1) Backboard - These need to be completed by Tuesday at 9:00 a.m and need to be organized and eye catching. They are the first thing the judges and spectators will see so we need to make sure they look great!
2) Complete Scientific Method - Make sure that you have all stages of the Scientific Method on your backboard (Purpose or Question, Hypothesis, Materials, Procedure, Observations/Data and Conclusion.
3) Table Displays - In order to enhance the exhibits, I would recommend bringing small models or display to help the judges understand your project. You may also want to consider bringing a table cloth to make your exhibit that much more impressive.
4) Duotang - You need to ensure you have all of your research printed off and placed in the duotang. You will also need to include all stages of the Scientific Method typed up and stored in here as well.
I just want to say again how impressed I am with each and every student in our class. It's no easy chore trying to compact a Science Fair into one month, but they've done it and the projects are really turning out amazing. I can't wait to see all the finished projects on Tuesday. Well done everyone!
Upcoming Due Dates & Homework
We are attending Divergent as a class on Wednesday, April 2nd from
11:00 - 2:20.
Fakebook assignment due TBA
All stages of the Scientific Method(Purpose, Hypothesis, Materials, Procedure, Observation & Conclusion) are now overdue.
Backboards need to be finished by Monday, March 31st
Science Fair is on Tuesday, April 1st from 12:38 - 3:00.
Watch 6.6 video for Monday
Watch 6.6 video for Monday
6.4 Handout is overdue
6.5 Handout is due on Tuesday