Thursday, 30 January 2014

What We Learned Today...January 30th

Today we started off our morning with the usual AR silent reading period from 9:08 to 9:38.  In ELA the students got into their Dystopian Book Club groups and continued to read and discuss their groups selected book.  Students, don't forget to check your schedule for upcoming due dates, as all groups need to be finished section one by next Friday!  At 10:53 we had Math and the students were given the entire hour to complete their 5.4 assignment and begin working on their unit review.  Our unit test is quickly approaching (February 6th) and I really encourage everyone to begin studying now.  The practice test in the textbook and IXL would be great resources to use while studying.

After lunch Mr. Fuchs stopped by for Phys. Ed and the students worked on different types of basketball passes.   At 1:23 we had Science and we did an experiment that investigated whether black ink is a Pure Substance or a Mixture.  In order to figure this out, students drew a line of marker on filter paper and placed it in a beaker of water and what they observed was quite interesting. As you can see from the picture below, black ink is in fact a Mixture as it is made up of many different colours.  During the last hour of the day we headed to the gym for our month end assembly. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

5.4 is due on Monday, February 3rd
Unit Exam is on Thursday, February 6th.

Mixtures and Solutions assignments are due on Monday, February 3rd

-There is no school tomorrow as it is a TPD day.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

What We Learned Today...January 29th

The students had their first Dystopian Book Club meeting today.

We kicked off our morning with a half hour of silent reading from 9:08 to 9:38.  In ELA, the students had their first official group Dystopian book Club (or the "DBC" for short!) meeting to discuss their books.  Most groups took some time to sort their books into five sections before beginning to read chapter one together. We will continue the book club meetings tomorrow and students should be following along with the schedule they received on Monday in their Book Club Package.

In Grade 8 Math we took some time to go over the Surface Area quizzes from yesterday as a class.  I was pleasantly surprised with how well the students did on these quizzes.  Good job everyone!   The students spent the rest of the period working on their 5.4 assignments as well as the unit review in their textbook.

After lunch Ms. Postma stopped by for Arts. Ed and they worked on the paragraph response to their garage band songs.  In Science we spent a little more time working on the Pure Substance and Mixture assignment before going through the "Les Transports" sheets in French.  During the last hour of the day the students had Phys. Ed with Mr. Fuchs and they continued to work on various movement patterns and skills associated with basketball.

*Congratulations to the girls basketball team on their big win last night! Good job girls!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

5.4 is due on Monday, February 3rd

Mixtures and Solutions assignments are due on Monday, February 3rd

-Girls basketball game is Thursday at Deshaye.
-There is no school on Friday as it is a TPD day.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

What We Learned Today...January 28th

Mr. Meyers in the middle of his presentation!

This morning we started out our day with a brief AR period before Mr. Meyers stopped by.  We were very fortunate to have him visit our classroom again, as his presentations are always so interesting and engaging.  The topic of today's presentation was Pope Francis and what he has accomplished in less than a year as our Pope.  Mr. Meyers also discussed why so many people are facinated with him and the different approach he has taken to his position than that of past Popes.  After his presentation of Pope Francis, Mr. Meyers took some time to answer a few of the questions the students brainstormed yesterday.  To wrap up the morning, The Grade 8's had math and they wrote their Unit 5 Surface Area Quiz and then worked on their assignments from Pg. 186 and 5.4.

After lunch the students had Phys. Ed and they worked on different basketball skills involving passing.  At 1:23 we had Science and briefly reviewed the characteristics of Mixtures and Solutions before the students were given two brief assignments to complete.  The assignments are posted under the Science tab located at the top of this blog.  During the last hour of the day the students had Health with Ms. Zenuk and they were given the hour to work on their Career Poster Assignments. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Arts. Ed
Garage Band Songs and paragraphs due tomorrow

Mixtures and Solutions assignments are due on Monday, February 3rd


-Girls basketball game is Thursday at Deshaye.
-There is no school on Friday as it is a TPD day.

