Tuesday, 31 May 2016

What We Learned Today...May 31st

ELA: Students were given one final period to finish up their Persuasive Writing Assessments.

Fully Alive: We continued our unit on Sexuality by learning about the difference between intimacy and sexual intimacy.

Genius Hour: After lunch students spent the half hour period working on their Genius Hour final projects.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on May 31st  Now due on Monday, June 6th


-All Math assignments are due on Thursday, June 2nd


-Canoeing on Friday afternoon for Phys. Ed

-Grade 7/8 Retreat is TBA

-City Track and Field Meet is on June 7th and 8th

Monday, 30 May 2016

What We Learned Today...May 30th

Our Retreat for tomorrow has been cancelled due to the weather.  We are looking into an alternate date for June.  I will post the new date on my blog once it is set in stone.

Fully Alive:  After lunch we finished up the intro lesson on Sexuality that we began last week. This lesson focused on the gift of sexuality as well as different challenges all people face during their journey to adulthood.  I've posted the full power point below lesson below:

Math:  Students were given the entire period to work on the 11.3 assignment which built directly off of the 11.2 lesson from last week.  Tomorrow we will start our year review because students will be writing their Math Diagnostic next week.

Science/ELA:  During the last hour of the day we took some time to learn about the difference between Gravitational Forces and Buoyant Forces before students finished up their Persuasive Writing Assessments.

Some pictures from our Friday afternoon last week:

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on May 31st  Now due on Monday, June 6th


-All Math assignments are due on Thursday, June 2nd


-Canoeing on Friday afternoon for Phys. Ed

-Grade 7/8 Retreat is TBA

-City Track and Field Meet is on June 7th and 8th

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

What We Learned Today...May 25th

Mr. Stawarz stopped by today!

Track and Field Meet: With half our class competing at the Quad Meet, the remainder of our class stayed back at the school and watched a reward movie for the morning.

Religion: We were fortunate to have Mr. Stawarz join us this afternoon to teach us about St. Francis as well as the mysterious stigmata that he experienced during his life.

Math: Since we've had a little break since our last class, we spent a little time reviewing probability before students began working on the 11.2 assignment.

A little delayed, but here is the wonderful welcome back video our class made yesterday:

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on May 31st


-Canoeing on Friday afternoon for Phys. Ed

-Grade 7/8 Retreat is on May 31st

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

What We Learned Today...May 24th

Today was an amazing day as we got some fantastic news this morning that one of our own would be rejoining us this afternoon! As a result, we spent the majority of the morning working together to create some pretty cool things for a welcome back party.  While we only had a short time to prepare a special "welcome back" for our classmate, I was so impressed with how awesome everyone did and the end result was amazing.  As I've said before, we have such an amazing class and I'm so blessed to work with such kind and caring students each day.  I'm really going to miss this group when they move on to Grade Nine!

Career Ed: After our welcome back celebration we took some time to watch the recorded Dragons Den pitches from last week.  After viewing them for a second time, they continue to blow me away with how amazing they were! Well done everyone.

*Fully Alive:

Our class will be starting Theme Three in Fully Alive, titled: Created Sexual, Male and Female tomorrow.  This theme will discuss sexuality, examine puberty, fertility and identify STIs.  If you would like additional information, please let me know.  I am happy to send a textbook home for you to familiarize yourself with the content your child will be learning.  

Please submit your STAR Pictures to Mr. B ASAP!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on May 31st


-Track Meet tomorrow.  Select students need to be at the school by 7:45 to board the bus to the meet.

-Grade 7/8 Retreat is on May 31st

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

What We Learned Today...May 17th

Pitching "Paint Ball Z"

Dragons Den: The day finally arrived! Today the students had the opportunity to pitch their hypothetical business to a panel of "Dragons" who in turn asked questions and gave feedback on their ideas.  I'm so impressed with how amazing the groups did with this assignment, especially with the fact that they were only given two weeks to put it together. A special thanks to Bruce Anderson, Jennifer Buckingham and Adam Reeson for giving up their time to spend the morning with us!

Grade 8 Activities: We spent the afternoon working on Grade 8 Farewell activities with our fellow Grade 8 students from Mr. Rieger's class.  These activities included letter writing, star compliments and designing the cover for our farewell program.

