homework Period: With today being another full band day, the remaining students were given our Health class to work on their Genius Hour projects or any other homework they had.

Catapult Challenge: After lunch we headed to Mr. Rieger's class to finish up our challenge from last week.

ELA: We took the shortened period to read Chapter Thirteen of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone together.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-Mirror of Erised blog post is overdue

Genius Hour:
-Projects are due on December 12th

-The girls volleyball game has been rescheduled again for Wednesday, November 30th

-Science Centre Field Trip is on Wednesday, November 30th.  

-Christmas Cafe for Senior Students is on Wednesday, December 7th

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Have a Great Weekend!

Our visit with the Archbishop yesterday

Only one more night of interviews before the long weekend!
Since we don't have school tomorrow, I thought I'd make a quick post of any homework or upcoming due dates.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-Mirror of Erised blog post is due on Monday.

Genius Hour:
-Projects are due on December 12th

-The girls volleyball game has been rescheduled again for Wednesday, November 30th

-Science Centre Field Trip is on Wednesday, November 30th.  

-There is Full Band on Monday

A few pictures from our catapult challenge today:

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

What We Learned Today...November 22nd

ELA: We started out the day with a brief AR period before reading through Chapter Twelve of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone together.

Health: Students were given the entire period to finish up their Digital Portfolio's.  I'm very impressed with how amazing these have turned out, and I can't wait for the students to showcase them during our conferences this week.

Math: After a brief review of the lesson from last week, the students began working on their textbook assignment from Pg. 135.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-Digital Portfolio's are due tomorrow.

Genius Hour:
-Projects are due on December 12th

Math: - Due on Thursday.
Pg. 135 

a) 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 13
b) 2, 4, 6, 8, 13-18
c) 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 21

-The girls volleyball game has been rescheduled for Tuesday, November 22nd.

-Sacraments afternoon is at Holy Cross tomorrow. - Remember to dress in your "Sunday Best"

-Science Centre Field Trip is on Wednesday, November 30th.  Notes will go home tomorrow.

-Parent Teacher conferences are Tomorrow and Thursday.

Note about Report Cards: 
I have attempted to pack them with as much detail as I could. Besides the report card you will also receive an email containing a spread-sheet of all of the assignments and tests that I gave to your daughter / son for every class that I taught to them.It is a useful method to start a discussion about what is working well and / or what improvements need to be under-taken in order to maximize their learning potential in each and every class. Please send me an email at m.j.bresciani.rcsd.ca if you have not received a copy of them electronically. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss each student’s progress and to help ensure that the academic plan that we have for each and every student is the right one for them. Please remember too that if you cannot meet with me on the scheduled dates or if you feel that you need more time I am always willing to make myself available before or after school on any given day.

Friday, 18 November 2016

What We Learned Today...November 18th

Health: We switched things up a bit and started out our day with Health.  Over the period, students continued working on their Goal Setting Documents from yesterday and began migrating everything over to their Digital Portfolios.  

Genius Hour: Students were given the entire hour to work on their Genius Hour projects. With the end of this project less than a month a way (December 12th), students need to start thinking about what their final product will look like.

Math: Since the 4.2 video wasn't working properly last night, we did things the old fashioned way and had an in-class Math lesson on Fractions, Decimals and Percents.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-Harry Potter Chapter 9+10 questions are due on Monday

-Goal Setting Documents are due on Monday.

Genius Hour:
-Projects are due on December 12th

-The girls volleyball game has been rescheduled for Tuesday, November 22nd.

-Sacraments afternoon is at Holy Cross on November 23rd (Note went home today)

-Please bring back the Canadian Student Survey permission forms by Monday.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

What We Learned Today...November 17th

Working hard on their Goal Setting!

ELA: This morning we kicked off our day with our usual AR period before the students began working on their Chapter Nine and Ten assignment for Harry Potter.

Health: The students were tasked with setting goals from themselves in term two in the following areas: English Language Arts, Math, Quality Work Habits and Christ Like Behaviour.   In addition  to setting goals, they also needed to create an effective plan to help them achieve their goals.  (This document can be found under the Health tab)

Math: Students were given the entire period to work on the 4.1 assignment that they began yesterday.

Science: During our shortened period, we learned about the Primary Colours of Light and how the combine to make all the colours our eyes see.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-Harry Potter Chapter 9+10 questions are due on Monday

-"WOW Work" and "Under Construction" reflections are due tomorrow.

Genius Hour:
-Projects are due on December 12th

-The girls volleyball game has been rescheduled for Tuesday, November 22nd.

-Sacraments afternoon is at Holy Cross on November 23rd (Note went home today)

-Please bring back the Canadian Student Survey permission forms.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

What We Learned Today...November 16th

Religion: We were very fortunate to have a very special guest join us this morning. The "Catholic Education Guru", better known as Mr. Meyers, stopped by and taught us all about Saints. He focused on the steps to becoming a Saint as well as some of the different Patron Saints. The students even got the opportunity to play compete for some candy by playing Saint Bingo. It was such a treat to have Mr. Meyers stop by our classroom and teach us something new about our faith. We hope he comes back and visits soon!

Health: Students continued working building their digital portfolios by completing the reflection questions for the artifacts they selected.  

ELA: After lunch we caught up in our Harry Potter unit by reading Chapter Nine together. 

Math: We took some time to go through the unit exams from yesterday before beginning our next unit, which deals with percents, fractions and decimals.  

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-Photoshopping questions are overdue

Genius Hour:
-Projects are due on December 12th

-All late or redo assignments need to be handed in by tomorrow in order for them to be included on report cards.