Monday, 27 January 2014

What We Learned Today...January 27th

Our five books for the DBC (Dystopian Book Club)
We kicked off our week this morning with a school wide assembly in the gym. Ms. Norris gave a shout-out to our boys basketball team who did an excellent job representing Deshaye at the St. Matthew Invitational Tournament over the weekend.  The boys played extremely well in the tournament and made it all the way to final.  Good job boys! In ELA we officially started our Dystopian Book Club as students were placed into groups and given the novel they will be responsible for reading over the next month. Students also discussed and created ground rule expectations that they have for their book club groups.  *Each group was given a package that outlines all the assignments and blog posts for this unit as well as a schedule with all due dates.  I have also posted this booklet on my blog which can be found here or on the ELA tab at the top of the blog. 

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Postma and they were given the hour to complete their Social Justice Garage Band songs.  At 1:38 we had Religion and we brainstormed different questions to ask Mr. Meyers during his presentation tomorrow. Just to give you an idea, some of the questions that were discussed were: Was God always around or did someone create God? How did different races come to be? What does God look like?..etc. We are really looking forward to hearing Mr. Meyers responses tomorrow morning! During the last hour of the day the students had Health with Ms. Zenuk and they had the hour to work on their Career poster assignment. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Grade 8
Math Quiz tomorrow

Arts. Ed
Garage Band Songs and paragraphs due Wednesday


-Girls basketball game is tomorrow at Mother Teresa Middle School and Thursday at Deshaye against St. Catherine
-There is no school on Friday as it is a TPD day.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

What We Learned Today...January 22nd

We got started on Edmodo today!

This morning we started out our day with a half hour period of AR from 9:08 to 9:38.  In ELA we spent the first half of the period reading the 1948 short story, "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson.  This was a really intriuging story as it contains so many characteristics of dystopian societies as well as a shocking twist at the end! During the second half of the class the students worked in their groups to discuss the story and work through a couple of response questions about the story.  Both the story and the assignment can be found ont the ELA tab located at the top of the blog. 

Unfortunately, Grade 8 Math was cancelled today so we spent the hour setting up accounts on Edmodo. Edmodo is a safe online learning platform that allows students to connect and collaborate with other students in our classroom. On this website students are able to pose questions, participate in online class discussions, access and submit homework and monitor all upcoming events and due dates using our class calendar. We will be using this website a lot over the course of the year, especially during our Dystopian Unit.  Participation on this site will also be reflected in the students PAA marks for term 2.  *Parents, if you would like to follow along, you can create your own account as well.  However, you will need to use a unique parent access code that can be found on the left hand side of the your child's account page.

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Postma and they continued to work on their Garage Band Social Justice assignments.  Students will only have two more classes to work on this assignment as it will be due on January 27th.  At 1:38 we had Science and continued to investigate Pure Substances and Mixtures as well as their subcategories.  During the students had Phys. Ed with Mr. Fuchs and they participated in a few different basketball activities.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

"The Matrix" Blog Post is due tomorrow

Gifts of the Holy Spirit Reflection is due on Friday

Lab reflection questions due tomorrow
Grade 8
5.3 is due tomorrow


-Girls basketball practice on Thursday 3:30 to 4:30 now 5:00
-Grade 7s: Bring your outdoor winter clothes on January 29th as we are at White Butte all day Cross Country Skiing.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

What We Learned Today...January 21st

Some of the supplies from our Science lesson today!

We started off our morning with a half hour of silent reading from 9:08 to 9:38.  In ELA the students were given the entire hour to work on their "Matrix" blog post response. This was the last class to work on this assignment and it will be due on Thursday, January 23rd.  (Just in case anyone forgot, the kidblog site is: In Grade 8 Math we spent some time going over the 5.1 and 5.2 assignments that were handed back and students were also given some time to complete their 5.3 assignment.  We will be having our Unit 5 quiz next Tuesday, January 28th.  The students were given a study guide for the quiz and I would reccomend that students begin studying a little bit every night this week.