A few more pictures from Dragons Den:

*Fully Alive:

Our class will be starting Theme Three in Fully Alive, titled: Created Sexual, Male and Female.  This theme will discuss sexuality, examine puberty, fertility and identify STIs.  If you would like additional information, please let me know.  I am happy to send a textbook home for you to familiarize yourself with the content your child will be learning.  

Please submit your STAR Pictures to Mr. B ASAP!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on May 31st


-PAA day at Miller is on May 19th

-Grade 7/8 Retreat is on May 31st

Monday, 16 May 2016

What We Learned Today...May 16th

Religion: This morning we were visited by Deacon Joe who spoke to us about the power of prayer and shared some personal stories of prayer with us.  We also took some time to work on healing prayers of our own.

Career Ed: Students were given the entire period to work on their Dragons Den pitches that they will be presenting tomorrow morning.

Math: Students spent the period working on the 11.1 handout as well as any other homework they had.

*Fully Alive:

Our class will be starting Theme Three in Fully Alive, titled: Created Sexual, Male and Female.  This theme will discuss sexuality, examine puberty, fertility and identify STIs.  If you would like additional information, please let me know.  I am happy to send a textbook home for you to familiarize yourself with the content your child will be learning.  

Please submit your STAR Pictures to Mr. B ASAP!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


11.1 is due tomorrow.

Career Ed:

-Dragons Den pitch is tomorrow

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on May 31st


-Email Mr. B your Farewell Star Picture.

-PAA day at Miller is on May 19th

-Grade 7/8 Retreat is on May 31st

Friday, 13 May 2016

What We Learned Today...May 13th

Career Ed: Students worked in their groups on improving their Dragons Den pitches using the advice that Adam gave them yesterday.

Genius Hour: After lunch students spent the half hour period working on their Genius Hour projects.

ELA: Students were given the entire period to finish up the research portion of their Persuasive Writing Assessments.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


11.1 is due on Monday

Career Ed:

-Dragons Den pitch is on May 17th

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on May 31st


-Email Mr. B your Farewell Star Picture.

-PAA day at Miller is on May 19th

-Grade 7/8 Retreat is on May 31st

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

What We Learned Today...May 11th

ELA: This morning we started out our day with a research period for the year end writing assessments. We will be continuing these assessments for the next three class periods.

Career Ed: Students were given the entire period to practice their Dragons Den pitches.  Over the period I had a chance to watch a few and I'm really impressed with how creative and unique each groups pitch is!

Religion: After lunch we learned about Taoism and Hinduism during our world religion presentations.

Math: We officially kicked off Unit 11 this afternoon and learned how to calculate probability as well as how to utilize a tree diagram and a table when solving probability questions.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-10.4 is due on Wednesday

Career Ed:

-Dragons Den pitch is on May 17th


-World Religion Assignment is due on May 9th

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on May 31st


-Email Mr. B your Farewell Star Picture.

-PAA day at Miller is on May 19th

-Grade 7/8 Retreat is on May 31st

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

What We Learned Today...May 10th

Working on their Farewell assignments

ELA: This morning students began working on an assignment that we will be using for their Grade 8 Farewell. Since we only had time to work on their rough drafts today, students will be given another class period to finish their good copies.

Religion: After lunch we continued viewing the world religion presentations and learned about Zoroastrianism and Islam.  Next up tomorrow is Taoism!

Math: Students were given the entire period to work on an open book test covering the material learned in Unit 10.  Tomorrow we will be moving on to Unit 11: Statistics and Probability.

Science: During the last hour of the day we continued to learn about Density and learned the science behind why objects float on water.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-10.4 is due on Wednesday

Career Ed:

-Dragons Den pitch is on May 17th


-World Religion Assignment is due on May 9th

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on May 31st


-Email Mr. B your Farewell Star Picture.

-Track Meet tomorrow is cancelled due to the weather

Monday, 9 May 2016

What We Learned Today...May 9th

ELA: Once we got back from the assembly the students were given a brief AR period before we participated in a fun activity that we lead into our mini creative writing unit.

Career Ed: Students handed in their business plans and spent the period working on their business pitch.  These pitches will be delivered to a panel of "Dragons" next week.

