Wednesday, 22 June 2016

What We Learned Today...June 22nd

Lip Sync Assignment from last week

Genius Hour: We spent the majority of the day today finishing up the Genius Hour presentations because we fell a little behind last week with all of the farewell activities that were going on.

Grade 8 Assembly: During the last hour of the day we headed to the gym for a special assembly to honour our Grade 8 students.  Over the hour, the students were given their fun awards, viewed the slide show from last week and sang their Farewell Theme Song one final time.

Due to how busy we were last week, I wasn't able to post these until now.  Please enjoy the rest of the students Lip Sync assignment that they completed last Tuesday:

You Raise Me Up Lip Sync

I Love Me Lip Sync

Sweat Shirt Lip Sync

Halo Lip Sync

Boyfriend Lip Sync

Two Heads Lip Sync

Reminders and Important Dates:

-Swimming at Massey Pool is tomorrow afternoon.  Please bring swim wear if you plan on going in the pool.

-Year End Mass is at Christ the King on Friday afternoon.

-Last day of school is on Tuesday, June 28th. :(

Friday, 10 June 2016

What We Learned Today...June 10th

Our newest AR Point Club members!

Genius Hour: Students continued presenting their Genius Hour final projects.

Math/Fully Alive: After we finished up with the Math Diagnostics we had just enough time to finish up our Fully Alive lesson from yesterday.

Assembly: During the last hour of the day we headed to the gym for our final month end assembly of the year.  A special shout out to all the AR Point Club members who were recognized today!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:

-Projects are overdue.  We will continue presentations tomorrow.

Reminders and Important Dates:

-AR Bowling Party is on June 14th (Only students who made their point club attend)

-Movie at Golden Mile Cinemas on June 15th.  Students need to bring $5.00 to cover the cost. (I forgot to pass the note out.  Will be sent home on Monday)

-Grade 8 Farwell is on June 16th at 7:00 @Christ the King

-Grade 7/8 Retreat in Kronau is on June 20th

-Senior Field Trip to Ipsco Park all day on June 21st

-Grade 8 Assembly is on June 22nd at 2:30

-Swimming at Massey Pool on June 23rd

Thursday, 9 June 2016

What We Learned Today...June 9th

Spoon Art!

Genius Hour: We packed as much Genius Hour into our day as possible! Over the course of the day we learned a ton from so many awesome projects!  Some of the topics we learned about today were: Spoon Art, Experiments Explaining Density,

Fully Alive: After lunch we picked where we left off last week and continued working our way through the Growth and Change lesson.  Some of the topics covered today included: Sexual Attraction and Feelings, Romantic Fantasies, and Pornography.

If you would like to view the power point from today please see below:

Math: Students were given the period today to finish up their Math Diagnostic Exams.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:

-Projects are overdue.  We will continue presentations tomorrow.

Reminders and Important Dates:

-AR Bowling Party is on June 14th (Only students who made their point club attend)

-Movie at Golden Mile Cinemas on June 15th. (Note will go home tomorrow)

-Grade 8 Farwell is on June 16th at 7:00 @Christ the King

-Grade 7/8 Retreat in Kronau is on June 20th

-Senior Field Trip to Ipsco Park all day on June 21st

-Grade 8 Assembly is on June 22nd at 2:30

-Swimming at Massey Pool on June 23rd

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

What We Learned Today...June 7th

Genius Hour on Cupcake Decorating!

Math: Students were given the entire period before recess to work on their Math Diagnostic Exams. Most students are close to completion so we should be able to wrap up these exams with one more class period.

Genius Hour: We picked up where we left off yesterday and the students continued their final Genius Hour presentations.  Today we learned about the different aspects of Filipino culture as well as cupcake decorating.

Play Day: This afternoon the Grade 8's were asked to lead various activities for the primary play day. The students did a fantastic job and really demonstrated again why they are such amazing role models in our school.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:

-Projects are overdue.  We will continue presentations tomorrow.


-City Track and Field Meet continues tomorrow.

-Grade 8 Farwell is on June 16th at 7:00 @Christ the King

-Grade 7/8 Retreat is on June 20th

Monday, 6 June 2016

What We Learned Today...June 6th

Presenting his Genius Hour Project!

Math: Students were given the first hour of the day to work on their Math Diagnostic reviews from last week.

Genius Hour: We kicked off our final Genius Hour presentations today by learning about....

Math: After lunch students officially began writing their Math Diagnostic Exams.  We will continue working on these exams tomorrow and Wednesday.

Science: During the last hour of the day we had our buoyancy experiment where students competed to see which plasticine boat design could withstand the most pennies before sinking.

A few more pictures from today:

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:

-Projects are overdue.  We will continue presentations tomorrow.


-City Track and Field Meet is tomorrow and Wednesday.

-Grade 7/8 Retreat is on June 20th

Friday, 3 June 2016

What We Learned Today...June 3rd

The String Quartet performing.

Homework/French Period: This morning the students were given a list of any outstanding assignments they have.  Once they finished up these assignments, they were given the remainder of the period to work on their French projects.

String Quartet: After Arts. Ed we headed to the gym to listen to the wonderful String Quartet perform numerous songs for us as well as teach us about the different instruments that were being played.

Math: Students were given an extended Math period this afternoon to work on their Diagnostic Reviews.  Next week the students will be writing their Year End Math Diagnostic and I've encouraged the students to work through this review to help them refresh all the concepts we've covered this year.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on Monday, June 6th


-Grade 7/8 Retreat is on June 20th

-City Track and Field Meet is on June 7th and 8th

Thursday, 2 June 2016

What We Learned Today...June 2nd

Genius Hour: This morning we started out the day with our final Genius Hour work period. These projects are officially due on Monday when we begin the presentations.

Fully Alive: After lunch we continued our lesson on Growth and Change from last class.

Math: With the Math Diagnostic coming up next week, we spent our class today reviewing the key concepts from each unit this year.

Science: During the last hour of the day we reviewed the different types of forces we learned about last class before working on a buoyancy experiment involving plasticine boats.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on May 31st  Now due on Monday, June 6th


-All Math assignments are overdue


-Pop and Chip fundraiser is tomorrow. $2 for a Pop and $2 for a bag of Chips.  If students would like to donate more that $2 they are welcome to do so.

-Canoeing on Friday afternoon for Phys. Ed

-Grade 7/8 Retreat is TBA

-City Track and Field Meet is on June 7th and 8th

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Blog Post June 1st

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on May 31st  Now due on Monday, June 6th


-All Math assignments are due tomorrow


-Pop and Chip fundraiser is on Friday. $2 for a Pop and $2 for a bag of Chips.  If students would like to donate more that $2 they are welcome to do so.

-Canoeing on Friday afternoon for Phys. Ed

-Grade 7/8 Retreat is TBA

-City Track and Field Meet is on June 7th and 8th

Other pictures from today: