Friday, 27 February 2015

What We Learned Today...February 27th

Unfortunately it was far too cold this morning (-38 with the windchill) to go cross country skiing.  As a result the Grade 7 field trip and Grade 8 work period day was cancelled.  In order to make this up to the students we had a work period morning and they were able to work on their two Social Studies assignments as well as their Cell Drawings for Science.  To add to the experience, we watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire while the students worked on their assignments.

In Grade 8 Math the students continued to work on their 7.4 textbook assignment, while some students began working on the handout.  *The quiz for Monday has been cancelled, however we will be having our Unit Exam on Wednesday so be sure to study this weekend.

Online Science Textbook link!:
Click here to go to the Pearson Portal log in page.
 If you would like to know your username and password just send me an email and I will send them to you this weekend.
-Mr. B

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Social Studies:
"What in the World" Oil assignment is due on Monday, March 2nd.

Colonization Journals are also due on Monday, March 2nd.

Plant and Animal Cell drawings are due on Tuesday, March 3rd

Genius Hour:
Brainstorm possible topics

Grade 8 Math:
7.3 Handout Due on Monday, March 2nd
7.4 Handout is due on Tuesday, March 3rd
Unit exam on Wednesday, March 4th


-Grade 7's full day Cross Country Skiing at White Butte tomorrow.  Pack warm clothes and a brown bag lunch

-Downhill Skiing on March 12th.  Please bring forms back by Monday, March 2nd

-Grade 9 LeBoldus forms due on Monday, March 12th

Thursday, 26 February 2015

What We Learned Today...February 26th

The results from our Murder Mystery yesterday!
ELA: In preparation for our upcoming mystery skype next week, we had one final practice session in our classroom.  For our practice, I headed to another room in the school while the students skyped with me and tried to figure out which city in the world I picked.
Interrogating a suspect yesterday

Phys. Ed: The students headed to the gym and officially began their unit on badminton by participating in an activity that taught them some of the basic skills for the sport. 

Social Studies: Students were given the forty minute period to finish up their "What in the World" Oil assignments from yesterday as well as their colonization unit journal entries. 

Career Ed: We continued to learn about Resume's today and focused on the three "F's" of resume writing. (Function, Form and (e)Ffectiveness)

Science/Month End Assembly: During the last hour of the day we had a brief Science lesson and the students continued to work on their Plant and Animal Cell Drawings.  At 2:50 we were called down to the gym for our assembly and students were recognized for achievements in AR as well as Girls Basketball.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:

-Brainstorm possible topics

Grade 8 Math:
7.3 Handout Due on Monday
Quiz on Monday


-Grade 7's full day Cross Country Skiing at White Butte tomorrow.  Pack warm clothes and a brown bag lunch

-Downhill Skiing on March 12th.  Please bring forms back by Monday, March 2nd

-Grade 9 LeBoldus forms due on Monday, March 12th

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

What We Learned Today...February 24th

Lent Presentation: We were very fortunate this morning to be joined by Mr. Miles Meyers who gave another one of his amazing presentations.  He spent time teaching us about the biblical significance of different numbers such as: 3, 7, 6, 40 etc.  Mr. Meyers also taught us more about Lent and about the three major concepts associated with it: Fast, Pray and Give. As per his usual visits, the students were quizzed throughout his presentation and were treated to different sweets for each answer they gave! I know I speak for the entire class when I say we really appreciate whenever Mr. Meyers visits because we learn so much and have a great time doing it! (If you want to check out the really cool Lent Calendar Mr. Meyers showed us, you can check it out at Busted Halo)

Hour of Code: Instead of our usual Genius Hour period today, we took a small break and the students learned all about coding computer programs through the awesome website:  Over the hour students spent time on various games and tutorials that taught them some of the basic skills to computer coding. 

Grade 8 Math: Students continued to work on the 7.3 textbook assignment (posted below) as well as the 7.3 handouts over the hour.