Religion: After lunch the students did a fantastic job presenting on their assigned world religion.  So far we have learned about Jainism and Sikhism with Taoism up tomorrow.

Math: Students were given the entire period to work on their 10.4 assignments and begin working on the unit review from their textbook.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-10.4 is due on Wednesday

Career Ed:

-Dragons Den pitch is on May 17th


-World Religion Assignment is due on May 9th

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on May 31st


-Email Mr. B your Farewell Star Picture.

-Track Mini Meet is on May 11th (Only select students attend)

Friday, 6 May 2016

What We Learned Today...May 6th

ELA: This morning we started out our day by learning more about the Fort McMurray wild fires through viewing numerous news reports and videos.  While we were watching the news reports, the students were tasked with completing a short reflection assignment.

Career Ed: Students had one final class period to work on their Dragons Den business plans.  These assignments are due Monday so if they are not completed, they will need to be completed over the weekend.

Religion: The students got into their groups and put the finishing touches on their world religion presentations. I'm really looking forward to viewing these wonderful presentations next week!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-10.3 is due on Monday

Career Ed:

-Business Plan is due on May 9th

-Dragons Den pitch is on May 17th


-World Religion Assignment is due on May 9th

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on May 31st


-Email Mr. B your Farewell Star Picture.

-Track Mini Meet is on May 11th (Only select students attend)

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

What We Learned Today...May 4th

ELA: We started the morning off with round two of the RAD Tests. We will have one more class period tomorrow for students to finish up these assessments.

Career Ed: Students continued working in their groups on their Business Plans.  These plans are due on Monday so some groups may have a little homework to do if they still have a lot to do.

Religion: After lunch the students continued working on their World Religion Presentations.

Math: As 10.4 is typically the hardest lesson in Unit 10, we took some extra time to go through it today because I am away tomorrow.  After the lesson students were given the rest of the period to work on the 10.3 assignments from yesterday.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-10.2 is due tomorrow

-10.3 is due on Monday

Career Ed:

-Business Plan is due on May 9th

-Dragons Den pitch is on May 17th


-World Religion Assignment is due on May 9th

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on May 31st


-Email Mr. B your Farewell Star Picture.

-Track Mini Meet is on May 11th (Only select students attend)

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

What We Learned Today...May 3rd

Enjoying their Slurpies this afternoon!

ELA: We started out the day with a full period dedicated to writing the RAD exams.  While students expressed their displeasure with writing these assessments again, I assured them that no matter how little they enjoy writing these tests, I enjoy marking 31 of them even less...

Religion: After lunch the students got into their groups and continued working on their world religion presentations.

Math: Students were given the entire period to finish up the 10.2 assignment and begin working on the 10.3 handout.

Science: During the last hour of the day we reviewed the "Bubble Test" from last class and learned about how temperature can affect the viscosity of a fluid.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-10.2 is due on Thursday

Career Ed:

-Business Plan is due on May 9th

-Dragons Den pitch is on May 17th


-World Religion Assignment is due on May 9th

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on May 31st


-Email Mr. B your Farewell Star Picture.

-Track Mini Meet is on May 11th (Only select students attend)

Monday, 2 May 2016

What We Learned Today...May 2nd

ELA: This morning we started out our day by finishing up the practice RAD from last week.  We also took a little time to go through the new RAD booklet and discuss any helpful hints and things to keep in mind when the students begin their assessment tomorrow.

Career Ed: We were joined by Adam Reeson again today, who worked with the Grade 8's on their Dragons Den business plans.

Religion: After lunch we headed to Ms. Sutherland's room and the Grade 8's worked with the kindergarten students on prayer writing.  These prayers will be read over the intercom each day throughout the month of May.

Math: We started out the period by going though the Unit 9 Math Tests from last week before beginning the 10.2 assignment.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


-Watch 10.3 video for Tomorrow

Career Ed:

-Business Plan is due on May 9th

-Dragons Den pitch is on May 17th


-World Religion Assignment is due on May 9th

Genius Hour:

-Projects are due on May 31st


-Email Mr. B your Farewell Star Picture.

-Track Mini Meet is on May 11th (Only select students attend)