Monday, 30 November 2015

What We Learned Today...November 30th

Advent Liturgy: This morning we started our week out with a wonderful Advent liturgy in the gym for the majority of the first hour of the day.  A special thank you goes out to Ms. Weafer's class for all the hard work they put into preparing such an amazing liturgy.

Religion: After lunch we reviewed our Advent lesson from last week before students were tasked with creating their own Advent Calendar.  *Full assignment will be posted online tomorrow.

Math: We officially kicked off Unit Five by learning about views of three-dimensional objects before working on a short textbook assignment from Pg. 168.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Pg. 163  - Due on Thursday
a) 3ab, 4, 5, 7a, 8
b) 3ac, 4, 6, 7, 8,
c) 3ac, 8-11

Myth vs. Movie assignment is due on Friday, December 4th.

Genius Hour:
Work on Final Project
Projects are due on December 9th


-Science Centre Field trip is on Wednesday, December 2nd.  Please bring $8 to help cover the cost.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

What We Learned Today...November 24th

ELA: This morning the students spent the entire period working on their two paragraph assignment on the differences and similarities between the myth of Perseus and the movie, "Clash of the Titans".
Record Breaking Day: Recently our class was asked to lead the Record Breaking Day that our school will be hosting.  For this event the students had to select and plan a record breaking activity that they wanted to lead in the gym on Thursday morning.

Math: Students were given the entire class to work on the practice test from Pg. 153 in their textbooks.  It was also brought to my attention that we will be unable to have Math on Thursday due to the Record Breaking Events, so the exam has been moved up to tomorrow.

Science: During the last hour of the day we briefly reviewed the terms, "Food Chain and Food Web" before learning about the different types of changes in ecosystems.

Note about Report Cards: 
I have attempted to pack them with as much detail as I could. Besides the report card you will also receive an email containing a spread-sheet of all of the assignments and tests that I gave to your daughter / son for every class that I taught to them.It is a useful method to start a discussion about what is working well and / or what improvements need to be under-taken in order to maximize their learning potential in each and every class. Please send me an email at if you have not received a copy of them electronically. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss each student’s progress and to help ensure that the academic plan that we have for each and every student is the right one for them. Please remember too that if you cannot meet with me on the scheduled dates or if you feel that you need more time I am always willing to make myself available before or after school on any given day.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Unit Exam is now tomorrow

Digital Portfolio's are overdue

Genius Hour:
Work on Final Project
Projects are due on December 9th


-Parent Teacher Interviews are on November 25th and 26th from 4:00 - 8:00.  Be sure to sign up for a time slot if you haven't already.

-Stargazing Field Trip is TBA (Stay tuned)

Monday, 23 November 2015

What We Learned Today...November 23rd

ELA: This morning we celebrated our AR achievements from October by watching the movie Clash of the Titans.  However, this movie party wasn't all fun and games as the students were tasked with taking notes on the similarities and differences between the movie and the myth of Perseus. Tomorrow the students will use their notes to write two well written paragraphs on the similarities and differences between them.  *The full assignment can be found on the ELA page.  

Math: With our Unit Exam fast approaching (Thursday) the students spent the entire class working on the Unit Review from Pg. 150 in their textbooks.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Unit Exam is on Thursday, November 26th

Digital Portfolio's are overdue

Genius Hour:
Work on Final Project
Projects are due on December 9th


-Report Cards go home on Tomorrow

-Parent Teacher Interviews are on November 25th and 26th from 4:00 - 8:00.  Be sure to sign up for a time slot if you haven't already.

-Stargazing Field Trip is TBA (Stay tuned)

Thursday, 19 November 2015

What We Learned Today...November 19th

A snapshot of our cheesy cartoon!

ELA: This morning we started our day out by watching the cheesy cartoon about Perseus and Medusa. (Look! I spelled "Perseus" right today!)  As students watched the video they were tasked with answering eight response questions that will be due on Tuesday, November 24th.

Work Period: After Recess the students were given the period to catch up on any homework they had or silently read.

Genius Hour: Students continued working on their final projects for the Genius Hour presentations that will take place in December.

-Have a great weekend!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

4.4 handout is due on Monday, November 23rd
Unit Exam is on Thursday, November 26th

Digital Portfolio's need to be completed by Monday, November 23rd

Genius Hour:
Work on Final Project
Projects are due on December 9th

Ecosystem Blog Post is overdue

Anti-Bullying Paragraph is due Tomorrow.


-Wear Blue and Yellow on Monday for Holodomor Liturgy

-Report Cards go home on Tuesday, November 24th.

-Parent Teacher Interviews are on November 25th and 26th from 4:00 - 8:00.  Be sure to sign up for a time slot if you haven't already.

-Stargazing Field Trip is TBA (Stay tuned)

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

What We Learned Today...November 18th

Digital Portfolio's: Today we spent the majority of the morning working on our Digital Portfolio's. The students have really impressed me with how hard they've worked on these assignments and I'm so excited to see the end results as they look fantastic so far.