Science: During the last hour of the day, we reviewed the different parts of an animal and a plant cell and the students were tasked drawing detailed diagrams for each. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:

-Brainstorm possible topics

Pg. 265 - Due on Thursday
a) 2, 4(a,b,d), 5 (a,b,c), 6(a,b), 7b
b) 4 (a,c), 5 (b,d), 6 (a,c), 7c, 8, 10, 12
c) 5 (b,d), 6 (a,d), 7 (a,b), 8, 10, 12, 13, 15

7.3 Handout


-Grade 7's full day Cross Country Skiing at White Butte on February 27th

Monday, 23 February 2015

What We Learned Today...February 23rd

Lenten Liturgy/Special Presentation: We started out our week with a brief liturgy the focused on us preparing ourselves for the beginning of our journey through Lent over the next forty days.  After our liturgy, we were joined by Mr. Schaan who talked to us about "Chalice", the organization we (and many other Regina Catholic Schools) will be sponsoring throughout the Lenten season.

Religion: Students began to work on their Lenten Reflection Booklets.  For this assignment, the students have been tasked with creating realistic goals that follow the three main aspects of Lent (Praying, Fasting and Alms giving) This assignment also includes a Service portion that tasks the students with spending four hours of the Lenten Season, serving others.  This service should be something that challenges them or is something they normally wouldn't do.  *Service locations need to be cleared by Mr. Bresciani before students can begin.  Please see full assignment for more details.

Grade 8 Math: We continued to work through our unit by learning how to solve for the volume of a cylinder.

Social Studies:  Today was very important class because each group participated in an event that simulated the First Encounter between the the Plains, Algonquian and French. Students will learn next class what consequences (good or bad) this event had on their group and the direction the unit takes as a result.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:

-Brainstorm possible topics for Tomorrow


-Grade 7's full day Cross Country Skiing at White Butte on February 27th

Friday, 13 February 2015

What We Learned Today...February 13th

Singing some "Ice Ice Baby" during Karaoke Friday

Wow! It's crazy to think that we are now officially over half way through the year! This year has been flying by so fast, before we know it, it will be Grade 8 Farewell and then summer.  While time seems to be flying by, I can honestly say that I have had an absolute blast so far.  I truly am blessed to have such a wonderful group of students to teach each day and I'm excited for more great times over the next five months!  I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing break and I look forward to seeing you on the 23rd!

Drug Presentation: This morning we started out our day with the conclusion of the three-part Drug Presentation that we've been learning about for the past few weeks.  A special thank you to Bob for taking the time to stop by Deshaye and teach us about the danger of drugs.

Movie Reward:  After recess, we spent the remainder of the morning watching our reward movie for the month of January.

Grade 8 Math: In what was our final Math class before the break, students finished up their textbook assignments and began to work on the 7.2 handout.  Although, as it is a Friday, we had to make some time at the end of class for our weekly Karaoke session!

Dance:  For the rest of the afternoon, those students who met their AR goal for the month, headed down to the gym for the Valentines Day Dance.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:

-Brainstorm possible topics and questions over the break!


-There is no school next week! Enjoy the winter break.

-Grade 7's full day Cross Country Skiing at White Butte on February 27th

Thursday, 12 February 2015

What We Learned Today...February 12th

Taking a second to pose before skiing

Genius Hour: Today we started out our morning with a few more fantastic Genius Hour presentations about Ebola and Creating an Android Game.  After we finished up these presentations we started watching our reward movie for January, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.  
Phys. Ed: The students participated in some circuit training before playing a few fun games with Mr. Fuchs for the remainder of the class.

Genius Hour Cont.: During this period, we officially wrapped up our first session of Genius Hour by watching some more amazing presentations!  We will be starting a second Genius Hour after the February break so students will need to put some thought into their next topic during their time off.

Afternoon:  Right after lunch the Grade 7's boarded the bus and we headed over to Les Sherman Park for our afternoon of Cross Country Skiing.  While the Grade 7's were away the Grade 8's joined Ms. Zenuk's room and worked on some homework before participating in some fun activities!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

****Remember: ALL OVERDUE ASSIGNMENTS need to be handed in in order to continue watching the movie tomorrow!*****

Genius Hour:

-Reflection Blog Posts are due Tomorrow, February 13th

Career Ed:

-Five Skills assignment is overdue  (Select five skills from the handout that you possess and give to examples of how you possess them)


-Prayer is overdue, please share with Mr. B if you haven't already


-7.1 is due on Tomorrow, February 13th

-Pg. 257 
a) 3, 5, 7, 8, 9
b) 5ab, 7ab, 8ab, 9, 11-15
c) 5, 7, 11, 12, 15-24


-DQ lunch is Tomorrow, February 13th

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

What We Learned Today...February 11th

Unfortunately today I was in the office all day as the Acting Administrator so I missed all the action in our classroom! However, I will briefly recap the day, and then of course post the important information regarding tomorrow and Friday.