After lunch the students had Phys. Ed with Mr. Fuchs and they worked on various basketball skills and movement patterns.  At 1:23 we had Science and investigated the difference between a Pure Substance and a Mixture as well as the sub categories of both.  During the last hour of the day the students had Health and they were given the hour to work on their career poster assignment. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

"The Matrix" Blog Post is due on Thursday

Gifts of the Holy Spirit Reflection is due on Friday

Lab reflection questions due Thursday

Grade 8
5.3 is due tomorrow


-Girls basketball practice on Thursday 3:30 to 4:30
-Grade 7s: Bring your outdoor winter clothes on January 29th as we are at White Butte all day Cross Country Skiing.

Monday, 20 January 2014

What We Learned Today...January 20th

Playing French Battleship!

This morning we kicked off our day with a school wide assembly in the gym before heading back to the classroom for a half hour of AR.  In ELA the students were given the hour to work on their "Matrix" blog post response.  These responses can be found at our kidblog site: (You will need to have your child log in using their id's in order to view posts due to privacy settings). At 10:38 we had Religion and continued our lesson from last week on the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Students then spent the rest of the hour completing their short reflections.  The assignment can be found on the at the end of the Ms. Zenuk's Power Point Presentation which can be found here or on the Religion page. 

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed and they continued to work on their social justice songs on the macbooks.  These projects are really coming along nicely and I can't wait to hear the final product when the are completed!  At 1:38 we had French and continued to focus on the concept of transportation and basic questions and responses that go along with it. To end the class off the students played a game of "battleship" using key questions and responses about transportation.  If  would like to view the assignment from today it can be found on the French page (tab located at the top of the blog) or here.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

"The Matrix" Blog Post is due on Thursday

Gifts of the Holy Spirit Reflection is due on Friday

Grade 8
5.3 is due on Wednesday
Pg. 180 is due Tuesday
a) 3, 4, 5, 7, 10
b) 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10
c) 4-6, 10, 12, 13

-Girls basketball practice on Tuesday and Thursday 3:30 to 4:30
-Grade 7s: Bring your outdoor winter clothes on January 29th as we are at White Butte all day Cross Country Skiing.  

Friday, 17 January 2014

What We Learned Today...January 17th

This morning we started out our day with the usual AR period from 9:08 to 9:38.  Instead of ELA today, we had French and continued our "Voyager" unit by looking at the different times of the year people travel as well as why they travel. At 10:08 Ms. Folk called us down to the Library to take our first STAR (reading comprehension) test of the New Year.  In Grade 8 Math the students continued to work on Pg. 180 as well the 5.3 handout.  Note: This assignment will be due on Wednesday, January 22nd.

After lunch we had another French period and we finished up a quick assignment from this morning before looking about different modes of transportation.  At 1:23 we switched over to Religion and took some time to talk about the different gifts we got for Christmas.  As we were creating a list of presents, we discovered that almost everything on our list was "material" items.  This discussion lead directly into the focus question for today: "What gifts has God given us?". To end the class we talked about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the students were given a small reflection to work on. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Perfect Society Paragraph is due on Monday

Grade 8
5.3 is due on Wednesday
Pg. 180 is due Tuesday
a) 3, 4, 5, 7, 10
b) 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10
c) 4-6, 10, 12, 13

-Girls basketball practice on Tuesday and Thursday 3:30 to 4:30
-Grade 7s: Bring your outdoor winter clothes on January 29th as we are at White Butte all day Cross Country Skiing.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

What We Learned Today...January 16th

Working on their blog posts!

We kicked off our day with the usual AR period of silent reading from 9:08 to 9:38.  In ELA we finished up our "Matrix" lesson from yesterday and the students were then tasked with writing a blog post response about "The Matrix" Here's the assignment:

Complete a blog entry in response to the following question: What does the film, “The Matrix” communicate about the world? What controls the world in this film and the people who live in that world? What connections can you make to the message? Do you agree or disagree with this message from the film writer? Why or why not?