-Unfortunately the girls volleyball game scheduled for tomorrow has been cancelled.  Rescheduled date will be announced shortly.

-Please bring back the Canadian Student Survey permission forms.


Tuesday, 15 November 2016

What We Learned Today...November 15th

Working hard on their Math Exam

ELA: We started out our day with a lesson on two very important topics: Plagiarism and Always Giving Your Best.  I felt that these were necessary topics to cover as both seemed to be reoccurring issues while I was marking assignments this weekend.  As a result, some student's marks may not reflect what they are truly capable of.  With report cards coming out soon, I've given any students who would like to redo an assignment, the opportunity to do so before Thursday this week.

Health: The students began working on their Digital Portfolio's by searching through their binders for six artifacts of learning.  These artifacts needed to be combination of "WOW" work and work that was "Under Construction". We will continue building our Digital Portfolio's tomorrow and throughout the rest of the week.

Math: Students spent the entire period working on their Unit Three exam.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

- Harry Potter Chapter 7+8 Questions are overdue

-Photoshopping questions are overdue

Genius Hour:
-Projects are due on December 12th


-Girls Volleyball Tournament is on Tomorrow at St. Michael (3:20 - 8:00)

-Girls volleyball game on November 17th vs. St. Peter @ Deshaye.

-Please bring back the Canadian Student Survey permission forms.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

What We Learned Today...November 9th

Our first Mannequin Challenge attempt at the end of the day!

This morning we kicked off our day with a brief discussion about the Presidential Election last night before reading Chapter Nine of Harry Potter together.

AR: With the band students away, the remainder of the class was given the period after Phys. Ed to silently read their AR books and work on any homework they had.

Health: After lunch students were given the entire period to work on their Photoshopping questions that we began last class.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

-Unit 3 exam is on Tuesday, November 15th

- Harry Potter Chapter 7+8 Questions are overdue

-Photoshopping questions are due on Tuesday, November 15th

Genius Hour:
-Projects are due on December 12th


-Girls Volleyball Tournament is on November 16th at St. Michael (3:20 - 8:00)

-Girls volleyball game on November 17th vs. St. Peter @ Deshaye.

-Please bring back the Canadian Student Survey permission forms.

-No School until November 15th

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

What We Learned Today...November 8th

Remembrance Day Liturgy: We started out our day with a Remembrance Day Liturrgy in the gym.  A special thank you to the Grade 6's as well as Ms. Postma and Ms. Bachiu for preparing such a wonderful liturgy.

ELA: With a half hour remaining after the liturgy, the students were given the entire period to finish up their chapter questions from yesterday.

Science: After lunch we had a shortened period and learned about Concave and Convex Lenses.

Math: Students were given the entire period to work on their Unit Review and Practice Test.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-3.5 handout is overdue

-Unit 3 exam is on Tuesday, November 15th


- Harry Potter Chapter 7+8 Questions are due tomorrow.

Genius Hour:
-Projects are due on December 12th


-Please bring a small donation for the Remembrance Day Poppies.

-Please bring back the Canadian Student Survey permission forms.

-No School on Thursday or Friday

Monday, 7 November 2016

What We Learned Today...November 7th

Unit Three Exam Outline

ELA: After our brief AR period we took some time to go through a few of marked assignments that were handed in last week.  It was a good opportunity for students to self- reflect on their own work as we discussed the importance of writing in detail and editing before handing assignments in.  During the last half hour of the period, the students began working on a short writing assignment for Chapters 7 & 8 of Harry Potter.

AR Movie Party: Since we exceeded our AR percentage goal for the month (95.1% correct!), the students who reached the minimum points (7.5) celebrated this achievement with a movie party during our Science and Religion periods today.

Math: Students were given the entire period to work on the Unit Review and Practice Test from their textbooks.  Both of these assignments will be helpful when studying for the Exam next week.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


--3.5 handout is due tomorrow.

-Unit 3 exam is on Tuesday, November 15th

Genius Hour:
-Projects are due on December 12th


-Please bring back the Canadian Student Survey permission forms.

-No School on Thursday or Friday

Friday, 4 November 2016

What We Learned Today...November 4th

Working on the Plot Diagram

ELA: This morning we started out our day with AR before we continued reading Chapter Eight of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone together.

Health: We continued working through our unit on Body Image by learning about the dangers of Photoshopping in the media.

Science: After lunch we held an experiment to help answer our question, "Will different fluids affect lights differently?" For this experiment, students examined the refraction of light in a cup of water and a cup of oil using a toothpick and a gummy bear.

Math: Students were given the entire period to work on their 3.5 handouts as well as the Unit Review from their textbooks.

Month End Assembly: During the last hour of the day, we headed down to the gym and celebrated our Football teams as well as students who have achieved their AR point clubs so far this year.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-Pg. 110 Due on Monday

a) 1-4, 7, 8, 9
b) 3-5, 7-11, 13
c) 4-8, 10-14

Genius Hour:
-Projects are due on December 12th


-Please bring back the Canadian Student Survey permission forms.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

What We Learned Today...November 3rd

ELA: We started out the day with a brief AR period before the students met with their partners and completed the sorting hat activity that we began yesterday.

Genius Hour: Students were given the entire period to research their questions.

Science: After lunch we learned about the Scientific Method and set up our first lab for tomorrow's class.

Math: We took some time at the beginning of class to go over the quizzes from Tuesday before the students began working on the textbook assignment from Pg. 110.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-Pg. 110 Due on Monday

a) 1-4, 7, 8, 9
b) 3-5, 7-11, 13
c) 4-8, 10-14

Genius Hour:
-Projects are due on December 12th


-Please bring back the Canadian Student Survey permission forms.