ELA: For the first hour of the day the students logged on to the Surface Pro's and worked on completing their Genius Hour Reflection Blog Posts.  Students who finished early were given the rest of the period to complete other homework or silently read.

Shortly after recess the Grade 8's headed over to LeBoldus for their Spend a Day and the Grade 7's headed to the gym for an extended Phys. Ed class.  After lunch the Grade 7's headed straight to Ms. Zenuk's room for a bonus Math class before their regular class.  At the end of the day the Grade 8's returned and the students were given the final half hour to work on other assignments or silent read.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

****Remember: ALL OVERDUE ASSIGNMENTS need to be handed in tomorrow in order to watch the movie!*****

Genius Hour:

-Reflection Blog Posts are due on Friday, February 13th

Career Ed:

-Five Skills assignment is overdue  (Select five skills from the handout that you possess and give to examples of how you possess them)


-Prayer is overdue, please share with Mr. B if you haven't already


-7.1 is due on Friday, February 13th

-Pg. 257 
a) 3, 5, 7, 8, 9
b) 5ab, 7ab, 8ab, 9, 11-15
c) 5, 7, 11, 12, 15-24


-Grade 7 Cross Country Skiing February 12th (Afternoon)  Please remember to wear the appropriate clothing tomorrow.  *Ski Pants, Gloves, Toque, Jacket etc.) 

-DQ lunch Friday, February 13th

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

What We Learned Today...February 10th

Teaching us about combination locks!

Genius Hour:
 This morning we started out our day with the next round of amazing Genius Hour presentations that continued on in the afternoon. I know Ms. Stewart-Mitchell was blown away with the quality of presentations yesterday and today certainly followed suit as I was so impressed with how great of a job the students did with these projects.  It was so cool to have each student share their passions with us and show us how they became a Genius on their topic over the past two and a half months.  I can't wait until Thursday when we will finish up these awesome presentations!

Arts. Ed: Ms. Postma stopped by and the students continued to work on their fictional character song assignment from last class.

Grade 8 Math: Students who were able to watch the video last night began working on the 7.2 textbook assignment (See full assignment below).  Those who were unable to watch it last night spent the first ten minutes of class checking it out before working on the assignment as well.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Genius Hour:

-Reflection Blog Posts are due on Friday, February 13th

Career Ed:

-Five Skills assignment is due tomorrow.  (Select five skills from the handout that you possess and give to examples of how you possess them)


-Prayer needs to be typed and shared with Mr. B by tomorrow


-7.1 is due on Friday, February 13th

-Pg. 257 
a) 3, 5, 7, 8, 9
b) 5ab, 7ab, 8ab, 9, 11-15
c) 5, 7, 11, 12, 15-24


-Grade 8 Spend a Day @ LeBoldus, Wednesday, February 11th (all day)

-Grade 7 Cross Country Skiing February 12th (Afternoon)

-DQ lunch Friday, February 13th

Friday, 6 February 2015

What We Learned Today...February 6th

Another snap shot of our practice today!
Drug Presentation: Today we were fortunate to have Bob visit again and give a great informational presentation on drugs and the consequences that they can have on person.

Arts. Ed: Students worked on an assignment that tasked them with selecting a song that would reflect the life of a fictional character from a movie.

Career Ed:  As yesterday was a band day and we were missing half of our class, we didn't get the opportunity to really work on the skills from last class.  So during the period today, students got the entire period to finish up their assignments.

Health: We had a mini health class today and the students wrote a brief reflection about the presentation from this morning.  They were asked to write about something they found interesting as well as something new they learned.

ELA: Due to Math being cancelled today, we had an extra ELA period and students worked together in an another practice Mystery Skype.  Today we made it a little more difficult by selecting a city to find rather than a country.  I'm very impressed with how great the students have been doing with this and I can't wait to see the real thing in action soon!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Science Centre Blog post is overdue

Oak Island Paragraph is overude


-Grade 8 Spend a Day @ LeBoldus, Wednesday, February 11th (all day)

-Grade 7 Cross Country Skiing February 12th (Afternoon)

Thursday, 5 February 2015

What We Learned Today...February 5th

Snapshot of our practice mystery skype this morning!