These blog posts will be written on our class kidblog which can be found at: 

After lunch the students had Phys. Ed and continued where they left off yesterday by working on a few different skills associated with basketball.  At 1:23 we had an extra ELA class (because we will be missing it tomorrow) and the students were given the period to work on their "Matrix" blog response questions.  Note: There is now a great app for "kidblog" and I would really recommend if for any students with an iPhone, iPod or iPad!
Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Perfect Society Paragraph is due on Monday

Grade 8
5.2 is due overdue
Pg. 180
a) 3, 4, 5, 7, 10
b) 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10
c) 4-6, 10, 12, 13

-Grade 7s: Bring your outdoor winter clothes on January 29th as we are at White Butte all day Cross Country Skiing.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

What We Learned Today...January 15th

We continued our Matrix lesson today!

We began our day with the usual AR  period of silent reading from 9:38 to 10:38.  In ELA we continued our investigation into Dystopian Societies.  Over the course of the hour we looked at characteristics that identify Dystopian Society as well as character traits that most protagonists possess.  Students were then shown select clips from "The Matrix" and were then tasked with identifying the Dystopian characteristics and character traits within.  In Grade 8 Math we continued to work on finding the Surface Area of rectangular and triangular prisms. 

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Postma and they continued to work on their garage band music assignments on the macbooks.  At 1:38 we switched gears and the students worked on four reflection questions from their Science lab yesterday.  During the last hour of the day the students had Phys. Ed with Mr. Fuchs and they worked on a different basketball skills. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Social Studies
Senate Scandal Assignments are now overdue

Grade 8
5.2 is due Thursday

-Grade 7s: Bring your outdoor winter clothes on January 29th as we are at White Butte all day Cross Country Skiing.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

What We Learned Today...January 14th

Mixing it up in Science!

This morning we started off our day with a half hour of silent reading from 9:08 to 9:38.  Once we finished up silent reading it was time for ELA and we continued working through our Dystopian unit.  We spent some time today investigating the meaning of the word "Dystopia" by looking at clips from the 1999 movie The Matrix. This movie is an excellent example of a Dystopian movie and it really helps to paint a picture of what a exactly a Dystopian Society looks like.  If you would like to view the lesson plan feel free to click here to follow along with what we are learning!

In Grade 8 Math we briefly reviewed nets of 3-D objects before looking at how to find the Surface Area of a rectangular prism.  We spent the majority of today's class looking at how to find the Surface Area and will continue this trend tomorrow when we look at Triangular Prisms.  *Remember 5.2 is due on Thursday. 
After lunch the students had Phys. Ed with Mr. Fuchs before heading to the multi-purpose room for our Mixtures and Solutions lab in Science.  For this lab, the students mixe different substances together (salt, water, sugar, soap etc) and were tasked with recording the results.  This will directly lead into our next concept on pure substances and mixtures next week.  During the last hour of the day the students had Health with Ms. Zenuk and they took a career quiz online before beginning to work on a job poster assignment.

Here are some more pictures from our science lab today:

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Arts. Ed
Hand in overdue assignments

Social Studies
Senate Scandal Assignments are now overdue

Grade 8
5.2 is due Thursday
Pg. 173 - Due Wednesday
a)1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10
b) 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 13
c) 1, 3, 7, 9-13


-Boys Basketball game tomorrow at St. Augustine.
-Grade 7s: Bring your outdoor winter clothes on January 29th as we are at White Butte all day Cross Country Skiing.

Monday, 13 January 2014

What We Learned Today...January 13th

Our newly changed Religious Table.

This morning we kicked off our week with a school wide assembly in the gym.  We also took some time to celebrate the end of the Christmas Season and the beginning of Ordinary Time by changing our Alter cloth from white to green.  After the assembly we had ELA and discussed what a "Utopian Society" was and the students took some time to write a paragraph about what a perfect society would look like.  At 10:38 we had Religion and students were given one final hour to work on their New Years resolution assignments.  Note: These assignments are now due on Thursday. 