ELA: After lunch we took some time to read through the myth of "Perseus and Medusa" so we will be able to watch the cheesy cartoon tomorrow morning.

Math: Students were given the entire period to complete their Unit 4 quiz.  

Health: During the last hour of the day the students spent the hour working on their paragraph response to the Anti-Bullying presentation.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

4.4 handout is due on Monday, November 23rd
Unit Exam is on Thursday, November 26th
Pg. 148 - Due on Thursday, November 19th
a) 1-4, 5, 6, 8, 10
b) 4, 6, 8-12
c) 3, 9, 11-13

Digital Portfolio's need to be completed by Monday, November 23rd

Genius Hour:
Begin thinking about final product.
Projects are due on December 9th

Ecosystem Blog Post is overdue

Anti-Bullying Paragraph is due Tomorrow.


-Report Cards go home on Tuesday, November 24th.

-Parent Teacher Interviews are on November 25th and 26th from 4:00 - 8:00.  Be sure to sign up for a time slot if you haven't already.

-Stargazing Field Trip is TBA (Stay tuned)

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

What We Learned Today...November 17th

Hard at work on the Science Blog Posts

Anti-Bullying Forum:  This morning we participated in the online 2015 Student First Anti-Bullying Forum.  This was a live broadcast event that featured numerous speakers who spoke about the pro's and con's of our digital society, fostering responsible behaviour online and encouraging our students to engage in "positive, collaborative activities to build safe, caring, inclusive and accepting communities". If you would like to view this event, the broadcast will be available tomorrow at this link: 

Science: After lunch students were given the entire period to work on their Ecosystem Blog Posts. Since the students worked incredibly hard during this period I have decided to give them an extra day to complete this assignment. It will now be due on Thursday instead of Wednesday.

Math: Over the hour, the students finished up their textbook assignments and began working on the 4.4 handout.  *Students, don't forget that we have a quiz tomorrow.  Please be sure to continue studying tonight!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Math Quiz on Wednesday
Unit Exam is on Thursday, November 26th
Pg. 148 - Due on Thursday, November 19th
a) 1-4, 5, 6, 8, 10
b) 4, 6, 8-12
c) 3, 9, 11-13

Goal Setting documents are overdue
Digital Portfolio's need to be completed by Monday, November 23rd

Genius Hour:
Begin thinking about final product.
Projects are due on December 9th

Ecosystem Blog Post is due on Wednesday, November 18th.  (We will have one more class period to work on it)


-Report Cards go home on Tuesday, November 24th.

-Parent Teacher Interviews are on November 25th and 26th from 4:00 - 8:00.  Be sure to sign up for a time slot if you haven't already.

-Stargazing Field Trip is TBA (Stay tuned)

Monday, 16 November 2015

What We Learned Today...November 16th

We are using Microsoft Sway for your Digital Portfolio's!
ELA: This morning the students spent the entire period working on their Digital Portfolio's using Sway in their Office 365 accounts.  Once completed, these portfolio's will be used by the students during our Parent-Teacher conferences next week.

Math: We started the class off with a brief Socrative quiz on the 4.4 video before students began working on their textbook assignment. (Full assignment is listed below)

Science: During the last hour of the day the students were tasked with writing a short blog post about three food chains in the ecosystem of their choice.  The full assignment can be viewed on our Kidblog, which can be found using the quick links to the right.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

4.3 Handout is due on Tuesday, November 17th
Math Quiz on Wednesday
Unit Exam is on Thursday, November 26th
Pg. 148 - Due on Thursday, November 19th
a) 1-4, 5, 6, 8, 10
b) 4, 6, 8-12
c) 3, 9, 11-13

Goal Setting documents are overdue
Digital Portfolio's need to be completed by Monday, November 23rd

Genius Hour:
Begin thinking about final product.
Projects are due on December 9th

Ecosystem Blog Post is due on Wednesday, November 18th.  (We will have one more class period to work on it)


-Report Cards go home on Tuesday, November 24th.

-Parent Teacher Interviews are on November 25th and 26th from 4:00 - 8:00.  Be sure to sign up for a time slot if you haven't already.

-Stargazing Field Trip is TBA (Stay tuned)

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Reminders for the Long Weekend

In all the hustle and bustle on Tuesday, I completely forgot to write our daily post. Oops!!  Rather than write up a long winded post about Tuesday, I'll just write a short post with a few things to keep in mind over the long weekend.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


Watch the 4.4 video for Monday, November 16th.

4.3 Handout is due on Tuesday, November 17th


Saint Research Assignment is overdue.  If you have not handed it in yet, please share it with Mr. B no later than Monday.

Genius Hour:

Begin thinking about final product.

Projects are due on December 9th


Goal Setting documents need to be completed by Monday

It may be a good idea to do a little reading over the break to keep yourself on pace to finish your book by the end of the month.


-Report Cards go home on Tuesday, November 24th.

-Parent Teacher Interviews are on November 25th and 26th from 4:00 - 8:00.  Be sure to sign up for a time slot if you haven't already.

