Working on their last Decomposer Lab entry. |
ELA: This morning continued where we left off yesterday and the students began working on their Goal Setting documents. They have been tasked with creating goals in the following areas: ELA, Math, Quality Work Habits and Christ Like Behaviour. If you would like to view a copy of the document, check the Health Tab at the top of the page or click
Genius Hour: Now that students have had almost two months to research their topics, we have shifted the focus on Genius Hour to creating the final projects. Students are able to select whatever method they like for this as long as they are able to show the class what they learned and how they became a "genius" on their topic. Our presentations will begin on December 9th and will run each day until Christmas Holidays.
Religion: Students were given one final period to finish up their Saint Research Assignments as they are due on Tuesday.
Math: After taking a quick Socrative quiz on the 4.3 lesson, students began to work on the textbook assignment from Pg. 142. (Full assignment posted below)
Science: During the last hour of the day we learned all about the Carbon Cycle as well as the effects that Carbon and Green House Gasses have on our environment.
Upcoming Due Dates & Homework
4.2 Handout is due on Monday
Saint Research Assignment is due on Tuesday, November 10th
Genius Hour:
Begin thinking about final product.
Projects are due on December 9th
Decomposer Lab is due on Monday
-Bring $2 for Poppies
-Stargazing Field Trip is TBA (Stay tuned)
-No School next Wednesday - Friday