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Postma and they continued to work on their garage band music assignments on the macbooks.  At 1:38 we had an extra ELA to class to work on the Dystopian paragraph because the students at band missed the initial class.  During the last hour of the day the students had Health with Ms. Zwingli.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Arts. Ed
Hand in overdue assignments

Social Studies
Senate Scandal Assignments are now overdue

Grade 8
5.1 is due tomorrow
Pg. 173 - Due Wednesday
a)1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10
b) 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 13
c) 1, 3, 7, 9-13


-The second girls basketball try-out is on Tomorrow, January 14th after school.

Grade 7s: Bring your outdoor winter clothes on January 29th as we are at White Butte all day Cross Country Skiing.

Friday, 10 January 2014

What We Learned Today...January 10th

Working on French!
This morning we kicked off our day with a half hour period of silent reading from 9:08 to 9:38.  In ELA we compared the decisions that each group made during the Shipwrecked Role-Play activity and discussed how some of the choices groups made have actually taken place in real life.  We also took some time to watch a Simpsons episode where the main characters are stranded on a desert island.  We used this episode as a tool to compare the decisions that the characters made in the show to those that were made by the students in our class.  In Grade 8 Math the students continued to work on their assignment from Pg. 173 as well as the 5.2 handout.

After lunch the students had Phys. Ed with Mr. Fuchs and they had a free period to play a game of their choice.  At 1:23 we had French and continued to work our way through the "Voyager" unit by looking at the question, "As-tu fait un voyage"as well as the responses.  Students were then given a brief scavenger hunt assignment to help them practice the question and responses.  During the last hour of the day we had Religion and the students were given the hour to work on their New Years Resolution paragraphs. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Arts. Ed
Find your Social Issue song for Monday

Grade 8
5.1 is due on Monday, January 13th
Pg. 173
a)1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10
b) 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 13
c) 1, 3, 7, 9-13


-The second girls basketball try-out is on Tuesday, January 14th after school.

Grade 7s: Bring your outdoor winter clothes on January 29th as we are at White Butte all day Cross Country Skiing.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

What We Learned Today...January 9th

The Grade 7's went Cross Country Skiing today!

We kicked off our morning today with the usual AR silent reading period from 9:08 to 9:38.  Instead of ELA today, Mr. Csada came by to teach Social Studies because we were going to miss it in the afternoon due to the Cross Country Skiing.  Over the hour the students were given an assignment about the geography of Japan.  In Grade 8 Math we began a new concept, "Nets of Three-Dimensional Objects".  The students really seemed to grasp the concept so we began working on an assignment from our textebooks.  The full assignment is posted below.

After lunch the Grade 7's boarded the bus and headed out for Cross-Country Skiing while the Grade 8's stayed back and worked on their New Years Resolution Project as well as their Math. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Arts. Ed
Find your Social Issue song for Monday

Grade 8
5.1 is due on Monday, January 13th
Pg. 173
a)1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10
b) 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 13
c) 1, 3, 7, 9-13


-The second girls basketball try-out is on Tuesday, January 14th after school.

Grade 7s: Bring your outdoor winter clothes on January 29th as we are at White Butte all day Cross Country Skiing. 

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

What We Learned Today...January 8th

Mr. Benko working with the students on Garage Band
*Note: Tomorrow's Grade 7 Cross  Country has been moved to the afternoon instead of the morning.
This morning we started out our day with AR silent reading from 9:08 to 9:38.  In ELA we continued our Ship Wrecked Role Play activity from yesterday and the students were tasked with making even more decisions about their fictional island.  Some of the decisions that were made today involved how to deal with conflict, creating laws, culture and war.  I was really impressed with the creativity that each group displayed today with their decision making and ideas! At 10:38 we had Math and the Grade 8 students continued to work on their assignment from Pg. 168 (assignment posted below) and some students got a head start on their 5.1 assignment. 