ELA: We kicked off the day with a half hour period of silent reading during AR before moving on to our practice Mystery Skype.  Once again today, students got into their roles and we had another trial run with me skyping with them from another room in the school.  The students have really impressed me with how well they work together on this project and have been able to defeat me two times in a row!

Career Ed/Homework:  Students were given the period to work on the workplace skills assignment they began last class.  If students finished up early they were given the rest of the period to read or work on any other homework they had.

Religion: Now that students have finished up editing their prayers, today the spent the half hour, typing up their good copies on the Surface Pros.

French: Ms. Bachiu stopped by just in time to give the students their quiz, that she so graciously switched from last week to this week!

Social Studies:  During the last hour of the day, students got into their Colonization Simulation groups.  Today was the official beginning of the simulation as groups were given their first groups instruction sheets.  Each group also had to make decisions that could impact the welfare of their groups.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Science Centre Blog post is overdue

Oak Island Paragraph is overude


-Grade 8 Spend a Day @ LeBoldus, Wednesday, February 11th (all day)

-Grade 7 Cross Country Skiing February 12th (Afternoon)

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

What We Learned Today...February 3rd

Working on the Algonquian group identity!

AR/Social: Following our usual AR period this morning, we changed things up a bit today and had a Social Studies period instead of ELA.  In Social, the students got into their newly formed groups (Plains, Algonquian and French) for the Colonization Simulation and spent the hour learning about their group identities (what they wore, where they lived, what they ate etc.). We will be continuing this next class as students are now tasked with drawing themselves according to what they've learned about their group identity.

ELA: Now that we've wrapped up our Oak Island paragraphs, we will be spending the next few classes practicing for our upcoming Mystery Skype.  Over the period today, students had a chance to get comfortable in the roles they will be in for our actual skype through a practice skype with me.   This was acheived by me leaving the room and video skyping with the rest of class from another room in the school.

Religion: Students continued to work on their Prayer Writing assignment for the period.

Grade 8 Math: After a few days of review, the students finally wrote their Unit 5 Exam.  Tomorrow we will be moving on to Unit 7, Volume.  Students be sure to watch the 7.1 video tonight!

Science:  During the last hour of the day, students were given the period to finish up their Science Centre blog posts from last week.  If students finished up their posts early, they began to work on their final Genius Hour Post.

Here's a few more pictures from today:

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Science Centre Blog post is due on February 5th

Oak Island Paragraph is due on Thursday February 5th


-Girls Basketball practice Wednesday @ 3:30 and our final game is Thursday, 3:30 at Deshaye.

-Grade 7's, please return your cross country skiing permission slip.

Monday, 2 February 2015

What We Learned Today...February 2nd

The French Group for Social Studies!

ELA: This morning we started out the day with a shortened AR period due to our Monday assembly.  Just a reminder for all students: You need to have met your point club total by next Friday, February 13th in order to attend our afternoon dance.  If you are unsure of your total, please see me tomorrow!
After AR, students had the rest of the period to work on their Oak Island paragraph.  These paragraphs are due on Thursday, February 5th.

Phys. Ed: The students headed down to the gym with Mr. Fuchs and they started to wrap up their Basketball unit by playing a game of Basketball Golf.

Arts. Ed: Ms. Postma stopped by and the students began their new music unit by exploring movie soundtracks and why the selection process is so important.

Religion: We continued where we left off last class and briefly reviewed the different parts of a prayer and explored the rubric for prayer writing.  Students then got the opportunity to begin writing a prayer of their own.

Grade 8 Math: Students were given the entire period to work on the Unit Review and Practice Test as well as IXl to help them prepare for their Unit 5 Exam tomorrow.

Social Studies: During the last hour of the day we officially began our unit on the Colonization of Canada.  This unit will not be taught in the classic "teacher lecture" style lessons, but rather the students will learn the content through participating in a student centred colonization simulation where they will actually become characters in history.  Over today's class we set the stage by talking about life around the world in the early 1400's and why the people from Europe began to leave in the first place.  Stay tuned for the first official simulation lesson tomorrow!

Here's pictures of the Algonquian and Plains Tribes:

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Unit 5 Exam is tomorrow, February 3rd

Science Centre Blog post is due on February 5th

Oak Island Paragraph is due on Thursday February 5th


-Girls Basketball practice Wednesday @ 3:30 and our final game is Thursday, 3:30 at Deshaye.

-Grade 7's, please return your cross country skiing permission slip.