-Stargazing Field Trip is TBA (Stay tuned)

Monday, 9 November 2015

What We Learned Today...November 9th

Health: After arriving back from our weekly assembly we got straight to work on the goal setting documents we began last week.  Unfortunately report cards are fast approaching and with three days off this week, students may have to do a little work on these assignments at home over the break so they are completed by Monday, November 16th.

Health/Homework Period: The students who are not in band spent the forty minute period working on their goal setting documents and any other homework they had.

ELA: Now that I finished marking the Pandora's Box assignments (finally!), we took some time to review the marked rubrics so students could see the rationale behind the mark they received.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


4.2 Handout is due tomorrow


Saint Research Assignment is due tomorrow

Genius Hour:
Begin thinking about final product.
Projects are due on December 9th


Decomposer Lab is overdue


-Bring $2 for Poppies

-Stargazing Field Trip is TBA (Stay tuned)

-No School next Wednesday - Friday

Friday, 6 November 2015

What We Learned Today...November 6th

Working on their last Decomposer Lab entry.

ELA: This morning continued where we left off yesterday and the students began working on their Goal Setting documents.  They have been tasked with creating goals in the following areas: ELA, Math, Quality Work Habits and Christ Like Behaviour.  If you would like to view a copy of the document, check the Health Tab at the top of the page or click here.

Genius Hour: Now that students have had almost two months to research their topics, we have shifted the focus on Genius Hour to creating the final projects.  Students are able to select whatever method they like for this as long as they are able to show the class what they learned and how they became a "genius" on their topic.  Our presentations will begin on December 9th and will run each day until Christmas Holidays.

Religion:  Students were given one final period to finish up their Saint Research Assignments as they are due on Tuesday.

Math: After taking a quick Socrative quiz on the 4.3 lesson, students began to work on the textbook assignment from Pg. 142.  (Full assignment posted below)

Science: During the last hour of the day we learned all about the Carbon Cycle as well as the effects that Carbon and Green House Gasses have on our environment.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


4.2 Handout is due on Monday


Saint Research Assignment is due on Tuesday, November 10th

Genius Hour:
Begin thinking about final product.
Projects are due on December 9th


Decomposer Lab is due on Monday


-Bring $2 for Poppies

-Stargazing Field Trip is TBA (Stay tuned)

-No School next Wednesday - Friday

Thursday, 5 November 2015

What We Learned Today...November 5th

Taking pictures for their Digital Portfolio!

ELA/Health: With report cards and interviews slowly approaching, we took a small break from our Greek Mythology Unit to work on goal setting as well as building a Digital Portfolio.  Over the two periods, we discussed what "SMART" goals are and examined the goal setting document that we will be working on tomorrow.  Students also took some time to go through (and take pictures) of some of their past assignments to help generate ideas for their term one goals.

Religion: After lunch the students continued to work on their Saint Research Assignments.  *Don't forget that these assignments are due on Tuesday, November 10th, so if you are a little behind, make sure to do a little work at home.

Math: Students worked on 4.2 handout that tasked them with converting between Percents, Decimals and Fractions.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


Theseus assignment is due on Thursday, November 5th


Watch the 4.3 video for tomorrow!

4.2 Handout is due on Monday


Saint Research Assignment is due on Monday, November 9th Tuesday, November 10th

Genius Hour:
Begin thinking about final product.
Projects are due on December 7th


-Stargazing Field Trip is TBA (Stay tuned)

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

What We Learned Today...November 4th

The play we saw this afternoon!

ELA: This morning we continued to learn more about the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur by reading a lengthy (and hilarious) account of events written from the perspective of Percy Jackson. Who knew that slang such as "dude" and "immortal hunk" were used in the ancient Greek times!?

Leboldus Drama: At 12:15 we headed over to Leboldus and attended the premiere of their drama, "Kill Me Deadly".

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


Theseus assignment is due on Thursday, November 5th


Pg. 135 - Due on Thursday, November 5th
a) 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 13
b) 4, 6, 8, 13-18
c) 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 21


Saint Research Assignment is due on Monday, November 9th

Genius Hour:
Continue researching topic


-Stargazing Field Trip is TBA (Stay tuned)

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

What We Learned Today...November 3rd

We learned all about Theseus today!

ELA: Due to a few missed ELA classes last week, we switched things up a little bit today and had ELA during our usual slot as well as the half hour period following lunch.  During the extended period we accomplished quite a bit as we finished up the "Youtube Hero" presentations from last week, learned about Daedalus and Icarus, watched a cheesy cartoon about Theseus, and even squished in an AR period.

Math: Due to the length of time between Math classes we briefly reviewed how to convert between percents, decimals and fractions before the students began working on the textbook assignment. (Full assignment details are listed below)

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework


Theseus assignment is due on Thursday, November 5th


Pg. 135 - Due on Thursday, November 5th
a) 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 13
b) 4, 6, 8, 13-18
c) 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 21

Genius Hour:
Continue researching topic


-Stargazing Field Trip is TBA (Stay tuned)