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Postma and were very lucky to have Mr. Benko, who is the technology coach for our system,  stop by to teach them how to use the program "Garage Band" on the macbooks.  After he finished up, the students actually began to work on creating a song of their own using Garage Band.  At 1:23 we had Science and continued to learn about the Particle Theory of Matter.  To help the students understand this concept, we tried an experiment that saw an egg being sucked into a bottle.  Here's a youtube video that displays what we attempted to do today.  During the last hour of the day the students had Phys. Ed with Mr. Fuchs.

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Arts. Ed
Find your Social Issue song for Monday

Grade 8
Pg. 168
a) 1, 2, 3a, 4, 5, 7, 8
b) 2, 3a, 4, 7b, 8, 9a
c) 3a, 4, 6, 8-11


-Boys Basketball Try-outs are on Thursday after school.

Grade 7s: Bring your outdoor winter clothes on Thursday, January 9th as you are going Cross Country Skiing.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

What We Learned Today...January 7th

Working on the Ship-Wrecked Role Play

This morning we kicked off our day with a half hour of silent reading during AR.  At 9:38 we moved on to ELA and officially started our Dystopian Unit.  For our introductory lesson, students were split up into 5 groups and took part in a role-play activity where they found themselves stranded on a desert island in the year 3000.  Students had to work together in their groups to make decisions on issues such as: leadership, division of labour, property and currency.  We only got half way through the activity today so we will spend some time finishing it up tomorrow. 

In Grade 8 Math we began unit 5 by looking at views of three-dimensional objects.  Students learned about the different parts of 3D objects (face, edge and vertex) as well how to determine the top, front and side views when looking at a 3D object.

Emptying a pop can for our experiment!
After lunch the students headed to the gym with Mr. Fuchs for Phys. Ed. At 1:23 we had Science and  began our new unit on Mixtures and Solutions.  Students learned about the "Particle Theory of Matter" and observed two demonstrations that dealt with converting a liquid to a solid in a matter of seconds as well as imploding a can using the change of state from a liquid to a gas.  I'm really excited to be teaching this unit as there as so many fun and interesting experiments and demo's coming up over the next few months!  During the last hour of the day the students had Health with Ms. Zwingli Zenuk as she is now back from her honeymoon. Congratulations Mrs. Zenuk!

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Arts. Ed
Find your Social Issue song for Monday

-Girls Basketball Try-outs are tomorrow from 3:30 - 5:00 and Boys Basketball Try-outs are on Thursday after school.

Grade 7s: Bring your outdoor winter clothes on Thursday, January 9th as you are going Cross Country Skiing.

Monday, 6 January 2014

What We Learned Today... January 6th

The Dystopian Board for our next ELA unit!

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing Christmas break over the past two weeks.  I'm really excited to be back as there are so many amazing things that will be happening over the next 6 months!

This morning we started out the new year with a wonderful Epiphany liturgy in the gym.  I would like to thank Ms. Kondzielewski and all the other staff members for all their hard work in preparing the liturgy today.  Once we got back to the classroom, the students got out their books and were given the half hour before recess to silent read during AR.  After recess we had Religion and we watched a video about key events that happened in the world during 2013.  Students were then asked to write about key moments their life that occurred in the past year as well as goals they have for themselves in 2014.  We will continue to work on this assignment during class tomorrow and Wednesday. 

After lunch the students had Arts. Ed with Ms. Postma and they looked at Social Justice Issues in the world and listened to different songs that were written about them.  *Students, don't forget you need to select a song about a Social Justice Issue by Monday, January 13th
At 1:38 we had another mini Religion class and the students continued to work on their writing assignment.  During the last hour of the day the students had Health and they read a few pages from their Fully Alive books before working on a Character Assignment. 

Upcoming Due Dates & Homework

Arts. Ed
Find your Social Issue song for Monday


Grade 7s: Bring your outdoor winter clothes on Thursday, January 9th as you are going Cross Country Skiing.  (Note will go home tomorrow)